
Witness true love in a special period! This "special couple" is happy to receive a marriage certificate!

author:Warm winter in the sun

On the cusp of fate, she finally waited for the bright color of her life. Who would have imagined that the soul that was once in the haze can now start again with a happy smile and the proof of marriage in hand? Today, let us follow her footsteps and feel the happiness that crosses the haze together.

Li Ting, a woman who has experienced ups and downs in life, is now standing at the starting point of a new life. She once thought that marriage was an unattainable dream for her. However, fate lit a beacon for her to move forward in her most helpless moment.

It was a warm and bright spring day, and Li Ting, accompanied by the police, slowly walked out of the door of the rehabilitation center. The sun shone on her, dispelling the gloom in her heart. She is both excited and nervous because she is about to fulfill her once-unattainable dream of tying the knot with the person she loves.

Before that, Li Ting's life was full of twists and turns. She and her boyfriend Zhang Qiang met in their youthful school days, and the two have a deep relationship, and they have long decided that each other is an indispensable partner in life. However, the twists and turns of life put Li Ting in a difficult situation, and she had to temporarily leave Zhang Qiang and enter a rehabilitation center for treatment. During this time, she was tormented physically and mentally, full of confusion and fear for the future.

Witness true love in a special period! This "special couple" is happy to receive a marriage certificate!

And Zhang Qiang has always stayed by Li Ting's side and given her endless support and encouragement. He not only took good care of Li Ting's parents, but also actively applied to the rehabilitation center for marriage, hoping to give Li Ting a stable family environment and help her treat her with peace of mind.

After learning about this situation, the leaders of the rehabilitation center attached great importance to it and actively communicated and coordinated with the civil affairs department. With the efforts of many parties, Li Ting finally got the opportunity to go out to visit and was able to complete the marriage registration with Zhang Qiang.

When Li Ting stood at the marriage registry office with the brand-new marriage certificate in her hand, her eyes flashed with tears of happiness. She was full of emotion and said excitedly to the police: "Thank you, it was you who made me regain the courage to live!"

This day, for Li Ting, is undoubtedly the happiest and most unforgettable day in her life. She not only gained love with Zhang Qiang, but also gained hope and confidence in a new life. She knows that all this is inseparable from the care and help of the police, and also inseparable from Zhang Qiang's persistence and support.

Witness true love in a special period! This "special couple" is happy to receive a marriage certificate!

Now, Li Ting has started a new chapter in her life. She said that she will cherish this hard-won happiness, strive to reform herself, and work hard for her future and the happiness of her family.

This story makes us deeply feel the power of love and the brilliance of humanity. In the predicament, Li Ting and Zhang Qiang supported each other and never gave up, and with the help of the police in the rehabilitation center, they finally realized their wish to get married. This is not just a simple love story, but a story of courage, perseverance, and love.

Perhaps, we have all experienced the lows and difficulties of life, but as long as we have love and courage, we can overcome all difficulties and welcome the arrival of a new life. Li Ting's story tells us that no matter where we are, we should never give up our pursuit and yearning for a better life.

Finally, let us praise Li Ting and Zhang Qiang for their happiness and wish them a better and better life. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can draw strength from this story and bravely face the challenges and difficulties in life. Are you also touched by this story? Do you also want to share your experience and insights? Come and leave a message in the comment area, let's share the power of love together!

Witness true love in a special period! This "special couple" is happy to receive a marriage certificate!

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