
Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

author:New Zealand large buffalo
Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

After Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi divorced, they soon got together with Lin Linbei. Recently, she shared a cooking video of cooking Xinjiang big plate chicken at home, and Wang Feng was guessed behind the camera.

Some people praised the craftsmanship of the north of the forest, and some people ridiculed Wang Feng.

It is not difficult for Wang Feng to understand that he fell in love with Forest North, but why he captured his heart is wonderful, after all, his image is greasy now, and his talent is not the type he likes like Forest North.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

The two have been together for a short time, and the future is full of uncertainty, and it is unknown whether Wang Feng will empathize again. As a senior singer in the Chinese music scene, Wang Feng's musical talent has long been widely recognized.

Just as striking as his musical achievements are his rich emotional experiences. From the original Ge Huijie, to the later Kang Zuoru, and then to the marriage with Zhang Ziyi, Wang Feng's love life has always attracted much attention.

The girlfriends he chose are all representatives of good looks and good figures, which also makes the outside world appreciate his vision.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

The exposure of this love affair with Forest North made people full of curiosity about Wang Feng's emotional choice.

Forest North, a name that sounds mysterious, her appearance has undoubtedly added a new color to Wang Feng's love life.

It is reported that Forest North not only has outstanding appearance and temperament, but also is versatile.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

She recently shared a video on social media of herself cooking Xinjiang chicken, in which she is skillful in knife skills and accurate in seasoning ratio, showing extraordinary cooking skills.

As soon as this video was released, it quickly attracted the attention of netizens.

Many netizens have left messages praising Forest North's cooking skills and appearance, and at the same time, they can't help but wonder how Wang Feng was attracted by this irresistible charm.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

Some netizens ridiculed: "No wonder Wang Fengfeng fell in love with her, her cooking skills and appearance are all delicious!" Some netizens also have reservations about Wang Feng's relationship with Forest North.

They believe that although Wang Feng is talented in music, he has been a little greasy in his public image in recent years, and it seems that he is not a good match for a young woman like Lin Linbei.

Some netizens speculated that the reason why Lin Lin North chose Wang Feng may be because of his national degree and influence, which is beneficial to her own career development.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

In response to these speculations and questions, neither Wang Feng nor Forest North made a positive response. But in any case, their relationship has become the focus of public attention, and it has also triggered people's attention and discussion about the private lives of celebrities.

The love life of celebrities has always been one of the hot topics of public concern. As public figures, their every move will be widely followed and discussed.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

We should also respect their personal privacy and choices, and refrain from unduly interfering and speculating on their love lives. Returning to the topic of cooking large plates of chicken in the north of the forest, we can see her talent and charm from it.

As a young woman, she not only has outstanding appearance and temperament, but also exquisite cooking skills and unique taste. Such a woman will naturally attract people's attention and affection.

As a senior singer and musician, Wang Feng's musical talent and creative ability are beyond doubt.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

Although his public image has been questioned and criticized in recent years, we cannot deny his achievements and contributions to music.

Now Wang Feng and Lin Bei have come together, and their love life has also become the focus of public attention.

No matter what the outside world says and speculates, we should respect their choices and decisions. We also hope that they can cherish each other's feelings and go through every good time together.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

Forest North has also recently opened a product window on a certain platform, and has a commercial affiliate with Wang Feng. This move has also aroused people's attention and expectations for her future career development.

If Lin Bei really starts live broadcasting, then with her good looks, good cooking skills and Wang Feng's girlfriend, her live broadcast room will definitely be very popular.

Live streaming is not an easy task.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

It requires the anchor to have rich product knowledge, good communication skills and unique personal charm.

As a young woman, it will take time to verify whether she is up to the task.

In any case, I hope that she can achieve better results and development in her career.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

Lin Bei's cooking of large plates of chicken shows her culinary talent and unique taste, and also allows us to see the sweet and beautiful love life between her and Wang Feng.

I hope they can go on happily ever after, bringing us more beautiful music works and touching love stories.

Regarding the love affair between Wang Feng and Forest North, the public's opinion is like a colorful picture scroll, each with its own characteristics.

Some people think that it is a good story of talented and beautiful people, they are attracted to each other, and each finds in each other the qualities that they admire.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

Lin Bei's cooking skills and appearance, Wang Feng's musical talent and mature charm are all plus points in their relationship.

Some people also think that the matter of feelings is still a private matter between the two of them after all, and the speculation and discussion of the outside world is just a passing cloud.

No matter what the outside world says, their own happiness is the most important thing. Some netizens are more concerned about the future development of Forest North in the field of live broadcasting.

Lin Bei personally cooked a large plate of chicken, and his boyfriend Wang Feng was ridiculed: No wonder the cooking skills and appearances are all delicious!

believes that as Wang Feng's girlfriend, Lin Bei already has a certain degree of popularity and influence, and if she can make a breakthrough in the field of live broadcasting, it will be a major leap in her career.

Wang Feng's love affair with Forest North has attracted widespread attention and discussion. It is expected that they can go through every difficulty hand in hand and create a better future together.

I also wish Forest North greater success in the field of live streaming and bring us more surprises and joy.

【Copyright Notice】The content and pictures described in this article are all from the Internet, aiming to convey positive social energy, and there is no vulgar or bad guidance.

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