
Liu Xiu killed one person despite the opposition of thousands of people, and broke a school, only to find out that Liu Xiu was really clever a year later

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

History is always full of incredible events, and those seemingly ordinary people, but at a critical moment, made extraordinary decisions that changed the course of an entire era. Liu Xiu is one such figure, he came from an ordinary peasant and eventually ascended to the throne of the emperor and became the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty. At the beginning of his tenure in power, he faced a series of serious challenges. The greed and corruption of the landlord class have become deeply rooted, and they have monopolized a large amount of land and human resources and exploited the vast masses of peasants. In order to completely reform this dross, Liu Xiu implemented the "Dutian system" in an attempt to break the privileges of the landlords and balance the balance of power between social classes.

Liu Xiu killed one person despite the opposition of thousands of people, and broke a school, only to find out that Liu Xiu was really clever a year later

However, in the course of its implementation, this great reform was met with frenzied resistance from the landlord class. They did not hesitate to use all means to counter the emperor's decision-making, and even secretly planned a rebellion. At this critical juncture, something happened that shocked the government and the opposition - Liu Xiu personally ordered the execution of his cronie Ouyang She, and eliminated the famous "Shangshu Ouyang School". This move caused a huge controversy in the DPRK and China, and thousands of people openly opposed it. However, it was only a year later that people really realized Liu Xiu's cleverness. So, what did he do to make everyone change their minds in just one year?

When it comes to Liu Xiu, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is the thrilling reform of the "Dutian system" that he implemented. In the Eastern Han Dynasty society at that time, the aristocratic landlords hoarded a large amount of land and slaves through various means, and became real "nouveau riche". They squandered luxury, exploited the peasants, and seriously undermined social fairness and justice. Liu Xiu saw it in his eyes and held it in his heart, and he was determined to reverse this bad situation.

Liu Xiu killed one person despite the opposition of thousands of people, and broke a school, only to find out that Liu Xiu was really clever a year later

However, reform is not an easy task. Those landlords and magnanimous people regard their vested interests as treasures and are not willing to give them up easily. Therefore, when the imperial court sent officials to carry out field surveys and registrations, they did everything possible to obstruct the surveying and mapping work. Some pretend to be hospitable, but secretly let the villagers hide the real situation; Others openly ridiculed the imperial court, believing that the system was only a means of depriving them of their rights.

In the face of these arrogant provocations, Liu Xiu did not directly sacrifice the force of indiscriminate killing of innocents, but continued to be patient and rational. He dispatched a large number of officials to various localities to publicize the pros and cons of the system to the people, and won the support of the people. At the same time, the imperial court was not merciless to those landlords who insisted on resisting, and severely punished them.

Just when this battle began, an unexpected scene suddenly staged. Ouyang She, a well-known and wealthy official, was also involved in a corruption and bribery scandal! As a close confidant of the emperor and a descendant disciple of Liu Xiu's "Shangshu School", Ouyang She's actions undoubtedly disappointed and angered Liu Xiu.

Liu Xiu killed one person despite the opposition of thousands of people, and broke a school, only to find out that Liu Xiu was really clever a year later

In the imperial study, Liu Xiu reprimanded: "Ouyang She, what you have done has betrayed my trust in you, how harmful this behavior is to the country and the people, do you turn a blind eye?" Being severely reprimanded by these words, Ouyang She was speechless, and could only kneel there and beg for forgiveness.

But at this moment, a group of Ouyang She's protégés suddenly rushed into the palace, and some even shaved their hair on the spot in order to show their loyalty to their master. "Your Majesty, please forgive our mentor! He is our spiritual pillar and we are willing to make any sacrifice for him!" The pleading voices of these students were like a thunderbolt from the sky, hitting Liu Xiu's heart.

After careful consideration, Liu Xiu finally made a difficult decision - to imprison Ouyang She, but not beheaded for the time being.

Liu Xiu killed one person despite the opposition of thousands of people, and broke a school, only to find out that Liu Xiu was really clever a year later

It can be seen from this incident that in the face of the betrayal of his cronies, Liu Xiu still maintained a high degree of rationality and wisdom, and did not blindly anger Ouyang She and his school, but clearly stated his position of "handling it impartially and being good at reason". This kind of leadership wisdom that does not favor personal feelings and focuses on the overall situation is the key to his later success in quelling the landlord rebellion and consolidating the system of land control.

In short, despite the many obstacles encountered in the implementation of the Dutian reform, Liu Xiu still relied on his outstanding wisdom and decisive skills to resolve various contradictions step by step, and finally made this reform achieve remarkable results. The lives of the peasants have improved dramatically, and the treasury has become increasingly full. And Liu Xiu's wisdom and magnanimity in handling the Ouyang She incident established his authority and prestige between the government and the opposition.

Liu Xiu killed one person despite the opposition of thousands of people, and broke a school, only to find out that Liu Xiu was really clever a year later

In this way, in this protracted battle of reform, Liu Xiu successfully reversed the fate of the entire Eastern Han Dynasty with his outstanding leadership and extraordinary wisdom. From a dynasty on the verge of collapse encroached upon by the landlord class to a situation of unification and unification in the sky, Liu Xiu used his own hands to leave a strong mark for this era.

Moreover, in the process of quelling the landlord rebellion, Liu Xiu also showed his superb psychological tactics and scheming skills. In the face of the landlords' frantic counterattack, he did not choose the method of all-out repression, but preemptively cut off their sources of financial and human resources.

Liu Xiu killed one person despite the opposition of thousands of people, and broke a school, only to find out that Liu Xiu was really clever a year later

It can be seen from the historical records that a group of landlords gathered at that time in an attempt to launch a large-scale rebellion in an attempt to completely overthrow the Dutian policy. After Liu Xiu learned of this information, he immediately sent elite troops, not directly attacking the rebel center, but cutting off their grain and grass supply lines. In this way, without firing a single shot, the rebels fell into a situation of passive starvation.

"Your actions will only bring disaster to yourself and your family. The stability of the country and the tranquility of the people are our common goal. In the face of this scene, Liu Xiu said in a public speech, revealing his wisdom and righteousness. Sure enough, many landlords soon began to wake up and expressed their allegiance to the imperial court. For these converts, Liu Xiu opened up and allowed them to keep some of their land and property in order to stabilize people's hearts.

As for those who are stubborn and refuse to change their ways, they have been severely punished. Some had their entire property confiscated, others were exiled to remote areas, and the most severe were sentenced to death. Through this policy of "punishing the people and being gentle and distant", the rebellion was soon completely put down, and the whole country was rejuvenated.

Liu Xiu killed one person despite the opposition of thousands of people, and broke a school, only to find out that Liu Xiu was really clever a year later

You know, it was quite difficult to carry out such a thorough reform in that era. It not only requires leaders to have firm beliefs, but also needs a strong execution. Fortunately, Liu Xiu has these two elements to turn the situation around and achieve a new generation of new policies in just a few years.

In addition to showing extraordinary wisdom in political skills, Liu Xiu has also made great achievements in employing people. Take the handling of Ouyang She's incident as an example, his approach can be described as weighing the pros and cons and taking into account the overall situation. On the one hand, he adhered to the law and discipline, and on the other hand, he did not destroy the academic fire of the Ouyang School.

The subtlety of this is truly breathtaking. Although Liu Xiu did not directly pardon Ouyang She's sins, after his death, he graciously allowed a grand funeral for him, and even shaved his hair to mourn when students petitioned. In this way, not only did it not completely sweep away the foundation of Ouyang Academic, but it won the sympathy and support of the academic community.

Liu Xiu killed one person despite the opposition of thousands of people, and broke a school, only to find out that Liu Xiu was really clever a year later

From this series of careful calculations, it can be seen how scheming Liu Xiu is. He always grasps the overall situation and never makes a decisive choice, but strives to seek a balance between the interests of all parties and resolve contradictions to the greatest extent. It was this far-sightedness that enabled the Eastern Han Dynasty to achieve unprecedented prosperity during his reign.

Through this series of thrilling events, it is not difficult for us to find that the reason why Liu Xiu was able to achieve a new generation of new policies in the turbulent era is largely because he has first-class wisdom and leadership ability. He had firm ideals and convictions and had the courage to carry out thorough reforms; He has superb scheming skills, and can win by surprise and resolve crises; He knows how to use people, is good at balancing the interests of all parties, and resolves contradictions to the greatest extent.

Liu Xiu killed one person despite the opposition of thousands of people, and broke a school, only to find out that Liu Xiu was really clever a year later

It is with these extraordinary qualities that Liu Xiu was able to complete the legendary life from a cloth cloth to the founding monarch in that era. His story is like a mirror, reflecting the wisdom and foresight that a generation of wise men should have. Looking back on this period of history today, we can not only draw useful governance wisdom from it, but also realize that as long as we have firm ideals and perseverance, ordinary people will eventually achieve extraordinary careers. #头条首发大赛#

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