
Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

author:Bravely chase the drama
Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

The TV series "The Story of Rose" has recently set off a craze among the audience, among which Tong Dawei's wonderful performance is particularly noteworthy. This drama is not only inspirational and suitable for audiences of all ages, but also praised for its excellent cast, Liu Yifei, Tong Dawei and other old actors join each character in the play full of vitality.

Tong Dawei played Huang Zhenhua in "The Story of Rose", the image of his simple brother who cares about his sister Huang Yumei, deeply touched the hearts of the audience. His performance in the play not only shows the deep affection between brother and sister, but also allows people to see his selfless protection without hesitation. This kind of character setting made many viewers call "this is the real brother", because he is not only Huang Yumei's family pillar, but also her spiritual support.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

At the same time, Tong Dawei and Su Su's partner played by Wan Qian have also become a highlight in the play. The two are not only a couple in the play, but also bring joy to the audience in the form of jokes and jokes. Their tacit cooperation and humorous lines in front of the camera have become the laughing point of many audiences, especially Su Su often creates unexpected farce for Zhenhua in the play, so that the audience can be relieved and happy in addition to the tension of the plot.

Tong Dawei and Guan Yue, as public figures, have not only achieved happiness in their personal lives, but also actively participated in various public welfare undertakings, transmitted positive energy to the society, and became role models in the hearts of many people. Their married life is considered a good story in the entertainment industry, and the love and tacit understanding shown by the two in front of the public often become the envy and pursuit of fans.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

As a professional woman with a medical background, Guan Yue not only plays the role of a good wife and mother in the family, but also often shares her life experience and public welfare activities through social platforms. In an article posted on Weibo, she wrote: "I accompanied my husband to participate in an environmental protection public welfare activity today, and I am really proud to see his enthusiasm and sense of responsibility. Such sincere words not only show her full support for her husband's career, but also reflect her positive attitude towards environmental protection as a public figure, which has been liked and forwarded by many netizens.

Netizens expressed their blessings and recognition in the comment area. Someone left a message saying: "Tong Dawei and Guan Yue are really a good match, whether it is career or family, they have shown high values and a sense of responsibility." These comments not only affirmed the performance of the two in their careers and lives, but also expressed envy for their family's happiness.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

In addition, Tong Dawei and Guan Yue also have active investment in charity and public welfare. In addition to participating in environmental protection activities, they also frequently participate in the activities and donations of various non-profit organizations. At a charity dinner, Guan Yue made a speech: "I hope that through our efforts, we can provide help and support to more people in need." Her remarks sparked warm applause from the audience, and at the same time inspired more netizens to join in the public welfare.

Overall, Tong Dawei and Guan Yue, as public figures, not only maintain a happy family relationship in their personal lives, but also influence more people through their actions, words and deeds. Their positive energy transmission not only allows people to see the real side behind the stars, but also inspires more people in the society to actively participate in public welfare undertakings and jointly contribute to the development and progress of society. Such a positive role model has deeply touched and infected the hearts of countless people.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

On the Internet, the evaluation of the pair of Zhenhua and Su Su is also varied. Some viewers sighed: "Zhenhua and Su Su have a tacit understanding so much, they laugh constantly, and watching them interact is simply a pleasure." Netizens have discussed their comedic effect on social media, believing that their performances have enlivened the atmosphere of the whole show, making the audience more able to substitute for the plot and feel the warmth and humor between them.

At the same time, some viewers are deeply touched by Zhenhua's role, thinking that he showed very real family emotions when facing his sister: "Zhenhua's love and protection of Yumei are very touching and realistic. These comments reflect the audience's recognition of the character creation and the support of the plot, believing that this expression of family affection and emotion is not only a part of the plot, but also a strong echo of family values.

Overall, "The Story of Rose" successfully integrates emotion and humor into the plot through the images of Zhenhua and Su Su, bringing an authentic and fulfilling viewing experience to the audience. The excellent performances of Tong Dawei and Wan Qian not only added to the attractiveness of the series, but also deeply touched the hearts of the audience. Their performances allowed people to find a moment of relaxation and happiness in their busy lives, making the show a hot topic of discussion, allowing the audience to share countless laughs and emotions on social networks while praising the plot.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

In the episode "The Story of Rose", the intimate scene between Tong Dawei and Wan Qian became a hot topic on social media, causing widespread discussion and attention. The sweet interaction of the couple characters in the play, as well as the affectionate kiss scene between them, made many viewers look away. In particular, Tong Dawei's wife, Guan Yue, made humorous comments on these scenes on social platforms, which immediately attracted the attention of a large number of netizens, and the comment area was immediately filled with laughter and heated discussions.

Guan Yue's comments showed her humorous side, allowing people to see the tacit understanding and sense of humor between the couple. She joked on social media: "Watching my husband make out with other women, I can only laugh here!" Such witty words not only showed her understanding and support for her husband's acting work, but also made netizens feel the warm and relaxed family atmosphere between her and Tong Dawei.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

Netizens responded quickly in the comment area, praising Guan Yue's humor, and also launched various discussions on the kiss scene in the play. Some people joked: "Guan Yue is so humorous, this kind of positive family atmosphere is simply enviable!" These comments not only add a layer of light-hearted atmosphere to the series, but also draw the audience's attention to the happiness of Tong Dawei and his wife in real life.

In addition, the heated discussion of the kiss scene in the play has also sparked discussions about the career and acting skills of the actors. The audience praised the outstanding performance of Tong Dawei and Wan Qian, believing that their acting skills were not only real and natural, but also successfully expressed the emotions of the characters to the fullest. Some netizens commented: "Watching their intimate drama is like watching a couple in real life, it's so infectious!" These remarks reflect the audience's high recognition of the actors' professionalism and understanding of the characters, and further boost the series' social media buzz.

"The Story of the Rose" has become a hot topic of the moment with its fascinating plot and character portrayal, as well as the superb performances of the actors, which successfully blends various elements. This drama not only shows the emotions and challenges of real life, but also deeply touches the heartstrings of the audience through the delicate character portrayal, making it a wonderful masterpiece that cannot be missed.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose", because the kiss scene was too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

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