
She is the "successor of Ni Ping", a phone call is 33 years old, and her husband and 3-year-old son have never married

author:Lovely Filipino girl

When it comes to Shen Xuhua, everyone must be very familiar with her, her talent is comparable to Dong Qing, the audience likes her to the same extent as Fang Qiong, and some people even regard her as Ni Ping's successor.

She is the "successor of Ni Ping", a phone call is 33 years old, and her husband and 3-year-old son have never married

However, her life was forever stopped in an accident at the age of 33. Today, let me take you into the story of Shen Xuhua.

Shen Xuhua, she was born in Hangzhou in 1969, and grew up listening to her mother's voice on the radio since she was a child. This environment makes her particularly interested in broadcasting and hosting.

When she arrived at university, she went to Zhejiang University of Media and Communication to learn broadcasting and hosting. In the four years she was there, she did a particularly good job as a host, winning many awards.

She is the "successor of Ni Ping", a phone call is 33 years old, and her husband and 3-year-old son have never married

After graduating, she went directly to work at Yuhang TV Station. Because she is very talented and has a good temperament, she quickly became a first-class announcer. Even the Hangzhou Municipal Radio and Television Bureau took a fancy to her.

However, Shen Xuhua is not satisfied with the current situation, she wants to pursue a bigger stage. In 2000, CCTV held a grand host competition, and Shen Xuhua did not hesitate to get on the train to Beijing.

In that masterful competition, although she did not enter the top few, her talent and temperament attracted Wu Chun, the producer of the "Sunset Red" program.

She is the "successor of Ni Ping", a phone call is 33 years old, and her husband and 3-year-old son have never married

After the competition, Wu Chun strongly recommended Shen Xuhua to join CCTV and become the host of the "Sunset Red" program.

In the days of CCTV, Shen Xuhua conquered the audience with her talent and enthusiasm. Her intimate image, fluent expression and professionalism have made her the darling of the audience.

But just when her career was at its peak, a sudden accident ruined everything.

She is the "successor of Ni Ping", a phone call is 33 years old, and her husband and 3-year-old son have never married

On August 1, 2002, Shen Xuhua and her colleagues and friends had dinner at the Zhang Shengji Hotel near Anzhenqiao in Chaoyang District. During dinner, her cell phone rang suddenly. Because it was too noisy in the private room, she took her mobile phone and went outside to answer the phone.

However, what she didn't expect was that behind a door in the hotel that was not marked with a purpose, there was a space without a floor. When she pushed open the door and walked in, she accidentally stepped on the air and fell directly from the second floor.

She is the "successor of Ni Ping", a phone call is 33 years old, and her husband and 3-year-old son have never married

Because it happened so suddenly and in a remote location, Shen Xuhua unfortunately passed away on the way to the hospital, when she was only 33 years old.

Shen Xuhua's death made many people feel sad and sad. Her son was only 3 years old at the time, and he didn't understand the meaning of life and death, and he didn't know that his mother had left him forever.

She is the "successor of Ni Ping", a phone call is 33 years old, and her husband and 3-year-old son have never married

However, he could feel his father's sadness and despair. He knew that his home was no longer the warm place of laughter.

Shen Xuhua's husband made a surprising decision after grief - he decided not to marry a wife again in his life. He couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life with other women, because he knew that his heart had stayed with Shen Xuhua forever.

She is the "successor of Ni Ping", a phone call is 33 years old, and her husband and 3-year-old son have never married

In this society where everyone is busy chasing fame and fortune and can't calm down, it is really touching that there is such a sincere and deep love like the sea.

In addition to her family, the colleagues around her are also very sorry for Shen Xuhua's departure, and the original unit CCTV even held a memorial service for her, just to show respect and miss her.

She is the "successor of Ni Ping", a phone call is 33 years old, and her husband and 3-year-old son have never married

I have to say that Shen Xuhua's death is really regrettable, not only because of her talent and beauty, but also because life is really too fragile and unpredictable. Although her life is not long, it is full of struggle and pursuit.

She used her talent and enthusiasm to bring joy and emotion to the audience, and also won respect and honor for herself. However, an accident ended her life early, leaving endless regrets and thoughts.

After Shen Xuhua left, her family and friends were trying their best to find comfort and strength. They recalled the bits and pieces of Shen Xuhua's life and shared her photos and videos to commemorate her.

She is the "successor of Ni Ping", a phone call is 33 years old, and her husband and 3-year-old son have never married

It's a pity that the Si people have passed away, leaving grief in vain, and finally wish Shen Xuhua to rest in heaven, and may her family and friends be able to get out of their grief and regain their lives as soon as possible. #头条创作挑战赛#

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