
Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth

author:T Entertainment Notes

On July 1, some netizens in Hubei met Sun Haiyang, an Internet celebrity looking for relatives, at the door of a steamed bun shop in Jianli.

Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth

Sun Haiyang's father died two days ago, the funeral was very grand, Sun Haiyang's children have already returned to Shenzhen, Sun Haiyang is still in his hometown, is to help take care of his father's funeral.

Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth

This time, Sun Haiyang came out with his mother, whose hair was gray and her face was sallow, her spirit was obviously not good, and she was carrying a plastic bag with some documents in it.

Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth

Netizens speculated that the old mother went to the police station to cancel the old father's household, which is really sad. Once a person dies, everything in the world is gone, as if it never came.

Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth

I saw that Sun Haiyang had lost a lot of weight, he almost didn't recognize it at first sight, his face was smaller than before, and his complexion was not very good, after all, his father had just passed away, and he was still in a sad mood and couldn't extricate himself.

Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth
Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth
Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth
Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth

But he is very down-to-earth, never put on a show, netizens said that they wanted him to cooperate with the filming of a video, he came over immediately, and it was very good to never refuse.

Sun Haiyang was an ordinary migrant worker who opened a steamed bun shop in Baishizhou, Shenzhen, before looking for relatives, and now he has become an Internet celebrity through looking for relatives, and he can be regarded as a star and public figure, but the essence has not changed.

Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth
Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth

Looking at the photos of Sun Haiyang who was met by chance last year, he was still wearing this dress, a white T-shirt and black shorts, his complexion was obviously much better, and his face was big and meaty.

Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth

At that time, Sun Haiyang's father was still alive, and Sun Haiyang would drive back to his hometown in Jianli, Hubei Province from time to time to visit his father, and he was not as sad as he is now.

Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth

Now that his old father has passed away and he will never see him again, Sun Haiyang has always felt sad, because he has been looking for relatives all over the country all over the country, and the time he has spent with his father is too short.

His son Sun Zhuo got it back, and Sun Haiyang still wanted to let his family accompany his old father more in the future, but he had no chance, and he had been sad.

Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth

No wonder he has lost so much weight, sometimes the real pain is really torturous, and the loss of weight and gray hair overnight is incomprehensible to normal people.

Sun Haiyang was met by chance, and he was still taking care of his father's funeral in Jianli, and he lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was not good, but he was down-to-earth

Si people have passed away, everything is irretrievable, only good memories are left, I hope Sun Haiyang will adjust his state as soon as possible, return to normal work and life, Shenzhen's steamed bun shop is still waiting for him to make steamed buns! #头条创作挑战赛##头条首发大赛#

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