
Zhuangzi: "Those who have deep desires are shallow"

author:Higher Education Digest

In the long river of history, there are always some wise men who penetrate the prosperity of the world with their profound eyes and glimpse the most essential truth of life. Zhuangzi, the philosopher who is free between heaven and earth, gently clears the fog in front of the world's eyes with the sentence "Those who have deep desires, their heavenly opportunities are shallow", allowing us to find a trace of clarity and detachment in the chaos.

Zhuangzi: "Those who have deep desires are shallow"

1. The sea of desire is unfathomable

In this bizarre world, desire is surging like a tide, which is not only the driving force for social progress, but also the shackles that bind people's freedom. People often run wild on the road of materialism and fame, but forget to stop and listen to their inner voice.

As the ancients said: "The five colors make people blind, the five tones make people deaf, and the five flavors make people feel refreshed." "Excessive desire not only makes people lose the ability to perceive beautiful things, but also makes people's hearts covered with a thick layer of dust, making the originally clear heaven blurred.

Zhuangzi's Kunpeng, spreading his wings for 90,000 miles, and swaying the sheep's horns for 90,000 miles, his ambition is thousands of miles away, unrestrained, and free. On the other hand, those ordinary people who are trapped by desires, their hearts are like birds in a cage, although they have wings and are difficult to fly, they seek rice all day long, and they cannot be liberated. Isn't that a kind of sadness?

Second, contentment and happiness are at ease

"Contentment is not humiliating, knowing that it will not perish, it can last for a long time." Lao Tzu's words, like morning bells and dusk drums, alert every soul struggling in the ocean of desire.

In life, if you can know how to be content, you can find a peaceful harbor in the chaos. Contentment is not a lack of progress, but an understanding of what is truly needed and what is fleeting. It allows people to cherish every possession in front of them and enjoy every moment of life in their limited life.

There is a cloud in "Caigen Tan": "The road of Tianli is very wide, and if you wander your heart a little, you will feel vast and grand in your chest; The road of human desire is very narrow, and only then do they send their tracks, and there are thorns and mud in front of them. This is not only a description of the path of life, but also a profound revelation of the state of the human heart.

When our hearts are filled with desires, it is like walking on a narrow and rugged path, and every step is full of hardships and hardships. And when we learn to let go of those unnecessary desires and let the soul return to its true nature, we will find that the road of life is so broad, and the world of the soul is so vast.

Zhuangzi: "Those who have deep desires are shallow"

3. Subtract desires, and the heart is broad

"If you are not indifferent, you will not be ambitious, and if you are not quiet, you will not be far-reaching." Zhuge Liang's sentence in the "Book of Commandments" expresses the true meaning of self-cultivation.

In this materialistic era, we need a calmness and tranquility to resist the temptation of the outside world and protect the purity of our hearts. Subtracting desire does not mean that we should give up our love and pursuit of life, but we must learn to maintain a sober and rational attitude in the pursuit, and not let desire become a stumbling block for us to move forward.

When we learn to look at the gains and losses in the world with a normal heart, and face the ups and downs of life with a detached attitude, we will find that those troubles and sorrows that once made us linger are just fleeting and fleeting. And our hearts, in this detachment and freedom, become wider and deeper.

Fourth, the heavenly machine is revealed, and wisdom is self-generated

"Those who have deep desires are shallow." Zhuangzi's words are intended to warn us that only by reducing the constraints of desire can our nature and wisdom be revealed.

Nature is the true nature of human beings, and it is the purest and most primitive force in the depths of every human being. Wisdom is a valuable wealth accumulated through continuous learning and practice on the basis of this authenticity.

When our hearts are no longer blinded by desires, we will be able to recognize our inner world more clearly and understand the true meaning of life. This sobriety and consciousness will guide us to a higher realm of life, so that the tree of life will grow more vigorously in the wind and rain.

Zhuangzi: "Those who have deep desires are shallow"

Fifth, indifferent and ambitious, quiet and far-reaching

In the journey of life, we may encounter countless temptations and challenges, but as long as we can stick to the calmness and tranquility in our hearts, we can maintain a sober and firm in the midst of chaos.

Let us take Zhuangzi as a mirror and "Caigen Tan" as a mirror, learn to reduce those unnecessary desires, let the soul return to its true nature, and let wisdom bloom in tranquility.

"There are flowers in spring, there are moons in autumn, cool breeze in summer, and snow in winter. If there is nothing to worry about, it is a good time in the world. ”

May we all have an indifferent heart, enjoy every beautiful moment in life, and let the flower of life bloom with the most brilliant brilliance in indifference and tranquility.