
Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle

author:19K Pure Entertainment


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Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle

Text|19K Pure Entertainment

Editor|19K Pure Entertainment

In the entertainment industry, there is a strange phenomenon: after the actor becomes popular, he becomes more humble and low-key. This may sound a bit incredible, but TVB Emperor Chen Shancong is such an example.

From obscurity to popularity, he not only did not flutter, but was more down-to-earth. And what is the story behind this? Let's find out.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle

From Emperor to Dad: Chen Shancong's road to transformation

Chen Shancong, this name is now a household name in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. From an obscure supporting role to a leading role on the screen, he proved himself with strength.

However, what surprised us was that Chen Shancong was not dazzled by fame and fortune after becoming famous. On the contrary, he became more pragmatic and cherished everything in front of him.

This transformation stemmed from the fact that he became a father.

Chen Shancong in life is now the father of a 4-year-old child. This identity has brought him an unprecedented sense of responsibility and mission.

"Since having children, my outlook on life has changed dramatically. I no longer live only for myself, but for this little life. Chen Shancong said in an interview.
Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle

This sense of responsibility is reflected in the importance he attaches to his son's education. Recently, Chen Shancong shared the good news that his son received the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate on social platforms, which made people feel his pride and satisfaction as a father.

Strict Father and Mother: Chen Shancong's Parenting Sutra

Chen Shancong and his wife can be described as well-intentioned in educating their children. They do not plan to have a second child, but devote all their energy to the cultivation of this only child.

At the age of 4, he received the taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, which is enough to show the excellence of the little one. But in Chen's view, this is just the beginning.

"The life of a big guy needs to work hard step by step, and no one's success is to sit back and enjoy." Chen Shancong said.
Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle

This sentence is not only an expectation for his son, but also his own life creed. In Chen Shancong's view, success requires hard work, and this kind of effort should start from a young age.

But Chen Shancong was not a strict father. On the contrary, he hopes that his son can grow up happily and healthily.

"I hope that my son can live a happy life, which is the deepest hope of every parent for their children." This sentence expresses Chen Shancong's heart as a father.

Group pet in the circle: Chen Shancong's son's star aunt group

Interestingly, Chen Shancong's son is not only the baby of his parents, but also the favorite of many actresses in the circle. Hu Dingxin, Yao Ziling, Li Shihuan and other actresses all love him, and often interact with him in private.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle

This phenomenon, on the one hand, stems from Chen Shancong's good popularity in the circle, and on the other hand, it also reflects the rare sincere friendship in the entertainment industry.

"We're like one big family, caring for each other and taking care of each other." Hu Dingxin once described her relationship with Chen Shancong's family.

This warm atmosphere has undoubtedly created a loving environment for Chen Shancong's son to grow up. Growing up in such an environment, I believe that the little one will definitely become a sunny and cheerful big boy in the future.

Career and family are not wrong: Chen Shancong's philosophy of life

After becoming a father, Chen Shancong's attitude towards work has also changed. He has become more diligent and cherishes every job opportunity even more.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle

No matter how hard and tiring the work is, he will not complain, but will complete it conscientiously. Because he has only one thought in his heart, that is, he hopes to give his wife and children a better life.

"Nowadays, I don't refuse the job arranged by the company, and seeing that my son is getting bigger and bigger, and his tuition has become one of the huge expenses of the family, so whether it is for my son or for this family, I am willing to work hard." Chen Shancong said.

This attitude makes people awe of him. In this impetuous era, it is really rare for an artist to be so down-to-earth and pay for his family.

The new drama is on the air: Chen Shancong's acting career has reached new heights

Recently, the new drama "Anti-Black Hero" starring Chen Shancong is on the air. In the play, the role he plays can be described as the absolute male protagonist, and the role is quite heavy.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle

Interestingly, Chen Shancong not only has an ex love in the play, but also a year-old love. This complex emotional line undoubtedly brings a lot of challenges to his performance.

But Chen Shancong used his superb acting skills to perfectly interpret the complex heart of this character.

However, some netizens believe that Chen Shancong's role is not as brilliant as the roles of the other two actors, Yuen Weihao and Zhang Zhenlang. In this regard, we might as well look at it from another angle:

An excellent work often requires multiple excellent actors to work together. Each character has its own unique charm, and it is this diversity that makes for a wonderful TV series.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle

Netizens are hotly discussed: Chen Shancong's family life has attracted attention

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens think that Chen Shancong is a good father and has put a lot of effort into the growth of his children:

"It was really touching to see how proud Chen Shancong was for his son to receive his taekwondo certificate. This is fatherly love!"

Some netizens also agreed with Chen Shancong's parenting concept:

"It's wise not to pursue a second child, but to nurture a child wholeheartedly. Quality is more important than quantity!"
Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle

Some netizens expressed their admiration for Chen Shancong's ability to balance work and family:

"Being able to make continuous progress in his career and take care of his family at the same time, Chen Shancong is really amazing!"

Of course, there are some different voices. Some netizens think:

"Learning taekwondo at the age of 4 will be too stressful for children? Shouldn't childhood be a little freer?"

Some netizens questioned Chen Shancong's performance in the new drama:

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle
"Although he is the leading actor, I feel that the role and performance are not as good as the other two actors."

These different voices just reflect the high level of public attention to artists and their enthusiasm for parenting topics.

Written at the end: the extraordinary in the ordinary

Throughout Chen Shancong's experience, we can see the extraordinary in the ordinary. He is both a successful actor and a dutiful father. He found a balance between his career and his family.

This balance may be the state of life that each of us is pursuing.

Terrible! TVB TV Emperor Chen Shancong's 4-year-old son has a taekwondo yellow and green belt certificate, and he is the favorite of actresses in the circle

Chen Shancong's story has brought us a lot of inspiration: success is not the end, but a new starting point; The happiness of the family is more important than anything else; Be down-to-earth and never give up.

Finally, I would like to throw out a question: how should we balance career and family in this fast-paced society? Everyone is welcome to share your thoughts in the comment area.

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