
456, Zhuangzi's outer chapter "Heaven and Earth" II

author:A collection of traditional Chinese culture

[Original 2-1]

The Master said (1): "The Master, the one who carries all things is also full of joy (2)! A gentleman should not be disrespectful (3). The non-action is the sky, the non-action is the virtue (4), the love of others and things is benevolence (5), the difference is the great (6), the difference is wide (7), and the difference is rich (8). Therefore, the predicate of virtue is discipline (9), the predicate of virtue is standing (10), and the predicate of following the road is prepared, and the predicate is not finished with frustration. If a gentleman knows these ten things, he will be able to do things with great greatness (11) and be able to pass away from all things (12). If so, they hide gold in the mountains (13) and pearls in the abyss, which is not good for goods and wealth (14), and is not close to the rich (15); Not happy (16), not mourning; Not honorable (17), not ugly and poor (18); Do not limit the interests of one world to one's own selfishness (19), and do not take the king of the world as one's own appearance (20). It is clear that all things are one house (21), and death and life are the same. ”

456, Zhuangzi's outer chapter "Heaven and Earth" II


(1) Master: refers to "Lao Tzu." ”

(2) Yangyang: grand appearance.

(3) 刳kū: to cut open and hollow out. "Cutting the heart" refers to the whole mind that excludes all distracting thoughts.

(4) Talking about inaction: talking about it with an attitude of inaction.

(5) Love: Bring love to people. Profit: Something beneficial.

(6) Different and same: the previous "same" is the same and the same; 1. "Same" is combined.

(7) Cliff Difference: Strange. It refers to people's temperament, words and deeds that are not in line with common sense.

(8) There are all kinds of differences: It means that the heart accommodates all kinds of differences.

(9) Persistence: keep, hold. DE: This refers to the natural endowment of human beings. Discipline: Discipline.

(10) Li: refers to standing up for social contributions.

(11) Tao: Tolerance. Matter: Intentions; Stand up.

(12) Pei: the appearance of turbulent water, which generally refers to sheng and large. The rain is grand.

(13) Zang: also known as "sinking".

(14) Unfavorable goods: do not take goods and goods as benefits.

(15) Near: approaching, approaching, and extended to pursuit.

(16) Unhappy longevity: Do not regard longevity as happiness.

(17) Tong: erudite and talented.

(18) Ugly: shame, "not ugly and poor" means not to see poverty as shame.

(19) 節gōu: 通 "hook". Hooking, probing. One: Complete. Private division fèn: a matter within the personal division.

(20) "King of the world" means to be the king of the world, that is, to rule the world. Conspicuous: Prominent residence. (21) Fu: Generally refers to a place where people and things gather.


Lao Tzu said: "The Tao covers and carries all things, vast and grand. A gentleman cannot fail to open his heart and eliminate all distractions.

Doing it with an attitude of non-action is called natural; With the attitude of non-action, it is called virtue; Giving love or benefit to others is called benevolence; Accommodating differences is called big; Behavior that is not perverse is called leniency; Tolerance of all kinds of differences in the heart is called wealth.

Therefore, to uphold virtue is called the outline; Virtue is called standing; Following the Tao is called completeness; Not being bruised by external objects is called perfection.

The gentleman understands these ten aspects, and his tolerance is so great that it washes away all the distracting thoughts in his chest like a turbulent flowing water. If this is the case, the gold can be hidden in the mountains and the pearls can be sunk in the abyss; He does not covet riches, nor does he seek riches; Do not regard longevity as happiness, do not regard untimely death as sorrow, do not take pride in erudition and outstanding talent, and do not be ashamed of poverty; Do not regard the pursuit of the interests of the world as their duty, and do not regard ruling the world as their own prominent position. To be illustrious is to be exalted. All things live in the same natural world, and death and life are the same. ”


This paragraph, through the mouth of Lao Tzu, expounds the vast and grand nature of the Tao to cover and carry all things. Second, it lists ten behaviors that a gentleman should have.

The ten behaviors that a gentleman should have listed here are actually speaking of the vast and grand characteristics of a person who covers and carries all things. Because, only with this characteristic, "then the heart of the Tao is great, and it is the death of all things". Only with this characteristic does not care about wealth, wealth, longevity, honor and disgrace, status, etc.

[Original text 2-2]

The Master said, "The way of the husband is as deep as his dwelling, and as clear as his purity (22). The golden stone shall not (23), and there shall be no sound. Therefore, the golden stone has a sound, and it does not sound without examination (24). All things can be determined! The man who is virtuous (25) is ashamed of his death (26), and he is known to God (27). Therefore, its virtue is wide, its heart is out (28), and there are things to be collected (29). Therefore, the form is not the Tao, and the birth is not the virtue. Exist in the form of a poor life, be virtuous and enlightened, and those who are not virtuous are evil! Swing (30)! Suddenly (31), suddenly (32), and all things (33)! This is called the man of Wang De. It is silent as it is (34) and silent. In the darkness, the only one can see the truth (35); In silence, alone and in harmony (36). Therefore, the deep is deep and can be refined (37), and the god is divine and can be refined (38). Therefore, it is connected with all things, and it is supplied to it when it is out of nothing (39), and it wants its lodging (40); Size, length, distance (41). ”


(22) 漻liáo: Stopped gathering (water).

(23) Jinshi: refers to the bells, chimes and other utensils made of "gold" and "stone". Forbidden: refers to the illegal production process (i.e., improper).

(24) Test: percussion.

(25) The person of Wang De: refers to the person of Shengde.

(26) Su: The original meaning is silk without dyeing. Shame on things: Shame on mundane affairs.

(27) Motohara: Finger-naturedness.

(28) Out: revealed.

(29) Take: take.

(30) Swinging: sublime and broad appearance.

(31) Out: Appear.

(32) Boran: the meaning is the same as "suddenly". Action: Action. (33) From: Faith.

(34) Darkness: deep and mysterious.

(35) Unique: talent. Xiao: Ming.

(36) And: should be combined.

(37) Being able to produce things: It means being able to produce all things from them.

(38) Ability to refine: that is, to be able to produce spirit from it. (39) To nothing: extremely poor.

(40) Cheng: galloping, indulgent; Zhi satisfied. Accommodation: Stop; Remain; Have a rest.

(41) 脩: Fellow practitioner, meaning tall and long.


Lao Tzu said: "The Tao is like living in the deep sea, and the water that stops gathering is deep and clear. The bell and chime are made of gold and stone, and the production is not in line with the "Tao", it is not loud, so although the bell chime has the instinct to ring, it does not ring or ring.

Who can judge the nature of all things! A person of virtue is pure and unblemished and ashamed of being entangled in mundane affairs, based on his nature and wisdom is able to communicate with the gods. His virtue is broad, his heart is revealed, and he adopts this attitude towards all external objects.

Therefore, if the body does not have the Tao, it cannot produce life, and life cannot be manifested without the Tao. Isn't it the behavior of a virtuous person to preserve the body to the best of his life, and to establish virtue and enlightenment? Such virtue is so noble and broad! As soon as he appears, as soon as he acts, the people will believe in him! This is the person with Shengde.

Dao, it looks so deep and mysterious, and it sounds so silent. But it is in the depths that you can see its light, and in the silence you can hear its echoes.

You must know that the real content of things is hidden deep and deep, and the true essence of things is revealed when they are subtle and subtle.

Therefore, the Tao is connected with people, and it is necessary to meet people's needs only when they are extremely poor, and to stop and rest for a few days and repair when they are at their best. Whether it's big or small, long or short, high or far. ”


In the second paragraph, it further clarifies the profound and subtle nature of the avenue. And through the actions of the people of Shengde, the profound and mysterious avenue and its significance are further explained.

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