
Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

author:Beauty Entertainment
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Speaking of the male star with the longest flowering period in the entertainment industry, Tong Dawei is the one who has to be mentioned.

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

Now that he is 45 years old, he feels that he is not much different from when he first acted in "Struggle", and even his hairstyle has not changed

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

It's strange to say that Tong Dawei has never really exploded, but he has never been abandoned by the entertainment industry, as long as he is willing to act, it seems that there will always be a role suitable for him

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

Although most of the roles he portrays are of the same type, and the performance methods are similar, they don't feel disgusting, on the contrary, the roles he plays are quite pleasing

Tong Dawei knows very well where his advantages are, he is good at and likes to act in short life dramas of parents, and the response is very good

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

Like costume dramas and war films, he rarely touches them, and he always thinks that instead of playing some roles that are not suitable for him, it is better to show his strength in the field that he is good at and suitable for

20 years ago, Tong Dawei opened his popularity with "Jade Guanyin", but it is really impossible to say that it is a big hit, because it is the heroine Sun Li who is really popular in this drama

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

Sun Li also won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress for this play, and the organizer only symbolically awarded Tong Dawei a favorite actor award

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

Subsequently, he starred in the annual hit drama "Struggle", and similarly, Tong Dawei who profited the most from this drama was by no means Tong Dawei.

The biggest beneficiary of the explosion of "Struggle" is actually the article, and it can also be said that "Struggle" has made the article popular, and at the same time further consolidated the acting careers of Ma Yili and Li Xiaolu.

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

also brought Zhu Yuchen and Wang Luodan, who were still newcomers, to the fire, and after thinking about it carefully, Tong Dawei really didn't seem to get any benefits

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

Maybe it has something to do with Tong Dawei's low-key personality, except for acting, he rarely appears in variety shows to expose himself, and even promotes his works, many times he doesn't participate, like Wang Kai, when there is no filming, he will completely "disappear".

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

Thinking about it carefully, Tong Dawei really rarely appears at the awards ceremony or red carpet of "National Drama Festival", he really just wants to play the role he likes seriously and suits himself

There are always people who complain that Tong Dawei's acting path is too narrow, and he has always tended to play some "cowardly and incompetent" roles for many years after his debut, such as Guo Yang in "Marriage Defense War", and Russell in "Tiger Mom and Cat Dad".

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

and Chu Hanmin in "My Son is Wonderful", all of whom are the characters of middle-aged down-and-out men who are full of trivial lives.

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

His naturally non-exaggerated acting skills made many viewers think that Tong Dawei was such a person in his life

However, being able to interpret the role so that the audience has such a strong sense of substitution just proves that as an actor, he does have a solid acting foundation

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

In addition to his acting skills being naturally not greasy, Tong Dawei's appearance and figure do not have the greasy feeling of middle-aged fortune, which is of course due to his usual strong self-discipline management ability

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

Although he is 45 years old this year, he has not gradually developed in the direction of being greasy and obese like some male stars of the same age, or desperately spending money on medical beauty to maintain his appearance

There are always many people who question Tong Dawei, saying that he looks ordinary, and his acting skills are not amazing, why can he still "mix" in the entertainment industry? Since his debut for more than 20 years, internal entertainment has always had a place for him.

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

If you have to answer this question from netizens, I think these four words can be used as the answer, that is: down-to-earth

He has debuted for many years and has been tirelessly playing the same type of role, not because he doesn't want to challenge himself, but because he always believes that as long as one thing is done repeatedly, he will definitely reach the extreme.

Tong Dawei's appearance and acting skills are average, why can he be in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years?

Doing things like this, why is it not like being a human being? So, what do you like like about Tong Da?

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