
Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's love affair is suspected to be exposed! The details of the relationship between the two were picked up, and the agent's attitude was intriguing

author:Enjoy the entertainment room

In the romantic world of Korean dramas, we have seen one sweet couple after another. Now, it seems that another pair of screen CPs are planning to move from the drama to reality, they are Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won, the stars of "Queen of Tears".

This drama will set off a lot of craze in 2024! not only broke the ratings record, but also fascinated the audience, and they were all impressed by the charm of these two leading actors. Just recently, the rumors about their relationship have excited fans, could it be that the love story in the play really has to be written in real life?

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's love affair is suspected to be exposed! The details of the relationship between the two were picked up, and the agent's attitude was intriguing

Speaking of "Queen of Tears", it is really a big dark horse in the Korean drama industry this year! No one expected that this drama would become a big hit, and even suddenly became the ratings champion in tvN history, and it also broke into the top ten Korean drama ratings in the past ten years! To have such good results, in addition to the particularly wonderful script and excellent production, the excellent performances of Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won have also made great contributions. Their sweet interactions in the play melted the hearts of countless audiences, and also gave birth to a large group of CP fans!

Just when the popularity of this drama was soaring, the Korean media suddenly released the news, saying that the relationship between Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won was suspected to be exposed! As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a big sensation among fans. Everyone hurriedly began to look for details, trying to find out the truth of this rumor.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's love affair is suspected to be exposed! The details of the relationship between the two were picked up, and the agent's attitude was intriguing

Some netizens found that the selfie posted by Kim so-hyun on July 1 is similar to the angle of Kim Ji-won's previous photos, especially the selfie with his mobile phone, which is exactly the same as a certain moment of Kim Ji-won. This makes the CP fans very happy, is this the two of them secretly showing affection?

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's love affair is suspected to be exposed! The details of the relationship between the two were picked up, and the agent's attitude was intriguing
Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's love affair is suspected to be exposed! The details of the relationship between the two were picked up, and the agent's attitude was intriguing

What's even more interesting is that Kim so-hyun quietly deleted those few selfies in the heated discussion among netizens. This time, it aroused the curiosity of fans. Some people wonder if this Kim so-hyun is trying to cover up something, and some people think that he may just want to avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings. But no matter what you say, this move adds a lot of mystery to the rumors of their relationship.

Of course, a few similar photos alone don't tell the story. But netizens were not willing to leave it at that, and they began to dig deeper into more "little secrets" between the two. Soon, someone discovered that Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won seemed to have a lot of the same clothes. For example, the denim jacket, Kim so-hyun looks a little short when he wears it, and Kim Ji-won has to roll up his sleeves when he puts it on. This makes people can't help but wonder, are these two people wearing the same clothes?

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's love affair is suspected to be exposed! The details of the relationship between the two were picked up, and the agent's attitude was intriguing
Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's love affair is suspected to be exposed! The details of the relationship between the two were picked up, and the agent's attitude was intriguing

However, in the face of all kinds of speculation and questions outside, the brokerage companies on both sides chose not to speak. They neither responded positively to the rumors of a romance, nor did they deny it. This ambiguous attitude fills the heads of fans with all kinds of imagination. Some people think that this is a deliberate hype by the agency, and some people think that they are acquiescing to the relationship.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's love affair is suspected to be exposed! The details of the relationship between the two were picked up, and the agent's attitude was intriguing

In fact, as early as when "Queen of Tears" was on the air, some people felt that the relationship between Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won was a little unusual. Because of their interaction outside the play, it always makes people feel that there is an indescribable tacit understanding and ambiguity. Now as romance rumors become more and more powerful, more and more people have begun to believe that they are really together.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's love affair is suspected to be exposed! The details of the relationship between the two were picked up, and the agent's attitude was intriguing

Of course, as fans, we still have to be rational about this matter. After all, feelings are a matter of two people, and we shouldn't interfere too much. But if Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won are really together, then we must send our most sincere blessings!

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