
This kind of bed sheet is included in the carcinogenic "blacklist", and there is a risk of carcinogenicity for long-term use? It is used by many families

author:39 HealthNet

After dinner, Aunt Chen sat on the sofa and opened the sheets with a large peony pattern that she had just bought.

The more Aunt Chen looked at it, the more she liked it, and she couldn't help but show off to her husband: "Online shopping is really a good thing, this sheet only cost me 9.9 yuan, do you think it's cheap and good-looking?" ”

Uncle Chen hadn't taken it seriously, but after listening to her words, he quickly touched the sheets, and then frowned and sniffed the sheets.

This kind of bed sheet is included in the carcinogenic "blacklist", and there is a risk of carcinogenicity for long-term use? It is used by many families

Upon hearing this, Uncle Chen's brows furrowed even tighter, and then he threw away the sheet despite Aunt Chen's objections

"You just want to be cheap and good-looking, and you don't care about your health!"

It is said that you get what you pay for, and those good-looking and cheap bed sheets really have to be careful, and a carelessness may make you pay a heavy price!

1. National quality inspection: Bed sheets with this characteristic may have a risk of causing cancer

Uncle Chen really didn't talk nonsense, CCTV had already exposed it.

I believe that many people, like Aunt Chen, were dazzled by these good-looking and cheap bed sheets when buying bed sheets online, and then placed an order with one heart.

But when you really buy it, you will find that the color of these sheets is often very bright, and there is a pungent smell after opening the package, even if it is dried for a few days, the taste is still obvious.

If so, then be careful, as these sheets are likely to contain aromatic amine dyes that have long been banned.

This kind of bed sheet is included in the carcinogenic "blacklist", and there is a risk of carcinogenicity for long-term use? It is used by many families

So what are aromatic amine dyes? What effect does it have on the body?

Aromatic amine dye is actually a chemical substance that is often used for textile dyeing, because it is bright in color and dyes strongly, so many manufacturers use it in the production of textiles such as bed sheets and clothes.

However, aromatic amine dyes are easy to use, but they are not necessarily safe.

Wang Ling, chief engineer of the testing center of China National Textile and Apparel Council, said: Decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes are the items specified in our national mandatory standards. Decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes can decompose some carcinogenic aromatic amines after entering the human body through human skin and saliva, which will induce cancer in the human body.

This kind of bed sheet is included in the carcinogenic "blacklist", and there is a risk of carcinogenicity for long-term use? It is used by many families

At present, there are 24 kinds of carcinogenic aromatic amines, because of their toxicity, the mainland has made clear provisions in the "National Basic Safety Technical Specifications for Textile Products", prohibiting the use of carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes in textile products.

But even so, there are still companies that violate the principle in order to reduce costs

In November 2016, CCTV exposed some bedding that was found to be carcinogens.

At that time, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China conducted a large-scale quality sampling inspection of the relevant products of the online shopping platform, and the results were shocking. Of the 50 batches of bedding sampled, 8 batches of products were found to be unqualified, and 2 batches of products were found to be unqualified for decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes.

This kind of bed sheet is included in the carcinogenic "blacklist", and there is a risk of carcinogenicity for long-term use? It is used by many families

So don't look at the price when buying bed sheets, safety and health are the top priority!

2. Be vigilant! The darker the color of the sheets, the heavier the formaldehyde content?

In a person's life, sleep accounts for one-third of the time, it can be seen how important bed sheets are to us, so how to buy healthy and safe bed sheets, we actually pay attention to these 5 points.

1. Purchase channels

It is recommended to buy it in a shopping mall, specialty store or online flagship store.

You don't need to go after a big brand of bed sheets, but you need to find a well-qualified store, and if the price of the bed linen is also decent, it will generally not be a big problem.

This kind of bed sheet is included in the carcinogenic "blacklist", and there is a risk of carcinogenicity for long-term use? It is used by many families

2. Implement standards

Regular bed sheets have a regular washing label, and the washing label will also indicate the implementation standard and safety technology category. Therefore. When buying bedding, you generally only need to look for the CB/T22796-2021 "Bedding" standard or the GB18401-2010 "National Basic Safety Technical Specifications for Textile Products".

It is worth noting that textiles actually have a safety level, which is mainly divided into three categories: A, B and C, Class A is the standard for infant textile products, Class B is the standard that can be in direct contact with the skin, and Class C is the standard for non-direct contact with the skin.

3. Look at the label

Generally, the product identification content produced by regular enterprises is complete, so when buying bed sheets, it is necessary to check whether the instructions for use are complete and accurate. And when using and washing, you should also follow the instructions for use.

4. Color

The darker the color of the sheets, the more dyes tend to be used, so try to choose light-colored sheets, and this can also reduce the risk of formaldehyde and color fastness not meeting the standard.

This kind of bed sheet is included in the carcinogenic "blacklist", and there is a risk of carcinogenicity for long-term use? It is used by many families

5. Material

Try to choose natural fibers such as cotton. Many synthetic fibers are processed from industrial materials, and the formaldehyde content is much higher than that of pure natural materials.

3. The wrong choice of bed sheet will aggravate the condition!

Choosing safe sheets is only the first step in buying bed sheets, and buying the right ones for you is also crucial.

Many people choose bed sheets based on their own personal preferences, for example, the bed sheets for little girls are pink, the bed sheets for boys are blue, and the bed sheets for the elderly may be gray.

However, different colors of bed sheets will bring different emotional effects to people, so you should pay attention when choosing the color of bed sheets, even if you like some colors, don't buy them!

Red: Do not use for insomnia and cardiovascular disease

Many female friends prefer red, and newlyweds usually choose red for their sheets, because red can stimulate the nervous system, increase adrenaline secretion, enhance blood circulation, make people feel warm, full, and even stimulate the emotion of love.

However, patients with neurasthenia, insomnia, and cardiovascular disease should not use red sheets, because too much exposure to red can also make people anxious, and for them, red sheets are easy to aggravate their condition.

This kind of bed sheet is included in the carcinogenic "blacklist", and there is a risk of carcinogenicity for long-term use? It is used by many families

Pink: First choice for those who are mentally depressed

Many people think that pink is the exclusive color of female friends, but it is not.

Pink is a warm color, which can reduce the production of adrenal hormones in people, which helps to stabilize the mood. Pink also relaxes tense muscles. Therefore, choosing pink sheets for people with autism and mental depression will help relieve mental stress and promote physical and mental health.

Blue: Preferred for people with high blood pressure

Patients with high blood pressure and heart disease are better off choosing light blue sheets.

This is because the color blue tends to be peaceful, it can make people think about the meaning of life in a calm state of mind, and arouse people's desire for pure and natural things. Therefore, the blue color helps to reduce symptoms such as headaches, fever, and insomnia. Patients with high blood pressure and heart disease choose blue to help lower blood pressure.


[1] "Stop using this kind of bed sheet immediately, the longer the contact time, the higher the risk of cancer, and many families are still using it". Medical and Health Science.2024-04-11

[2] "Carcinogens have been detected in this women's clothing! There are still 56 batches of unqualified clothing, let's see if there is a brand you often wear》Medical and Health Science.2019-12-07

[3] How to choose the color of bed sheets? 》Taicang Association for Science and Technology.2015-07-08

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