
Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

author:Every day says the past and the present
Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

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In the early spring of 2004, a warm sun poured on the streets of Cambridge, England, gilding the footprints of a young couple with a golden glow. Xu Ziqi is wearing well-cut jeans, with clear and bright eyes and white and neat teeth on her beautiful and moving face, while Li Jiacheng is dressed in a black suit to set off his vigorous and upright figure, and his gestures are full of handsome and chic.

The two gazed affectionately, smiling at each other, their eyes meeting with endless love.

At that time, Xu Ziqi was studying for a master's degree at Cambridge University, and came from a middle-class family in Hong Kong, where his father was a senior executive at a well-known company and his mother ran a large cleaning service company.

Lee Ka-shing is the only son of Lee Shau Kee, the founder of Henderson Group, who was born in a real estate family and is destined to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the family business.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

In this way, these two young people met and met inadvertently, thus starting a passionate and sweet love story. At first, they carefully expressed their feelings in their hearts, fearing that the public relationship would be opposed by their families.

Li Jiacheng has always cared for Xu Ziqi, lighting a romantic candlelight dinner for her to discuss profound topics such as academic research and philosophy of lifeXu Ziqi is also attracted by his talent as a background, firmly believing that he is the prince charming of his dreams.

It wasn't long before their romance spread quickly across campus. In August 2004, a photo of the two kissing on the beach was made public, and major media speculated whether their romance had surfaced.

Faced with questions from the media, Xu Ziqi resolutely denied it at first, but in the end, he was forced to publicly admit his relationship with Li Jiacheng.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

The news soon reached the ears of the Li family. As the helmsman of the family, Lee Shau Kee is naturally very concerned about his son's marriage. At that time, he had already entered the prime of life, and the future development of the Li family was inseparable from a trustworthy heir.

Although the eldest son, Li Jiayan, has been married for many years, he has no children under his knees, which undoubtedly disappoints Lee Shau-kee, and the marriage between Li Jiacheng and Xu Ziqi is undoubtedly very important.

Lee Shau Kee naturally hopes that the young couple can get married as soon as possible and reproduce for the family. He admired the future daughter-in-law, believing that she was not only well-born and knowledgeable, but more importantly, believed that she had the characteristics of a "prosperous husband" and could bring good luck and happiness to Li Jiacheng.

Since then, Li Jiacheng and Xu Ziqi's relationship has been recognized and supported by the elders in the family, and they have begun to carefully prepare for the upcoming wedding.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

Since the day Xu Ziqi was born, her mother has paved a glittering road for her - her destiny is set to marry into a wealthy family and live a carefree and noble life.

In order to realize this dream that seems like a fantasy, Xu's mother has spent more than 20 days of hard work, and she has devoted herself to caring for and taking care of her beloved daughter.

Although the Xu family is not world-renowned, in the eyes of Xu's mother, compared with those families with strong financial backgrounds, their own family is insignificant after all. She had high hopes for her daughter, hoping that she would become one of the truly powerful and illustrious and live a rich and prosperous life.

In order to achieve this lofty goal, Xu's mother invested endless efforts in Xu Ziqi's growth process.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

First of all, in order to let her daughter have a flower-like face, Xu's mother resolutely chose to usher in the birth of Xu Ziqi by caesarean section, so as to avoid the potential risk of dampness and cold physique.

After her incarnation, she repeatedly warned her daughter not to get involved in any household chores, so as not to spoil her delicate temperament.

In addition to her busy studies, Xu's mother will also hire senior tutors to teach Xu Ziqi social etiquette, calligraphy and painting and other aristocratic skills, so that she can show the demeanor of a famous lady in the future.

During the festive season, Xu's mother would bring Xu Ziqi to attend high-end clubs to socialize with wealthy businessmen and celebrities and broaden her network.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

Xu Ziqi has been deeply influenced by her mother since she was a child, and deeply understands that her future will definitely be associated with a wealthy family. When she returned to Hong Kong in 1996, she did not hesitate to step into the door of the entertainment industry.

The entertainment industry has always been a gathering place for the children of rich families, and both mother and daughter are looking forward to meeting more ideal partners through this platform.

Whenever Xu Ziqi is about to participate in a new drama, Xu's mother always monitors her closely, lest she take on any vulgar, low-level or violent scenes, thereby damaging her noble and elegant image.

In this regard, Xu Ziqi understood and avoided those "inferior" characters as much as possible.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

Mother Xu paid half a lifetime of hard work in order to let her daughter marry into a wealthy family. And Xu Ziqi has always adhered to his mother's precepts and worked tirelessly for this goal. It wasn't until 2004 that she met Li Jiacheng and saw the dawn of her dream coming true.

From then on, she will devote herself to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

For a long time, the matter of the ancestral tomb of the Xu family has been regarded as a taboo within the family, and no one is willing to mention it too much. However, just recently, a man who claimed to be Xu Ziqitang's uncle suddenly and publicly revealed a jaw-dropping inside story.

According to this cousin's uncle, as early as when Xu Ziqi and Li Jiacheng were about to enter the marriage hall, Xu's father took a bold and reckless action in private -- he actually moved the ancestral grave of the Xu family without authorization! Uncle Tang indignantly accused Xu's father of moving Xu Ziqi's grandmother's grave to another place without the consent of other members of the family.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

This behavior is undoubtedly a serious violation of the ancestral teachings of the family, and according to Feng Shui, turning the ancestral tomb without permission will upset the balance of yin and yang, thus bringing a devastating blow to the family's fortunes.

Sure enough, after the grave relocation incident, Xu's father's career fell into difficulties and suffered setbacks one after another.

Uncle Tang firmly believed that this was Zu Ling's severe punishment for Xu's father's reckless behavior.

The reason why Xu's father acted so recklessly was nothing more than to ensure that Xu Ziqi could marry into a wealthy family smoothly. According to Feng Shui, changing the location of the ancestral tomb is equivalent to changing the fate of the entire family, and Xu's father hopes to improve the fortune of the family and help his daughter's happy life.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

Uncle Tang expressed extreme indignation at this, believing that it was a great disrespect to the ancestors.

This remark is undoubtedly a strong question of the authority of Xu's father's parents. As the head of the family, Xu's father actually concealed this matter from his own cousin, which was tantamount to setting himself on fire.

Suddenly, there was a huge wave of opposition within the Xu family.

However, Xu's father's attitude towards the ancestral tomb was disdainful. He insisted that Feng Shui was a mere superstitious idea with no credibility.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

In December 2006, this date is destined to be engraved on the monument of Hong Kong's history. The sun was shining on the land of Sydney, and Xu Ziqi was anxiously waiting in the dressing room.

Today, she will tie the knot with Lee Kar-shing, who is 11 years older than herself, and will be promoted to the bride of the Lee family.

As the daughter-in-law of Hong Kong real estate magnate Lee Shau Kee, Xu Ziqi naturally needs to show the most elegant and generous demeanor. She wore a gorgeous wedding dress worth up to HK$14 million, a sparkling diamond necklace with a total value of HK$8 million around her neck, and a huge diamond ring worth up to HK$4 million in her hand.

The total value of these jewellery jewellery has exceeded a staggering HK$15 million.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

What's even more amazing is that these dazzling diamond accessories are all made from the hair of Xu Ziqi and Lee Ka Shing! This exquisite technique uses the latest technology and is artificially finely processed to produce them at a price of more than three times that of natural diamonds.

In order to make the bride more perfect, the makeup artist team did their best, and after months of hard work, the cost of makeup and styling alone was as high as 500,000 Hong Kong dollars. And the magnificent crown on her head is worth 2 million and is set with diamonds weighing a total of 30 carats.

On the day of the wedding, from early in the morning, a team of professional bodyguards guarded Xu Ziqi closely to ensure her personal safety. Many guests arrived at the scene on the Li family's special plane, and the cost of air tickets alone was as high as 1.15 million Hong Kong dollars.

After arriving in Sydney, Australia, the Li family once again took over the highest-level local hotel to provide the most luxurious hospitality services for the distinguished guests, spending a total of 5 million Hong Kong dollars.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

The wedding venue was located at the National Theatre in Sydney, and the venue was unprecedentedly luxurious, with a total of 1,000 delicate red roses to be decorated, and the venue rental cost alone was a whopping HK$4.5 million.

When the bride Xu Ziqi wore a white wedding dress and walked the long red carpet elegantly, all the guests were deeply attracted by her noble and elegant temperament.

The wedding banquet that followed was even more pompous. Mr. Lee Shau Kee not only presented a huge gift of up to HK$100 million to the Xu family, but also generously distributed a total of HK$10.5 million in employee red envelopes to all employees of Henderson Group, so that everyone can share this joy.

Even the scientific research team members involved in the development of artificial diamonds received a generous prize of HK$10,000 each.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

In this way, under the attention of everyone, Xu Ziqi was officially promoted to the new rich daughter of the Li family. This grand wedding, which cost up to 100 billion Hong Kong dollars, has undoubtedly become a classic chapter in the history of Hong Kong entertainment, winning Xu Ziqi the highest honor of "100 billion daughter-in-law".

Soon after the wedding, Xu Ziqi quickly devoted himself to the next important stage of his life - prospering for the Li family to stabilize his position in the wealthy family.

In July 2007, the first year of marriage, Xu Ziqi successfully gave birth to a cute little princess. At that time, when Mr. Lee Shau Kee was ecstatic, he publicly promised to give Tsui a reward of HK$100 million as long as she added a new life to the family.

Faced with such a rich reward, Xu Ziqi's mood couldn't help but get excited. She was determined and went all out, and in May 2009, she underwent a thrilling caesarean section and successfully gave birth to the second daughter of the Li family.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

As expected, Lee Shau Kee kept his promise and bought her a Ferrari sports car worth up to HK$5 million, and the license plate number "IOU" was worth up to HK$80,000!

However, at this moment, a sudden change quietly came. Li Jiayan, the eldest son of the Li family, gave birth to three children in one fell swoop through surrogacy. This undoubtedly brought a huge impact and threat to Xu Ziqi's status.

In order to meet this challenge, she decided to get pregnant again and made thorough preparations for it.

As expected, Xu Ziqi successfully gave birth to a baby boy in 2010, and the Li family was cheering. Lee Shau Kee was even more lavish this time, buying a 20-carat diamond ring for his beloved daughter, and at the same time, he personally named the grandson of his daughter and presented him with a luxury yacht as a gift.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is three years later in 2013, Xu Ziqi is happy again, and the Li family has been succeeded since then. In this year, the Li family officially announced that Li Jiacheng would take over the family business and become the helmsman of the new generation.

And Xu Ziqi also temporarily shelved her birth plan.

Looking back on the past, Xu Ziqi gave birth four times in a row in just eight years, all of which were performed by caesarean section, and paid a huge price. Although there are voices from the outside world accusing her of being a "fertility machine", in any case, she has used her practical actions to interpret what is the style of a real wealthy lady.

For the continuation of the family bloodline, she can be said to do her best and be conscientious.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

Today's Xu Ziqi has successfully achieved the life goal set for her by her mother since she was a child - to marry into a wealthy family and live a carefree life. She held a cute baby in her arms, with a happy smile on her face, and gazed affectionately at her husband Li Jiacheng beside her.

Lee Ka-shing takes good care of his wife and children, and through the window, we can see their mansion halfway up the hill and the yacht docked on a private marina, which is enough to show the endless wealth and honor of the family.

Perhaps, in the eyes of Ms. Xu Ziqi, her hard work in the past 24 years is just to pave the stone to success to climb to the top of the wealthy family! What do you cherish? Undoubtedly, it is the current safe and worry-free life: there are lovely children around her knees, there is the love and care of her affectionate husband, the family atmosphere is harmonious and full of warmth, and there is no need to worry about life.

Who in the world can get such superior treatment and a happy life like her? Life belongs to everyone's own chapter after all, no matter which way you choose to move forward, you will more or less feel deep emotion at a certain moment.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: Before she was born, she was counted as a good figure, and her father moved the ancestral grave directly in order to marry a wealthy family?

As long as you have faith in your heart and live up to your conscience, you will be able to meet every new stage of your career with high morale!

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