
Meijuan's daughter returned from studying abroad, and in order to celebrate her birthday, she imitated Song Dandan's classic role to show her acting talent

author:MONOCULUS movement

"Meijuan" Luo Wenlian's daughter is too good at playing.

On June 29, Luo Wenlian posted a video on her personal social account, titled "Happy birthday birthday to the living treasure at home, happy birthday to the baby daughter, safe and healthy".

Meijuan's daughter returned from studying abroad, and in order to celebrate her birthday, she imitated Song Dandan's classic role to show her acting talent

Source: Meijuan 嬢嬢 Douyin account

In the video, his daughter is wearing a rose-red coat, an old man's velvet hat, and two ponytails, showing off the shape of a big Northeast girl. Not only did she look dirty to the scum, but her fluent Northeast dialect also made netizens laugh. Some netizens commented: If you don't know that it's Meijuan's daughter, you almost think it's Heitu's daughter, it's too talented in language.

According to Luo Wenlian's video, it was the birthday of her baby daughter Shen Shiqi. In order to add to the fun, she ignored the "sacrifice" of her young and beautiful image, and deliberately imitated Song Dandan's classic sketch "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

Meijuan's daughter returned from studying abroad, and in order to celebrate her birthday, she imitated Song Dandan's classic role to show her acting talent

The sketch "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" comes from the Internet

Meijuan's daughter returned from studying abroad, and in order to celebrate her birthday, she imitated Song Dandan's classic role to show her acting talent

Back then, Song Dandan and his partner Zhao Benshan's classic sketches were talked about by the audience. In the sketch, the character played by Song Dandan is called Bai Yun. This sketch depicts the life of the two after returning from the Spring Festival Gala as a husband and wife, Aunt Baiyun is more vain and unwilling to admit that life is not good now, while Uncle Heitu is more honest.

In front of the camera, Shen Shiqi's imitation of "White Clouds" is divided into three points, and the prototype characters of the sketch are portrayed vividly. Although the whole performance was only a few minutes, her Northeast dialect did make netizens travel through the region.

Meijuan's daughter returned from studying abroad, and in order to celebrate her birthday, she imitated Song Dandan's classic role to show her acting talent

Shen Shiqi was performing, and although her mother Luo Wenlian did not appear in the picture outside the camera, the voiceover had her constant laughter. Perhaps, proud of her daughter's superb parody performance that day. Obviously, Shen Shiqi is a girl who knows how to enliven the family atmosphere, and now looking back at some of the variety shows she hosts, you may be able to feel her unique sense of humor.

In fact, as early as early May, Luo Wenlian flew to New York to attend her daughter Shen Shiqi's master's graduation ceremony. In 2023, Shen Shiqi will leave the Shanghai screen for the time being and go overseas for further study in a low-key manner. She majored in Environment and Policy at Columbia University's School of International Studies, New York.

Meijuan's daughter returned from studying abroad, and in order to celebrate her birthday, she imitated Song Dandan's classic role to show her acting talent

After the graduation ceremony, her mother Luo Wenlian proudly posted a photo of herself and her daughter on social platforms, in which Shen Shiqi was wearing a master's gown, holding her mother Luo Wenlian, with a sense of confidence. It can be felt that now that she has graduated from "Columbia University", Shen Shiqi is more intellectual, calm and wise. It also confirms that there is poetry and calligraphy in the belly.

Meijuan's daughter returned from studying abroad, and in order to celebrate her birthday, she imitated Song Dandan's classic role to show her acting talent

Shen Shiqi, who was 9 years old at the time, loved to be a host, and her fluent bilingual ability made the host Zhang Minquan who was present at the time also admired. More than ten years later, she appeared on the stage of Shanghai variety show as she wished, studying under Cao Kefan, but she left the stage early before she could make any effort in the hosting circle. Now, with the identity of a returnee again, will Shen Shiqi, who has returned from school, continue to return to Shanghai TV to continue her host road?


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