
Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

author:Fantuan entertainment

Wow! Have you heard? Next to Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing, Tong Dawei and Mei Ting, two big acting stars, are actually filming! It's just stunning! Imagine how beautiful that picture was! Tong Dawei, with black hair, is energetic, and looks more handsome than Xiao Xianrou! Mei Ting is wearing a red floral dress, and her figure is simply amazing! The two stood in front of the camera, and they had a tacit understanding like an old husband and wife, haha!

Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

That day, I happened to be passing by, and when I saw them filming, I couldn't help but come up and watch it. And guess what? I squeezed into the front row, only three meters away from them! I was so excited that I almost didn't scream! Tong Dawei also looked at me, and I immediately shouted: "Teacher Tong, you are so handsome!" He actually winked at me, and wow, my heartbeat soared to 180 in an instant!

Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

Mei Ting also noticed me, she sneered and winked at me mischievously. Oh my God, I'm almost melting! It's a pity that the staff quickly blew us away, what a jealousy and hatred!

Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

Still, I sneaked a few sneak peeks at the shooting scene. Tong Dawei and Mei Ting play a pair of brothers and sisters, sitting on a bench. Tong Dawei looked serious, as if he was talking, while Mei Ting looked aggrieved and her eyes were red. Suddenly, Tong Dawei stood up and yelled, Mei Ting was so frightened that she covered her face and cried bitterly. Haha, it turned out to be filming a crying scene! It's so exciting!

Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

After filming, the two rested next to them. Someone came up and asked Tong Dawei how old he was, and he laughed and said, "I'm rejuvenated for the third spring!" It made everyone laugh. Mei Ting also said modestly: "My bundle of bridge flowers is not as heroic as Teacher Tong!" "The two of you come and go, bickering with each other, and we can't help but be happy.

Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

Speaking of them, but old acquaintances! Brothers and sisters in the same family, growing up together since childhood. When Mei Ting first debuted, Tong Dawei was always by her side to support her. The two have worked hard together, from obscurity to today's popularity, which is really admirable!

Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

I heard that the new drama they collaborated on this time will be released at the end of the year, which is really exciting! I wonder what kind of surprise they will bring us? Let's wait and see!

Wow! He Ziming remarried! As soon as this news came out, it was like a bombshell exploding in the entertainment industry! Everyone is still immersed in the past between him and He Jie, but he suddenly announced that he would remarry, which is simply the rhythm of "meeting love around the corner"!

Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

I heard that this new wife is an ordinary person, and He Ziming didn't even dare to show his true face in order to protect her. Think about it, the two met after He Ziming and He Jie divorced, and at that time He Ziming was depressed and depressed. But what about this new wife, she quit her job without saying a word, stayed by his side day and night, and helped him get out of the trough with full of love. This is simply a realistic version of "saving the lovelorn man"!

Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

The reaction of netizens is also very lively! Some blessed He Ziming to finally find true love, and some lamented that he finally walked out of the shadow of divorce. Some people also joked: "He Ziming really picked up the treasure this time!" "Haha, it seems that everyone is quite optimistic about this couple!

Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

But ah, this celebrity's remarriage is indeed a bit interesting. Their marriage is always highly concerned by the outside world, and divorce and remarriage are all after-dinner conversations. But He Ziming's remarriage this time has conveyed a positive energy to everyone: no matter how many ups and downs you have experienced in the past, as long as you have love in your heart, you can find your own happiness!

Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

He Ziming also expressed his expectations for the future life in the video! He said his new wife had given him strength and courage and given him confidence in the future. This is simply the "power of love"!

Mei Ting, the goddess of anti-aging! The 50-year-old wears a red dress like a girl, and there is no sense of disobedience with Tong Dawei in the same frame

Okay, okay, no more! Finally, let's bless He Ziming and his new wife together! I hope they can be happy and grow old together in the new year!

Come on, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of He Ziming's remarriage? Is celebrity remarriage more challenging than ordinary people? Come and leave a message in the comment area and let's talk about it!

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