
Live Hit | The Gaoming high school entrance examination is over, and all the good things are coming

author:Foshan News

On the afternoon of July 2, as the bell rang, the 2024 Foshan High School Entrance Examination came to an end. At the test center of Gaoming Cangjiang Middle School, candidates walked out of the examination room one after another, with smiles on their faces. Back in the classroom, the junior high school students packed up their books in an orderly manner, or took photos with their teachers and classmates.

The high school entrance examination is over, the youth is not over, and the students of Gaoming junior high school are about to run towards a wonderful future.

Live Hit | The Gaoming high school entrance examination is over, and all the good things are coming

At the end of the high school entrance examination, the candidates of Cangjiang Middle School walked out of the examination room one after another.

Live Hit | The Gaoming high school entrance examination is over, and all the good things are coming

At the end of the high school entrance examination, the candidates of Cangjiang Middle School walked out of the examination room one after another and walked to the teaching building.

Live Hit | The Gaoming high school entrance examination is over, and all the good things are coming

At the end of the high school entrance examination, the candidates of Cangjiang Middle School were full of excitement.

Live Hit | The Gaoming high school entrance examination is over, and all the good things are coming

At the end of the high school entrance examination, the candidates of Cangjiang Middle School presented flowers to the teachers.

Live Hit | The Gaoming high school entrance examination is over, and all the good things are coming

Cangjiang Middle School candidates shook hands with their teachers.

Live Hit | The Gaoming high school entrance examination is over, and all the good things are coming

Cangjiang Middle School candidates returned to the classroom one after another to pack up their books.

Live Hit | The Gaoming high school entrance examination is over, and all the good things are coming

The candidates of Cangjiang Middle School looked at the graduation photos that had just been distributed and discussed with each other.

Live Hit | The Gaoming high school entrance examination is over, and all the good things are coming

Candidates from Cangjiang Middle School are packing up their books in the classroom, with slogans behind them that they are triumphant.

Live Hit | The Gaoming high school entrance examination is over, and all the good things are coming

Candidates from Cangjiang Middle School took a group photo in the classroom.

Live Hit | The Gaoming high school entrance examination is over, and all the good things are coming

The blackboard in the classroom of Cangjiang Middle School is a sincere blessing to the candidates for the high school entrance examination.

Text/Picture Gao Ming financial media reporter Hong Hai

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