
After Zhang Xueliang was placed under house arrest, what happened to the main generals of the Northeast Army?

author:Fengfeng said history

Zhang Xueliang, a bright star in the Republic of China era, as the second generation of warlords, he is peerless and unbeatable. His father, Zhang Zuolin, was a legendary figure in the Northeast and the last leader of the Beiyang warlords. In the heyday of the Feng warlords, the soldiers were strong and strong, and Zhang Xueliang, as the eldest son, was known as the young marshal and radiant.

After Zhang Zuolin passed away, Zhang Xueliang resolutely took over the banner, reshaped the Feng Army into the Northeast Army, and appointed himself as the leader of this new army. With firm will and extraordinary courage, he led this unit and continued to write their own legend.

After Zhang Xueliang was placed under house arrest, what happened to the main generals of the Northeast Army?

In the smoke of the Central Plains War, Zhang Xueliang supported Chiang Kai-shek, led his troops into the pass, and made great contributions to Chiang's victory. The Northeast Army thus entered its heyday, and the young marshal himself ushered in a moment of pride. He became a brother with Chiang, and was even promoted to the peak of deputy commander-in-chief of the country.

The 918 incident was like a storm, destroying Zhang Xueliang's glory in an instant, making him a traitor who was spurned by everyone. If it weren't for the turning point of the Xi'an Incident, I am afraid that he would always be infamy, and the judgment of history would be completely different.

In the Xi'an Incident, although Zhang Xueliang won praise, he also ruined his military future and the fate of the Northeast Army. Friends who know the history know that after the incident, he was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek, and the once majestic Northeast Army was annexed due to civil strife and finally dissipated in the long river of history.

After Zhang Xueliang was placed under house arrest, what happened to the main generals of the Northeast Army?

After Zhang Xueliang was imprisoned by the years, what will be the fate of those brave generals who once galloped in the Northeast? Is it eclipsed, or is it reborn? Their endings, like stars in the long river of history, shine with different lights.

Wang Yizhe, the right-hand man of General Zhang Xueliang and the heroic commander of the 67th Army, fell in the civil strife of the Northeast Army. Ying Detian, Sun Mingjiu and other young Zhuang factions were accused of murderers. His death is a pity, as the leader of the Northeast Army, his military talent has withered before it has even blossomed.

Yu Xuezhong, the iron-clad general of the Northeast Army, took charge of the 51st Army after being absorbed. He is more fierce than the old advocates. During the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War, he did not flinch in the face of the Japanese invaders, and persevered to the end, from Jinpu Road to the Huai River, and then to Taierzhuang and Wuhan, he was brave in every battle, inflicting heavy losses on the Japanese army, and became a model of the Anti-Japanese War in the Northeast Army.

Although Yu Xuezhong was not a descendant of Chiang Kai-shek, he chose to stay and devote himself to the agricultural construction of New China. He served as the director of the Hebei Provincial Sports Committee and supported the Republic with practical actions. On September 22, 1964, the general of the Northeast Army left us forever due to illness at the age of 74.

After Zhang Xueliang was placed under house arrest, what happened to the main generals of the Northeast Army?

Ma Zhanshan, the heroic general of the Northeast Army, resolutely raised the first shot to resist the Japanese invaders in the 918 Incident and commanded the shocking Jiangqiao War of Resistance. In stark contrast to Zhang Xueliang's policy of non-resistance, he led his troops to fight back bravely, showing the bloodiness and backbone of the Northeast Army.

Ma Zhanshan, a brave soldier, resolutely chose to revolt in the smoke of the Liberation War. However, fate was unpredictable, and on November 29, 1950, he died of illness at the age of 65. Although his life was short, he left an immortal legend.

Ma Zhanshan's pride, the eldest son Ma Kui, once left footprints on the stage of the Beijing CPPCC. And his grandson Ma Zhiwei is the bright star of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, inheriting the glory of the family and continuing to write a glorious chapter of the family.

After Zhang Xueliang was placed under house arrest, what happened to the main generals of the Northeast Army?

Wan Fulin, the hero of the Northeast Army, as a backbone general, once held the post of deputy commander of the Northeast Frontier Army. However, when General Zhang Xueliang encountered difficulties and the Northeast Army underwent changes, Wan Fulin bravely shouldered the heavy burden and became the leader of the 53rd Army, continuing to protect this land.

The flames were in the sky, and the anti-Japanese horn sounded. General Wan Fulin led his Northeast warriors to stand tall on the Pinghan Line and defend their homeland to the death. They went through the smoke of gunpowder in northern and eastern Henan until the Battle of Wuhan, and every battle was engraved with their bravery and determination.

Wan Fulin, a witness to history, chose to go to Taiwan after the smoke of the Liberation War dissipated. However, fate did not favor him for long, and in July 1951, he quietly closed his eyes and left this world forever at the age of 71.

During this period, many generals of the Northeast Army moved closer to our party and our army. For example, the founding general Lu Zhengcao was the pride of the Northeast Army; Wan Yi, the founding lieutenant general, was Zhang Xueliang's right-hand man; Even Zhang Xueliang's younger brother Zhang Xuesi was awarded the rank of major general after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and they jointly wrote a brilliant chapter.

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