
For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

author:Tidal Bean Tournament
For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried
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For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

In the star-studded entertainment industry, Zhu Yuchen is a high-profile actor. However, when night falls, the 43-year-old entertainer is often left alone, sipping wine and listening to melodious music in a quiet room.

Zhu Yuchen's career is thriving, but his love life has always been a desert. What hindered him from pursuing happiness? Why has this talented actor never been able to find true love? The answer may be hidden in the little experience of his upbringing.

Let's walk into Zhu Yuchen's inner world and unveil the veil of this puzzle.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

Zhu Yuchen was born in a wealthy family in Shanghai, and as the only boy in the family, he carried the high hopes of his parents since he was a child. On the surface, Zhu Yuchen seems to have an enviable childhood, but in fact, this time hides a poignant experience.

Zhu Yuchen's mother is a woman with a strong personality, and she has full control over her children's education. When the young Zhu Yuchen became interested in his sister's piano, his mother immediately decided to let him learn the instrument.

However, for a child with a lively nature, long hours of practice are undoubtedly an ordeal.

Whenever Zhu Yuchen wanted to escape from practicing, he was always punished harshly by his mother. His body was often covered with scars, which were not only engraved on his body, but also deeply imprinted in his heart.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

The school's teachers and neighbors were heartbroken and upset when they saw this, but Zhu's mother was proud of it, believing it to be proof of her educational success.

In the face of such strict discipline, the young Zhu Yuchen tried various methods to avoid practice. He had drenched his body with cold water in an attempt to pretend to be sick; He even ventured to touch the power switch, and the idea of suicide sprouted in his heart.

These extreme behaviors all reflect his inner pain and struggle.

Zhu Yuchen's father is an ordinary office worker with a gentle personality and often takes a non-interventionist attitude towards children's education. This lack of protection in the family environment made Zhu Yuchen lack the necessary sense of security and support in the process of growing up.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

This experience left a deep psychological shadow on Zhu Yuchen. Although he eventually achieved good results in music, behind this "success" was the lack of childhood happiness and the repression of free will.

Instead of cultivating a love of music, this approach planted in him the seeds of fear of his mother's desire for control.

As he grew older, Zhu Yuchen gradually realized that his childhood experience was abnormal. He began to understand that the scars were not only physical, but also psychological.

This harsh style of discipline makes it difficult for him to establish healthy relationships even in adulthood, especially in intimate relationships, where he is always subconsciously afraid of being controlled, but he cannot completely get rid of his dependence on his mother.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

Zhu Yuchen's childhood experience is like an invisible shackle that has always affected his life choices and emotional world. This seemingly successful actor has been searching for his true self deep down, eager to break free from the shackles of the shadow of his childhood and pursue his own happiness.

After entering high school, Zhu Yuchen developed a strong interest in performing arts. This was not only the starting point for him to pursue his dreams, but also an opportunity for him to try to break free from his mother's shackles.

With a desire for freedom, Zhu Yuchen devoted himself to his studies, and finally got his wish and was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama.

Leaving the familiar Shanghai and coming to Beijing to study, Zhu Yuchen was full of hope, thinking that he could finally breathe the air of freedom. However, on his first day on campus, a suffocating reality struck him hard: his mother's figure appeared on campus.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

When she saw the creepers on the outer wall of the dormitory, Zhu Yuchen's mother made a shocking decision: "I have to find a pot of boiling water and scald these creepers to death, otherwise the bugs will ravage and crawl into the dormitory!" Such words and deeds made Zhu Yuchen feel embarrassed in an instant, and the sense of loss in his heart came like a tide.

In the following college life, although Zhu Yuchen spent a relatively easy four years, his mother's influence has always been with him. She intervened in his life from time to time, and even asked about her roommate's living habits, which made Zhu Yuchen feel deeply embarrassed and helpless.

After graduation, Zhu Yuchen won wide attention with his role as Huazi in the TV series "Struggle". This character is quite similar to himself: thoughtful and emotional, but always keeps his heart to the bottom.

Subsequently, he starred in the hit drama "Who Calls the Shots in My Youth", and his acting career gradually got on the right track.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

However, the success of his career did not bring true freedom to Zhu Yuchen. His mother's grip on him not only did not weaken, but intensified. She meticulously transcribed every blog post her son made on social media, an act that bordered on paranoia that suffocated Ms. Zhu.

Faced with his mother's "concern", Zhu Yuchen was full of contradictions. He longed for independence but also struggled to escape the influence of his mother. When he finally mustered up the courage to argue with his mother, he finally chose to compromise.

Since then, Zhu Yuchen has never published any words on social media, as if he has lost the channel to express himself.

This complicated mother-son relationship has become a major obstacle to Zhu Yuchen's emotional life in the future. He was successful in his career, but he was never able to find a balance in the world of feelings.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

His mother's excessive intervention caused Zhu Yuchen to struggle between the pursuit of freedom and the maintenance of family affection, and this contradiction also deeply affected his ability to establish intimate relationships with others.

While Zhu Yuchen's acting career is booming, his love life has also ushered in a turning point. During a shoot, he met the talented actress Kang Yeon.

The two fell in love because of the play, and soon fell in love and started an enviable relationship.

Jiang Yan not only has a proud appearance, but also is proficient in cooking and has a gentle and lovely personality. In the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, she has always maintained a low-key and introverted style, which is deeply loved by the audience.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

For Zhu Yuchen, Jiang Yan seems to be a gift from God, filling the long-standing emptiness in his heart.

However, the happy days did not last long. When Zhu Yuchen introduced Jiang Yan to her mother, things began to take a turn for the worse. Zhu's mother was very dissatisfied with Jiang Yan's first impression, thinking that this girl was not up to the task of taking care of her son.

Zhu's mother was very critical of Jiang Yan, and even made some unacceptable requirements. For example, she criticized Jiang Yan for sitting directly on the main seat in the living room after entering the door, thinking that this was a sign of ignorance of the rules.

What's even more excessive is that she asked Jiang Yan to take care of her husband at home full-time after marriage and give up the acting career she loves. In Zhu's mother's view, the future daughter-in-law must be able to "replace two Filipino maids by one person" and must not be inferior to herself.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

In the face of these unreasonable demands, the gentle Jiang Yan chose to endure silently at first. However, as time went on and the pressure mounted, she began to wonder if Zhu Yuchen chose herself simply because she was good at taking care of others.

In extreme disappointment and helplessness, Jiang Yan finally made the decision to break up.

The breakdown of this relationship brought a huge blow to Zhu Yuchen. He felt sorry for Jiang Yan's pressure, but he was powerless to change his mother's attitude. The fireworks of love were extinguished in an instant, leaving only the desolation of the land.

This experience made Zhu Yuchen more soberly realize that his mother's desire to control not only affected his personal life, but even hindered his opportunities to pursue happiness. However, in the face of this situation, he was never able to find an effective solution.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

Since then, Zhu Yuchen's love life has fallen into a trough. This failed romance not only deprived him of his true love, but also left him with deep doubts and fears about his future intimacy.

He began to wonder if he could really find his own happiness under the influence of his mother.

After losing Jiang Yan, Zhu Yuchen's life seemed to fall into an invisible cage. His mother's control over him became more apparent and even began to keep a close eye on his social media activities.

She carefully copied every blog post posted by her son and bound it into a book, which not only violated Zhu Yuchen's privacy, but also an invisible oppression of his spiritual world.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

In the face of his mother's various behaviors, Zhu Yuchen felt both angry and helpless. He had a heated argument with his mother trying to assert his own independent space. However, in the stubbornness of his mother and the contradiction in his heart, Zhu Yuchen finally chose to compromise.

Since then, he has stopped posting any words on social media, as if he has lost the channel to express himself.

This compromise is not only a concession in behavior, but also a surrender in the heart. Zhu Yuchen gradually got used to and indulged in his mother's control, and lost the courage and confidence to resist.

His world became smaller and smaller, and with it the consciousness of freedom and independence faded.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

This almost pathological mother-son relationship makes it difficult for Zhu Yuchen to establish healthy interpersonal relationships in adulthood. He longs for intimacy in his relationship and is afraid of being tied down, and this ambivalent psychological state has become an emotional barrier that he cannot overcome.

Today, 43-year-old Zhu Yuchen is still alone. In the dead of night, he would listen to music and drink alone, and his heart would constantly cry out for companionship.

However, the answer to this dilemma may have been clear for a long time, but he has been reluctant to face this harsh reality.

It is worth mentioning that Zhu Yuchen's sister, who is older than him, has also chosen to be celibate. She deeply felt that she could not sacrifice everything for her children like her mother, so she would rather die alone than enter the palace of marriage.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

My sister's choice, to a certain extent, also reflects Zhu Yuchen's inner contradictions and struggles.

Zhu Yuchen's predicament is rooted in his inability to truly get rid of his mother's control, nor can he achieve inner independence. Faced with this situation, he needs to re-examine his life and find his true self.

Only by breaking this invisible cage can he embrace the possibility of happiness again.

This process is undoubtedly difficult, and it requires Zhu Yuchen to summon up great courage to face his heart and redefine his relationship with his mother. However, for Zhu Yuchen, who is eager to change the status quo, this may be the only way out.

For the sake of his son, he wanted to directly water the creeper with boiling water, and his mother was the reason why Zhu Yuchen was still unmarried

Only by truly achieving inner independence can he find a balance between career and relationship and start a new chapter in his life.

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