
The 2024 high school entrance examination is over, and the clever teenagers are rushing to the next mountain and sea

author:Foshan News


On the afternoon of July 2, as the bell rang, the three-day 2024 Foshan High School Entrance Examination came to a successful conclusion. Under the careful organization and careful arrangement of all departments at all levels in Gaoming, the examination style and discipline of the whole region are good, and the examination room is in order.

The 2024 high school entrance examination is over, and the clever teenagers are rushing to the next mountain and sea

On the afternoon of July 2, as the bell rang, the three-day 2024 Foshan High School Entrance Examination came to a successful conclusion.

At the test center of Cangjiang Middle School, after the exam, many candidates walked out of the test center confidently with a relaxed smile on their faces. "I don't have too much pressure, I hope to play normally and get good results." Guan Shuyin, a junior high school student at Cangjiang Middle School, said that the high school entrance examination is just a transit station in life, and it is still necessary to combine work and rest during the summer vacation, maintain study habits, and strive to achieve better results in high school.

The 2024 high school entrance examination is over, and the clever teenagers are rushing to the next mountain and sea

On the afternoon of July 2, the candidates at the test center of Gaoming Cangjiang Middle School walked out of the examination room one after another, with smiles on their faces.

Seeing the candidates gradually approaching, the teachers greeted them with bright smiles or warm words, congratulating the students on a new beginning. "I am especially reluctant to give up this group of outstanding children, and I hope that they will take a good path in life." Chen Siqun, a Chinese teacher in the third year of junior high school, said.

On the last day of the high school entrance examination, there are English, chemistry and history subject exams, and many candidates said that the test questions mainly test the ability to use knowledge and comprehensive literacy, and most of the test questions point to life and social development, guiding students to apply what they have learned.

The 2024 high school entrance examination is over, and the clever teenagers are rushing to the next mountain and sea

At the end of the high school entrance examination on the afternoon of July 2, the students of Gaoming Cangjiang Middle School sent flowers to the teachers.

In this year's high school entrance examination, Gaoming District has set up a total of 9 test centers in Cangjiang Middle School and No. 1 High School, and the whole district has made comprehensive arrangements for the high school entrance examination around the goal of "safe high school entrance examination". All departments at all levels take the initiative and work together to do a good job in group examination scheduling, epidemic prevention and control, traffic maintenance, food safety, power supply guarantee, etc., so as to escort the high school entrance examination.

According to the Foshan Admissions Office, the comprehensive evaluation time of independent enrollment schools in Foshan ordinary high schools is unified on July 6 (Saturday), and junior high school candidates who have signed up and filled in the volunteers should pay attention to the specific arrangements issued by each school in time.

The 2024 high school entrance examination is over, and the clever teenagers are rushing to the next mountain and sea

At the end of the high school entrance examination on the afternoon of July 2, the students of Gaoming Cangjiang Middle School took a group photo in the classroom.

Senior teachers suggest that during the period from the end of the high school entrance examination to the release of the results, parents should pay attention to their children's psychological state and do a good job of psychological counseling in time. Candidates should also pay attention to rest and adjustment after the exam, they can relax appropriately, but they should not indulge, they should do a good job in summer planning, and prepare for the connection and transition between middle and high school learning and life.

Text/Gaoming financial media reporter Feng Huiwen

Photo/Gaoming financial media reporter Hong Hai

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