
Sun Haiyang's father's funeral banquet money was actually taken by the eldest brother of the Sun family, and the truth was revealed that netizens were not calm

author:Energetic squirrel


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Sun Haiyang, this name is a household name in Shenzhen.

Recently, his new home in Shenzhen was finally completed, which was supposed to be a great time for family reunions and toasts.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances, Sun Haiyang's father, the old man who has broken his heart for the family all his life, was seriously ill when his son's new home was completed, and finally failed to survive this hurdle and died.

Sun Haiyang's father's funeral banquet money was actually taken by the eldest brother of the Sun family, and the truth was revealed that netizens were not calm

Speaking of this old man, his life can be described as full of hardships and hardships.

In his early years, he walked the streets and alleys as a street vendor, exposed to the wind and sun, and never complained in order to support his family.

During Sun Haiyang's search for his long-lost brother Sun Zhuo, the old man did his best to support his son silently behind his back.

Sun Haiyang's father's funeral banquet money was actually taken by the eldest brother of the Sun family, and the truth was revealed that netizens were not calm

It's a pity that he couldn't wait for the day when Sun Haiyang found Sun Zhuo, nor did he see the appearance of his son's new home.

After his father's death, although he repeatedly emphasized that he hoped that the funeral would be simple and simple, Sun Haiyang insisted on holding a beautiful funeral for his father.

On that day, relatives and friends gathered together, and celebrities such as Guo Gangtang and Xie Qingshuai's father also came to see the old man on his last journey.

Sun Haiyang's father's funeral banquet money was actually taken by the eldest brother of the Sun family, and the truth was revealed that netizens were not calm

According to local custom, the younger generation of the Sun family rode on a coffin and wore a red hat to express their respect and remembrance of their elders.

Although this custom varies from place to place, here it represents the deepest remembrance of the deceased.

At the funeral, Sun Haiyang did not wear linen and filial piety according to traditional customs, but wore a black suit.

Sun Haiyang's father's funeral banquet money was actually taken by the eldest brother of the Sun family, and the truth was revealed that netizens were not calm

This suit was specially prepared for him by his father before his death, hoping that he would be able to dress appropriately on important occasions.

Sun Haiyang put on this suit, as if telling his heavenly father: "Look, I put on the suit you prepared for me, and I will live a good life and live up to your expectations."


The old man not only cared about his own future before his death, but also was full of worries about the future of the family.

Sun Haiyang's father's funeral banquet money was actually taken by the eldest brother of the Sun family, and the truth was revealed that netizens were not calm

He specially instructed Sun Haiyang to deal with the problem of family property and avoid brothers from turning against each other because of money.

This heavy responsibility is on Sun Haiyang's shoulders, and he must face this challenge alone.

This is also enough to see the importance that the old man attaches to family harmony and the relationship between future generations.

Although Sun Haiyang is now a multimillionaire and his new home in Shenzhen is richly decorated, his financial pressure is still not small.

Sun Haiyang's father's funeral banquet money was actually taken by the eldest brother of the Sun family, and the truth was revealed that netizens were not calm

The daughter is about to study abroad, and the son Sun Zhuo is about to enter the university, and the education expenses of these two children are not a small amount.

Fortunately, Sun Haiyang's eldest brother, Sun Xiangyang, took the initiative to bear the cost of the guest banquet after the funeral, sharing part of the financial pressure for him.

As the eldest son in the family, Sun Xiangyang's move undoubtedly demonstrates his sense of responsibility and importance to the family.

Sun Haiyang's father's funeral banquet money was actually taken by the eldest brother of the Sun family, and the truth was revealed that netizens were not calm

Although he can use his younger brother Sun Haiyang's fame to expand his business territory, such as engaging in easy ways to make money such as live streaming, he chose to keep a low profile so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to his younger brother's family.

This spirit of taking into account the overall situation and thinking about the family has made netizens praise and express their envy of the deep friendship between their brothers.

Sun Haiyang's father's funeral banquet money was actually taken by the eldest brother of the Sun family, and the truth was revealed that netizens were not calm

Sun Xiangyang's actions not only gave Sun Haiyang a respite financially, but also brought the relationship between family members closer.

With his actions, he interprets the respect for his father's last wish and the pursuit of family harmony.

I believe that their fathers in the heavenly spirit will also be glad for the unity and harmony of these two sons.

Sun Haiyang's father's funeral banquet money was actually taken by the eldest brother of the Sun family, and the truth was revealed that netizens were not calm

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