
464, Zhuangzi's outer chapter "Heaven and Earth" ten

author:A collection of traditional Chinese culture

Zigong traveled south to Chu, against Jin, through Hanyin (1), saw a zhang people will be a garden (2), dig a tunnel and enter the well, hold the harvest and irrigate (3), and use a lot of force and see little merit (4). Zigong said: There is a weapon here, a day to soak a hundred furrows, with little effort and a lot of work, the master does not want to care? "For the sake of the gardener, he said (5);" How? He said: "Cutting wood is a machine, the back is heavy and the front is light, and the water is like pumping (6)." The number is like the soup (7), and its name is 槔 (8). He smiled at the gardener's anger and said, "I have heard of my teacher, those who have machines must have things (9), and those who have things must have hearts (10)." If the heart is stored in the chest, it will be pure white (11); If there is no pure whiteness, God is uncertain (12); God is born uncertain, and the word is not contained (13). I don't know, I'm ashamed. Zigong was ashamed (14) and bowed down but was not right.

There is leisure (15), for the gardener said: "Zi Xi is evil? He said, "The disciples of Confucius are also." The gardener said: "Zifeifu is erudite to imitate the saint (16), so to cover the people (17), and the solitary string lamentation to sell fame in the world (18)?" Thou shalt forget thy spirit, and fall into thy form (19), and thou almost! And the body can't be cured, and there is no time to rule the world! There is no shortage of things to do (20)! ”


(1) Hanyin: the south bank of the Han River. The south of the mountain and the north of the water are called yang, and the north of the mountain and the south of the water are called yin.

(2) Zhangren: a common term for elderly men in ancient times. Garden: A garden where vegetables are grown.

(3) 甕: the variant of the word "urn". 

(4) 搰搰hú然: the appearance of exertion

(5) 卬yǎng: also known as "Yang", to raise the head.

(6) 挈qiè: mention.

(7) Shuò: frequent, which means fast. 泆yì: also known as "overflow". Soup: Refers to boiling water.

(8) 槔gāo: that is, orange jié 槔, a primitive water lifting tool, also known as a boom.

(9) Tricks: Clever things.

(10) Ingenuity: ingenuity and change.

(11) Pure white: pure and white, without stains. Prepared: Yes.

(12) Divine birth: refers to the mind and spirit.

(13) contain: the meaning of bearing. 

(14) Concealment: the appearance of shame.

(15) Leisure: room. "Leisure" is like "not for a while".

(16) Imitation: analogy.

(17) Yu: the appearance of self-satisfaction.

(18) Solo strings: self-singing and self-harmony. Lamentation: A song lamenting the events of the world.

(19) Shenqi: refers to "Tao". Zhuangzi takes the Tao as qi, so the spirit should refer to the "Tao". Fall: "lazy", meaning lazy.

(20) Lack: waste, delay.


Zigong traveled to the Chu State in the south, returned to the Jin State, passed the south bank of the Han River, saw an old man in the vegetable garden to prepare the furrow, dug a communication to the well, held the water urn to draw water for irrigation, and worked hard to come and go with a lot of force but little effect.

Zigong saw it and said: "Nowadays, there is a kind of irrigation machinery, which can water hundreds of vegetable furrows every day, with very little force and a lot of effect, don't you want to use it, old man?" The old man who grew vegetables raised his head and looked at Zigong and said, "What should I do?" ”

Zigong said: "The wood is processed into machinery, the back is heavy and the front is light, and the water is lifted like pumping water from a well, and it is as fast as boiling water overflowing outward, and its name is orange." The old man who was growing vegetables changed his face angrily and said with a smile: "I heard from my teacher that there must be ingenuity when there is machinery, and there must be speculation when there is ingenuity. If the speculative mind is in the chest, then the pure heart will be lost; If you lose your pure heart, you will be uncertain. People who are uncertain will not be able to carry the avenue in their hearts. It's not that I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm ashamed and don't want to do that. Zigong was full of shame, and lowered his head and couldn't answer.

After a while, the old man who planted vegetables said, "What are you doing?" Zigong said, "I am a student of Confucius. The old man who planted vegetables said, "Are you the one who is erudite and a saint, who boasts and overshadows the crowd, and who plays and sings songs lamenting the affairs of the world in order to make a name for himself?" You are incomplete, and you are lazy, how much more can you say! You can't even govern yourself, where can you have the leisure to govern the world! Let's go, don't delay me here! ”

464, Zhuangzi's outer chapter "Heaven and Earth" ten


In this paragraph, it is mainly written that Zigong saw the old man of Hanyin "holding the urn and pouring it", "using a lot of force but seeing little success", and asked him to use the "orange tree" This kind of machinery is asked, but the old man disagrees and blames Zigong. Here, in fact, Zhuangzi pretended to be an old man of Hanyin, and used the technique of pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, and the spearhead was directly aimed at Confucian Confucius. "Zi Feifu is erudite to imitate the saint, so that he can cover the public, and he sings a solitary lament to sell his reputation in the world?" In this sentence, "singing alone and mourning strings" obviously refers to "Confucius is poor between Chen and Cai,...... The left is based on the tree, the right is on the branch, and the wind of the Geyan clan. "One thing.

Here, Zhuangzi is not against the use of machinery, but against people with organic minds. For "those who have machines must have things, and those who have things must have hearts." If the heart is stored in the chest, it is pure white. If you are not prepared, God is uncertain. God is born uncertain, and the word is not contained." The use of machinery will bring about the loss of human nature and the degradation of morality!

The history of mankind is a history of continuous development of the productive forces, and the continuous development of the productive forces has promoted the progress and development of social civilization, that is, material civilization and spiritual civilization. In the course of human historical development, the spiritual civilization and material civilization of society are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. But there will also be an imbalance. For example, environmental pollution, nuclear weapons and other problems exist in modern society. For the first time in the history of human thought, Zhuangzi revealed this perplexity facing mankind. The development of material civilization must come at the cost of the decline of spiritual civilization; In modern society, the more developed the material civilization is, the more lost, decadent, and absurd the spiritual civilization of mankind becomes, and the danger that human nature is becoming more and more degenerate, and this cannot but arouse people's attention.

[Original 10-2]

Zigong is disgraced (21), he is not satisfied (22), and he travels thirty miles and then heals (23). His disciple said, "What is evil to the one who is to the king" (24)? Why did the Master lose his face when he saw it, and he did not turn against evil all day long (25)! He said: "I thought that there was one person in the world (26), but I didn't know that there was a lady (27)." The master I heard, everything is done, and success is done. Those who exert less effort and see more merit are the way of saints. Not in the present (28). Those who practice the Tao are virtuous, those who are virtuous are complete, and those who are virtuous are complete, and those who are full are spiritual. God is the whole, and the way of the saints is also. The students and the people go hand in hand without knowing what they are doing (29), and they are so pure (30)! Utilitarian ingenuity must forget the heart of the lady. If the lady is not his will (31), he will not do it, and he will not do it in his heart. Although it is known all over the world, it is called what it is, but it is ignored (32); If the world is wrong, it will not be so-called, and it will not be accepted (33). The world's non-reputation, no gain or loss, is a person of all virtues! I am the people of turmoil (34). ”


(21) Humble: the appearance of shame. Humble: lowly. 陬 (zōu): Refers to the corner of a mountain, a corner. By extension, remote and remote places.

(22) 顼顼 (xù) 然: The appearance of being lost and unable to control oneself.

(23) Healing: This refers to the return of the mood to normal. 

(24) To: Before.

(25) Anti: Complex; This refers to returning to a normal state of mind.

(26) One person under heaven: refers to Kongqiu. In Zigong's mind, only Confucius was the only sage.

(27) Madame: This person refers to the old man who grows vegetables.

(28) apprentice: (vice) independence; Just.

(29) Tosheng: parasitic. To: Send. So: Where to go.

(30) 汒 (máng): Same as "茫". "汒hu" refers to the appearance of vastness. Chunbei: It means simple and flawless. It refers to the integrity of conduct and moral integrity. (31) No: do not pursue.

(32) The so-called: what is thought of, what is hoped. That is, the above-mentioned "its will" and "its heart". 謷 (áo): commonly known as "proud", arrogant appearance.

(33) 傥 (tǎng) 然: Lack of heart, ignore the appearance of not caring.

(34) Turmoil: Those who are swayed by the reputation of the world and cannot adhere to all virtues are like shaking in the wind and waves. It is a metaphor for the ups and downs of the world without principles and positions.


Zigong was ashamed of his abnormality, and he was very uncomfortable if he had lost something, and walked thirty miles before gradually returning to normal.

Zigong's disciple asked, "What is the person you met earlier?" Why did the gentleman see that his face had changed and that he could not return to normal all day? ”

Zigong said: "At first, I always thought that there was only one saint in the world, my teacher Kongqiu, but I didn't know that there would be such a person.

I've heard from my teachers that you should do things right and work hard to achieve success.

The less effort is used, and the effect obtained is greater, which is the way of the saints.

What I heard from the old man of Hanyin today is not like this. Only those who master the great road are complete in virtue, and those who are complete in virtue are in sound shape, and those who are in sound shape are full of spirit. Full of spirit, this is the way of a true saint. Living with the people in the world but without any pursuit, with a broad mind and pure beauty! Utilitarian ingenuity must not be placed in the heart of that kind of person.

People like this will not pursue what they have in their own minds, and they will not do what they do not conform to their own thoughts. Even if the whole world praised him, and the words of praise were in line with his thoughts, he was proud to ignore him; Even if everyone in the world criticizes him and criticizes him against what he thinks, he is indifferent and ignores it. The criticism and praise of the people of the world have neither gain nor harm to them, and this is called a person with perfect virtue! A person like me who "seeks success in everything" and "utilitarian ingenuity" can only be regarded as a person who follows the trend and goes with the flow".


The main writer of this paragraph, Zigong, was deeply stimulated, so he spoke a long paragraph to his disciples. He carefully experienced what the old man of Hanyin said, and compared the way of Confucius with the way of Zhuangzi, so as to draw his new insight. "I thought that there was a person in the world, and I didn't know that there was a wife"; "The master I heard, seek success in everything, seek success, use less effort, see more merit, the way of the sage. Not today. This is Zigong who listened to what the old Han Yin said, and became suspicious of Confucius and Confucius. What I heard from Confucius is that "things are done, success is achieved, less effort is used, and more merit is seen" shows that Confucius advocated "wit" and agreed with "wit". What Zigong heard from the old man of Hanyin was completely different. In this way, we realize that "those who practice the Tao are virtuous, those who are virtuous are complete, those who are virtuous are complete, and those who are complete are divine." God is the whole, and the way of the saints is also. This is the true way of a saint. Thus affirming the way of Zhuangzi.

[Original 10-3]

Contrary to Lu, to sue Confucius. Confucius said: "He is also a sorcerer of the Chaos Clan (35); Knowing one (36), not knowing the other (37); Govern the inside, not the outside (38). The husband understands the primitiveness (39), the simplicity of inaction (40), the body holds the gods (41), and those who swim in the world, will you be afraid of evil? And the art of the Chaos Clan, how can you know it! ”


(35) False belly: with the help of self-cultivation. Chaos: A virtual person, a metaphor for a person who is not enlightened and therefore ignorant.

(36) Knowing one: It means that you only know the road of one, and you don't know the others.

(37) I don't know the second: it means that his heart is simple, and he doesn't need to be careful.

(38) Governing the inside: refers to the spirit of self-cultivation and conditioning; Outside: Foreign objects. Refers to the external world. The meaning of the sentence refers to the heart that does not seek external dazzle, but seeks internal ingenuity.

(39) Understand the prime: clear and pure, as for the simplicity.

(40) Simplicity of non-action: no desire, no desire, return to natural nature.

(41) Physique: Realize the true nature. Holding God: Hold on to the Tao.


Zigong returned to Lu and told Confucius about the incident he encountered on the way. Confucius said: "That is a person who uses the art of cultivating the chaos clan, he only knows that since ancient times, he has not moved a great way, his heart is simple, and he does not need to be witty; He does not seek to dazzle on the outside, but to have an inorganic heart on the inside. How can you not be amazed at those who are so clear and white, who have no desires and desires, who return to their natural nature, who realize their true nature and hold on to the Tao, and who live in the world with pleasure? Besides, how can you and I know the Chaos Clan's ideas and cultivation methods? ”


This paragraph is Confucius told Zigong that the Han Yin Zhangren is a "freak" who "pretends to cultivate the art of the chaos clan", he only knows that he has not moved a great road since ancient times, his heart is simple, and he does not need to be clever, so he "understands the prime, does not do anything simple, and holds the spirit of the body", does not do "machine things", does not open the "machine heart", this is really chaotic. This Chaos Clan's technique, we worldly people can't know and can't do it.

In the second paragraph above, Zhuangzi borrowed Zigong to affirm the old Han of Hanyin, and actually affirmed Zhuangzi. Here again, Confucius praises the way of Zhuangzi.

The tenth part is one of the famous parables of the Zhuangzi. From the analysis of the above paragraphs, it can be seen that the purpose of Zhuangzi's fable is to further affirm and promote Zhuangzi's "way of non-action" through the mouth of Zigong and Confucius.

Here, Zhuangzi also raised a serious social issue to the world that is worth pondering. That is, while the material civilization of modern society is becoming more and more developed, how to prevent the spiritual civilization of mankind from becoming more and more degenerate. Of course, this is not just a Chinese problem, but a global problem. Zhuangzi raised this question more than 2,500 years ago, which shows the greatness of his wisdom!