
Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were kept secret, Sun Haiyang did not respond, and the family was evaluated as a drama spirit

author:A late-night cafeteria on a windy evening


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Speaking of Sun Zhuo, this young man is really hot in the 2024 college entrance examination season.

His college entrance examination results, tsk, have become a hot topic after dinner.

Although this result has always been a mystery, guess what, there are various versions of speculation on the Internet, some of which are said to have noses and eyes, and the score gap can be more than 100 points.

Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were kept secret, Sun Haiyang did not respond, and the family was evaluated as a drama spirit

According to our reliable grapevine, Sun Zhuo's score may fluctuate between 520 and 623 points.

How much? Haha, don't worry, it's a suspense.

Sun Zhuo's father, Sun Haiyang, this buddy's curiosity in the face of the outside world and the spirit of breaking the casserole to ask the end, that is really a set.

Under the siege of a long gun and short cannon by the media, he said lightly that he would shake out the college entrance examination results at the appropriate time to make the big guys feel at ease.

Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were kept secret, Sun Haiyang did not respond, and the family was evaluated as a drama spirit

No, as soon as the unresolved drama was staged, it not only made everyone's hearts itch, but also made the Sun family the focus of heated discussions.

Speaking of Sun Haiyang's family, netizens' evaluations are varied.

Some people praise them for knowing how to use the wind of the media to blow the family's fame and interests higher; Some people also complained that they deliberately made it mysterious, not just to attract more attention to their live broadcast.

Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were kept secret, Sun Haiyang did not respond, and the family was evaluated as a drama spirit

But having said that, since Sun Zhuo returned to home study, his academic performance has been very good, and he has become the object of attention of many people.

It is also worth mentioning that Sun Zhuo's school information is also a mystery, and the school is also tight-lipped about it.

Sun Haiyang is quite open-minded about his son's achievements, and he feels that as long as Sun Zhuo works hard, his achievements are all floating clouds.

Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were kept secret, Sun Haiyang did not respond, and the family was evaluated as a drama spirit

On the eve of the college entrance examination, some netizens asked Sun Zhuo's mother Peng Siying if she would wear a cheongsam to cheer for her son, Peng Siying laughed and said that we don't engage in these bells and whistles, don't add pressure to the child.

This series of things, although Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results have been unveiled, there are other major matters at home, so this matter will be put aside.

Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were kept secret, Sun Haiyang did not respond, and the family was evaluated as a drama spirit

Sun Haiyang is not in a hurry to disclose Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results, and the reasons for this are very complicated.

In addition to the pressure from the media and the public outside, the family has been doing a lot of things recently, and his father has died of illness, and he has to go back to Hubei Jianli to deal with the aftermath, which is a big burden.

The family is busy with funerals and other miscellaneous matters, and the matter of disclosing the college entrance examination results will be put aside for now.

Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were kept secret, Sun Haiyang did not respond, and the family was evaluated as a drama spirit

You say that this Sun Haiyang family, although they have always maintained a low-key attitude towards life and are quite lenient about Sun Zhuo's academic performance, their approach has caused a lot of turmoil on the Internet.

They never wanted to portray Sun Zhuo as a scholar, but always emphasized that "the grades are okay, just do your best".

This attitude made some netizens scratch their heads, and they wondered why they didn't directly disclose the results, so that all speculation could be ended? .

Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were kept secret, Sun Haiyang did not respond, and the family was evaluated as a drama spirit

Now, Sun Haiyang's situation is really a bit bad.

In addition to dealing with the funeral at home, he also had to figure out how to choose a suitable university based on Sun Zhuo's scores.

At times like these, any disclosure of results can become a new focal point and source of stress.

If he had made his achievements public during the period of family mourning, he might have been misconstrued as being overly concerned about his public image at the expense of family feelings.

Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were kept secret, Sun Haiyang did not respond, and the family was evaluated as a drama spirit

Moreover, because of the fame of Sun Haiyang's family, every time they appear, they will attract a lot of comments and criticism.

Therefore, in this situation, it is more prudent and reasonable to choose a more appropriate time to disclose Sun Zhuo's achievements.

Although Sun Haiyang's strategy for dealing with public information and private family matters has caused widespread speculation and discussion, it is more a reflection of their comprehensive consideration in the face of multiple pressures.

Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were kept secret, Sun Haiyang did not respond, and the family was evaluated as a drama spirit

This debate over achievements is not just a simple issue of information disclosure, but a deeper challenge of how to find a balance between public concern and personal privacy.

Sun Zhuo's college entrance examination results were kept secret, Sun Haiyang did not respond, and the family was evaluated as a drama spirit

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