
At the end of the Gaoming high school entrance examination, the students said: This journey is hard to give up and unforgettable!

author:Foshan News

At 4:20 p.m. on July 2, at the examination center of Gaoming Cangjiang Middle School, a group of teachers dressed in red shirts and cheongsams with the "Gold List Title" printed on their left chests were particularly eye-catching in the crowd.

"Teacher, I'm finally done with the exam!" As the test center door opened, a candidate ran to her teacher with open hands. On the side, there are also parents holding flowers and looking forward to it.

On the same day, the 3-day Foshan 2024 high school entrance examination came to a successful conclusion, and thousands of high school candidates in Gaoming officially bid farewell to junior high school life and started a new road to pursue their dreams.

At the end of the Gaoming high school entrance examination, the students said: This journey is hard to give up and unforgettable!

At the end of the high school entrance examination, the candidates of Cangjiang Middle School walked out of the examination room one after another.

"The feeling of finishing the exam is very cool!"

"The feeling of finishing the exam is very cool!" As the bell rang for the end of the exam, Guan Shuyin, a junior high school student at Cangjiang Middle School, excitedly rushed out of the examination room and greeted reporters warmly.

Guan Shuyin said that now that the pressure is completely released, there is no study task for the time being after the high school entrance examination, and you can rest to your heart's content and do what you like. In her opinion, the third year of junior high school is very tiring and hard, and she is especially grateful for the support of her parents, "Due to the accommodation requirements, my father sent me several large bags of luggage and fruit snacks, and every time I went home, he also made good soup for me, and never put pressure on me." ”

In addition to their parents, the companions of the high school entrance examination also have their own teachers, so that this exam is endowed with more meaning for growth. After returning to his class, Guan Shuyin immediately found Chen Siqun, a Chinese teacher surrounded by students.

At the end of the Gaoming high school entrance examination, the students said: This journey is hard to give up and unforgettable!

Cangjiang Middle School candidates shook hands with their teachers.

"Teacher Chen is like our family, giving us a lot of care, guidance and encouragement, although it is only three years of teacher-student relationship, but I will remember it for the rest of my life." Guan Shuyin said that there were several times when she was so sad that she cried that she cried after her grades failed, but Teacher Chen comforted her in time, and treated all students equally and never was biased, which is particularly rare.

In this high school entrance examination, Guan Shuyin said that his performance was relatively stable. After going through the difficult mock exam, Guan Shuyin worked his studies, and the entire thick word book was gnawed down, and he didn't know how many sets of math papers he swiped. During the high school entrance examination, she became much calmer. Looking back at the three years of the high school entrance examination, Guan Shuyin felt a little regretful, blaming himself for not improving his learning efficiency earlier and wasting some time.

For high school, Guan Shuyin is full of expectations, she hopes that after the high school entrance examination, she can actively participate in social practice to practice more courage, develop good study habits, and take a good future life path.

"It's very reluctant to watch the child grow up"

At the end of the high school entrance examination, Chen Siqun, a Chinese teacher at Cangjiang Middle School, was full of reluctance, and it was this lovely class of students who were reluctant to give up. On this day, Chen Siqun specially changed into a cheongsam, implying that the child won the high school entrance examination.

Because he is not a class teacher, Chen Siqun does not always lead the same class for three years, but Class 7 of the third year of junior high school "accidentally" became the class she led for three years. And because of her retirement next year, this batch will be the last batch of students in her career. For various reasons, Chen Siqun has a special affection for this group of children in Class 7 of the third year of junior high school, "In the past three years, I have already treated every student as my own child. ”

At the end of the Gaoming high school entrance examination, the students said: This journey is hard to give up and unforgettable!

Candidates from Cangjiang Middle School took a group photo in the classroom.

"When I was in the seventh grade, many boys were still short, and they improved by leaps and bounds as soon as they entered the third year of junior high school, and I was very reluctant to watch them grow step by step." Speaking of this, Chen Siqun's eyes were filled with tears. Looking back, I found that they have become more sensible and mature through their own efforts, laying a good foundation for their bright future, and feeling happy for them.

During the conversation, more and more students gathered around Chen Siqun, and you couldn't wait to express your gratitude to the teacher. "With her, I feel very grounded and powerful." The student said that the teacher is getting older and hopes that she will be able to rest more in the future.

As for the children's future, Chen Siqun said that she felt that every student had handed in satisfactory answers through their own efforts, and wished them a clear goal on the road of life in the future, the courage to chase their dreams in life, and a bright future.

Text/Gaoming financial media reporter Feng Huiwen

Photo/Gaoming financial media reporter Hong Hai

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