
Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene is too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

author:Fun and entertainment
Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene is too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

The TV series "The Story of Rose" has recently set off a craze among the audience, not only because of its inspirational plot, but also because of the wonderful performances of the leading actors. The joining of first-line stars such as Liu Yifei, Tong Dawei, and Lin Gengxin has added a lot of highlights to the series.

In the movie "Journey to the West", Lin Gengxin completely integrated himself into the role, every action, every look, and every expression was his repeated speculation and scrutiny, fusing the monkey nature, demons and human nature, creating a great sage with a cold face and a warm heart, and valuing love and righteousness, and successfully interpreted Sun Wukong's uninhibited and complex inner characteristics.

On the set of "Journey to the West", Lin Gengxin showed his in-depth understanding and professionalism of the role. He not only carefully studied the classic image of Monkey King, but also interpreted this image vividly through his acting skills. Every scene in the film shows his precise control of details, which makes the legendary character of Monkey King glow with new charm.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene is too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

Netizens expressed their appreciation for Lin Gengxin's performance in "Journey to the West". Some netizens wrote on social media: "Lin Gengxin really brought the Monkey King to life, watching his performance is like seeing a modern version of the Monkey King, a little cool, a little handsome, a little naughty, not holding back at all!" This recognition comes not only from his deep grasp of the character's qualities, but also from the personality and charisma he brings to his performances.

Other netizens commented from the details in the film: "Lin Gengxin's eyes and movements are really super in place, it is completely the feeling of monkey nature, not only superficial kung fu, but also the complexity and debauchery of Sun Wukong's heart are vividly interpreted." This performance of a deep understanding of the character's heart made Lin Gengxin leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience, making people feel the diversity and depth of Sun Wukong's image.

Some netizens expressed their love for Lin Gengxin in a humorous way: "Lin Gengxin's Monkey King is really the most handsome sage of the year, watching him play cool and playing treasures makes people laugh until their stomachs hurt!" He handled every monster in every fight scene and had to accept it! The appreciation and affection revealed in this ridicule reflect Lin Gengxin's high popularity among the audience and the successful shaping of the character image.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene is too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

Tong Dawei played the role of Huang Zhenhua in "The Story of Rose", and he deeply moved the audience with a warm and firm interpretation. Huang Zhenhua is the kind of brother who seems to be ordinary but has a strong heart, his love for his sister Huang Yumei is overflowing, and every time he appears, he is full of family warmth and responsibility.

Tong Dawei vividly interpreted the role of Huang Zhenhua through his delicate and profound performance. He is not just playing a role, but fully integrating himself into the role of this older brother with great responsibilities in the family. In every shot, he shows his meticulous care and desire to protect his sister, which makes people feel the sincerity and depth of family feelings.

Tong Dawei has accumulated rich performance experience in many works such as "Struggle", which makes his performance in "The Story of Rose" more mature and exquisite. His in-depth understanding and emotional grasp of the role make Huang Zhenhua's character not only an image, but also a family member in the hearts of the audience. Every eye contact, every turn of smile, is his grasp and expression of the emotional depth of the character.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene is too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

In the development of the plot, Huang Zhenhua's sense of humor is also a highlight that the audience loves. Despite the challenges and dilemmas in life, he always manages to defuse embarrassment and stress in a humorous way, making people feel his tenacity and optimism in laughter. This kind of in-depth character understanding and vivid interpretation have won Tong Dawei unanimous praise and love among the audience.

"The Story of the Rose" is not just a TV series, but also a real picture of family, emotions and responsibilities through the vivid representation of each character. Tong Dawei's outstanding performance in it is not only an affirmation of his personal acting skills, but also an addition to the depth and emotional tension of the whole plot. His character is not only a family member, but also a kind of resonance and identification with life and emotions for the audience.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene is too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

One of the focuses of heated discussions among the audience is the romantic scene between Tong Dawei and Wan Qian. The couple roles played by the two in the play not only brought joy and touch, especially the kiss scene between them became the focus of attention of netizens. These scenes not only show the tacit understanding and funny talent of the two actors, but also arouse the audience's expectations and discussions on the development of the plot.

In addition to Tong Dawei's career success, his wife Guan Yue has also become a big laughing point on the Internet. Whenever the kiss scene between Tong Dawei and Wan Qian was broadcast in the series, Guan Yue became the object of ridicule from netizens in the comment area of Douyin. Netizens flocked to the comment area to express their views on these kiss scenes in a humorous and ridiculous way, making Guan Yue an "Internet celebrity" on the Internet.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene is too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

During the hit broadcast of "The Story of Rose", Guan Yue's Douyin account frequently set off heated discussions. Every time an episode is broadcast, especially when the romantic scene between Tong Dawei and Wan Qian appears, her comment area is instantly lively. Netizens watched one after another, commenting on these kiss scenes with humor and ridicule, focusing their attention on Guan Yue.

Some netizens joked: "Watching Tong Dawei and Wan Qian's intimate scene, I'm scared, Sister Guan Yue is going to take on the 'face challenge' every day?" This sentence caused a lot of laughter, because the intimate scene between Tong Dawei and Wan Qian in the play was really staggering, and Guan Yue's smiling response in the comment area was even more hilarious.

Some netizens followed suit and ridiculed: "Sister Guan Yue's Douyin comment area has now become a gathering place for the whole people's 'kiss scene commentary'!" Every time I see Tong Dawei kissing Wan Qian, I know that today's Douyin is going to be high again! This kind of humorous comment not only shows the love of netizens for the series, but also reflects their love and support for Guan Yue's humorous attitude.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene is too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

Some netizens joked in a teasing tone: "Sister Guan Yue, you see that your Douyin comment area has become a live broadcast of the 'Tong Dawei Wanqian Kiss Scene Award', and now we all rely on you to relieve the pressure in our hearts!" This kind of ridicule is not only an interaction with the development of the plot, but also shows the love and support of netizens for Guan Yue in laughter, making her an "Internet celebrity" on the Internet.

"The Story of Rose" is not only a successful TV series, but also because of its wonderful performances and fascinating plot, it has sparked strong resonance and discussion among the audience. The wonderful performance of Tong Dawei and the crew not only won the love of the audience, but also added a lot of color to the successful broadcast of the TV series.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene is too good! His wife's comment section lit up!

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