
When Guo Jingjing collided with Carina Lau, she finally saw how big the gap between the celebrity face and the lady's face was

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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When Guo Jingjing collided with Carina Lau, she finally saw how big the gap between the celebrity face and the lady's face was

Text: Xixi Guiquan


Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever heard of the saying that "you can wear clothes and still wear class differences"? Don't laugh, I didn't make it up. Just a few days ago, our diving queen Guo Jingjing and actress Carina Lau wore a dark green jumpsuit at the same time, but they staged a wonderful drama of "star face VS lady face" for us.

It's interesting now, it's also the best in the world, how can you wear the same style but look like people from two worlds? Let's eat melons and watch the play together, and see how these two goddesses use a pair of pants to deduce a world of difference.

When Guo Jingjing collided with Carina Lau, she finally saw how big the gap between the celebrity face and the lady's face was

Crashing shirts: When the goddess of sports meets the queen of film and television

Everyone, melon eaters, prepare your melon seeds and coke, today we have a wonderful shirt drama to watch. As for the protagonists, they are not idle people.

On one side is our Olympic diving champion Guo Jingjing, and on the other side is Carina Lau, the eldest sister in the film industry. These two are the top performers in their respective fields, and it is usually difficult to see them PK on the same stage, but I didn't expect that this time they got together because of a pair of pants.

Speaking of Guo Jingjing, that is the pride of our country. From the diving platform to the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family, her life is simply a fairy tale. As for Carina Lau, that is a living fossil in the entertainment industry, her acting skills and aura are first-class, and even male gods like Tony Leung worship under her pomegranate skirt.

This time, these two goddesses fell in love with a dark green jumpsuit at the same time, which was really eye-opening for us!

Don't underestimate these pants. With slanted shoulders and a high-rise cut with long lace sleeves, it's simply tailor-made for the goddess. Wear it to ensure that your legs are two meters eight long, and your waist is as thin as a bamboo pole, and it is so beautiful that it is bubbling!

When Guo Jingjing collided with Carina Lau, she finally saw how big the gap between the celebrity face and the lady's face was

However, the effect of wearing the same clothes on different people can be very different. Guo Jingjing's body is simply amazing! The noble elegance also has a bit of athlete's sassy and heroic posture, and when the long pearl necklace is worn, the neckline is stretched long, and it is so beautiful that people can't close their mouths.

Look at Carina Lau's side again, the bejewels and accessories are gorgeous, but to be honest, compared with Guo Jingjing, I always feel that something is missing. Could it be age? Or is the athlete's foundation just different? I'm afraid this question will have to be left to fashionistas to study.

Accessories Battle: Simplicity vs Luxury

Next, let's gossip about the accessories of these two goddesses.

Guo Jingjing won this time. She chose a long pearl necklace that not only elongated the neckline, but also added an elegant touch to the overall look. This point-to-point collocation shows her temperament just right, and it is simply a textbook-level demonstration.

"Sometimes, less is more."

This sentence could not be more suitable for Guo Jingjing.

Look at Carina Lau again, oh my mother, this is really too hard. Pearl necklaces, designer handbags, I can't wait to wear all the valuable things at home. Sister Liu, are you going to the Oscars? It's so grand that we're embarrassed to look at you.

When Guo Jingjing collided with Carina Lau, she finally saw how big the gap between the celebrity face and the lady's face was

In this battle of accessories, Guo Jingjing defeated Carina Lau's luxury stacking with her simple elegance.

This reminds me of a famous saying:

"Elegance never goes out of style."

Guo Jingjing interpreted the true meaning of this sentence with practical actions. As for Carina Lau, she may have wanted to prove her taste and worth too much, but it turned out to be self-defeating.

Dear audience friends, who do you think is the best match? Is it Guo Jinghui's freshness or Carina Lau's jewelry? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's discuss and discuss together.

Classic with big PK: Who is the top in the fashion industry?

After talking about this shirt collision drama, let's gossip about the usual dressing styles of these two goddesses. After all, a person's fashion taste isn't determined by a single appearance, right?

When Guo Jingjing collided with Carina Lau, she finally saw how big the gap between the celebrity face and the lady's face was

Let's talk about Guo Jingjing first. This sports goddess's usual outfits are quite eye-catching. For example, she particularly likes the combination of a simple white jacket and a black and white printed skirt. This combination is simply a dating artifact! Fresh and elegant, it can not only highlight her good figure, but also highlight her temperament. Paired with a pair of nude granny shoes, the comfort and aesthetics are simply outstanding.

This kind of collocation is not only suitable for athletes like Guo Jingjing, but also very practical for us ordinary people.

Let's take a look at Carina Lau's classic look. As the eldest sister in the entertainment industry, she has her own set of dressing philosophy. The most classic is the long black slim dress. This skirt is simply tailor-made for her, perfectly accentuating her curves, highlighting the waist, and the color is noble and magnificent. Paired with a long metal chain, the whole look is immediately advanced.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the khaki trench coat. This is an evergreen tree in the fashion industry, whether it is Guo Jingjing or Carina Lau, they all have a soft spot for it. It can be worn in spring, summer, autumn and winter, whether it is attending events or daily shopping, it can come in handy. It's really the top of the fashion industry!

So the question is, who do you think is better in this classic PK? Is it Guo Jingjing's freshness and refinement, or Carina Lau's mature charm? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area, and let's discuss it together.

When Guo Jingjing collided with Carina Lau, she finally saw how big the gap between the celebrity face and the lady's face was

Netizens are hotly discussed: Who is the real fashion queen?

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens think that Guo Jingjing's collocation is better:

"Guo Jingjing is really good at wearing! A simple match can also be worn with a sense of luxury, worthy of being an athlete, and the figure is really good! "

There are also netizens who stand on Carina Lau's side:

"Carina Lau's aura is too powerful, although there are a lot of accessories, but it is very in line with her identity. The lady just wants to be bejeweled! "

Some netizens said that the two people have their own characteristics:

When Guo Jingjing collided with Carina Lau, she finally saw how big the gap between the celebrity face and the lady's face was
"Actually, I think both of them have a good style, but the occasion is different. Guo Jingjing is suitable for everyday wear, and Carina Lau is more suitable for formal occasions. "

Interestingly, some netizens raised this shirt collision incident to a philosophical level:

"这不就是'Less is more'和'More is more'的较量吗?简约VS奢华,每个人都有自己的选择,没有对错之分。 "

Of course, some netizens said that this comparison is meaningless:

"Why put two people together to compare? Everyone has their own style, as long as they like it and are comfortable to wear. "
When Guo Jingjing collided with Carina Lau, she finally saw how big the gap between the celebrity face and the lady's face was

The discussion sparked by this shirt collision scandal allows us to see the diversity of fashion. Everyone has a different understanding of beauty, and it is this difference that makes the world of fashion colorful.

Conclusion: Fashion has nothing to do with being expensive or cheap, the key is to suit yourself

After this lively discussion, we seem to have come to a conclusion: fashion is actually to find the style that suits you best.

Whether it is Guo Jingjing's sports goddess Fan or Carina Lau's ladylike temperament, they are all interpreting fashion in their own way. The same clothes, worn on different people, will show a different taste. Isn't that the allure of fashion?

When Guo Jingjing collided with Carina Lau, she finally saw how big the gap between the celebrity face and the lady's face was

This shirt bumping drama gave us a vivid fashion lesson. It tells us that it's not about getting dressed more expensive, it's about finding the way to express yourself best. Whether you prefer simplicity or luxury, as long as you dress confidently, you're the queen of style.

Finally, I would like to ask readers: If you had to choose one of Guo Jingjing and Carina Lau's dressing styles, which one would you choose? Why? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's explore the mystery of fashion together.

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