
Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so

author:123456 wooden man
Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so

Recently, a group of photos of Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won has aroused heated discussions among netizens, because the poses in this group of photos are exactly the same as the photos posted when the two were together some time ago, and in the speculation of netizens, Kim so-hyun also deleted this group of photos in seconds, which made many people suspicious of this matter, thinking that Kim so-hyun was doing "lovestargram", and he chose to delete the photo because he recognized the other party as Kim Ji-won.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so

However, in response to the speculation of netizens, Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's company said that "this is just far-fetched", and they also deleted the matter in seconds, it seems that such a response does not please netizens very much, but makes more people think that they are deliberately hiding something.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so

Recently, Kim so-hyun posted a set of photos on his social platform, in which Kim so-hyun looked natural, and deliberately made a "V" gesture, which looks very cute, but if you take a closer look, you will find that Kim so-hyun is in a very familiar environment, because his position is exactly the same as the photo when he was together some time ago, and Kim Ji-won did exactly the same as him at that time.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so

Because of the lessons from the past, as soon as this set of photos was posted, it immediately aroused heated discussions among many netizens, and everyone left messages at the bottom, asking Kim so-hyun if he was doing a "lovestargram"? Some people joked that Kim so-hyun did this because he thought Kim Ji-won's actions were too ugly, so he chose to delete them in seconds.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so

However, just when many people were speculating about this matter, Kim so-hyun's company issued a response, saying that it was just a "far-fetched" of netizens, and they also deliberately deleted the photo in seconds, it seems that they don't want the outside world to speculate too much about this matter.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so
Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so

Before that, Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's collaborative drama "Queen of Tears" has gained a good reputation and ratings since it was launched, especially after the plot gradually deepened, the roles played by the two also impressed the audience, so in real life, many people are also looking forward to more interaction between the two of them.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so

And if this is the case, so far, Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won have indeed had a lot of interactions, not only showing affection at the recording of the show, but also taking photos of each other on their own social platforms, so in the minds of many netizens, the two of them should be very good friends.

Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so
Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so
Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's same photo sparked a heated relationship, and the brokerage company responded by saying so

However, just when everyone thought that they would always interact, Kim so-hyun deleted the photos he posted in seconds, and deliberately posted a message on his social platform "This is just a far-fetched doubt", it seems that he does not want the outside world to speculate too much about this matter.

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