
Losing the draft, Choi Yong-hee made a showdown, the official decision was announced, Guo Shiqiang was surprised, and Hu Mingxuan was blessed

author:Small Town Storyteller

Cui Yongxi, this name has been very popular in the basketball circle recently! Although the young man from China did not get his wish in the NBA draft, his experience and choices taught everyone a vivid life lesson.

Losing the draft, Choi Yong-hee made a showdown, the official decision was announced, Guo Shiqiang was surprised, and Hu Mingxuan was blessed

Not to mention how surprising Choi Yong-hee's experience at the draft was, his reaction after losing the draft is enough for us to ponder for a while. If you were an ordinary person, I am afraid that if you were not selected, you would have gone home in disgrace, but Choi Yong-hee is not an ordinary person. As soon as this kid heard that he had lost the election, he decided to stay in the United States to continue his studies without saying a word.

Losing the draft, Choi Yong-hee made a showdown, the official decision was announced, Guo Shiqiang was surprised, and Hu Mingxuan was blessed

Don't look at Cui Yongxi's age, but his vision is not covered. Staying in the United States to train not only allows him to show his talent directly, but also to compete with high-level players, which is very beneficial to improving his personal ability. Besides, if you are selected by an NBA team one day and sign a two-way contract directly, you will make a sure profit.

Losing the draft, Choi Yong-hee made a showdown, the official decision was announced, Guo Shiqiang was surprised, and Hu Mingxuan was blessed

However, Choi Yong-hee's decision is not just for himself. This kid has a big picture in his heart, he wants to fight for Asian players in the international basketball arena. What an honor it must be for an Asian face to be able to beat all sides in a top league like the NBA!

Losing the draft, Choi Yong-hee made a showdown, the official decision was announced, Guo Shiqiang was surprised, and Hu Mingxuan was blessed

Of course, working hard in the U.S. is not an easy task. Cultural differences, language barriers, these are the challenges that Choi Yong-hee has to face. But he relied on his excellent psychological quality and adaptability to solve the problems one by one. This valuable experience not only allowed him to further his skills, but also made his outlook on life and values more mature.

Losing the draft, Choi Yong-hee made a showdown, the official decision was announced, Guo Shiqiang was surprised, and Hu Mingxuan was blessed

Choi Young-hee. This kid is not idle in the United States, and he uses every opportunity to play against the best players, learning from the top players how to make decisions in a high-pressure environment and how to find his place in the team. These experiences are the cornerstone of his future foothold in the NBA.

Losing the draft, Choi Yong-hee made a showdown, the official decision was announced, Guo Shiqiang was surprised, and Hu Mingxuan was blessed

This kid knows that in order to mix in the circle of professional basketball, it is not enough to have ball skills, communication skills, team spirit and leadership are equally important. Therefore, he joined a lot of team activities and participated in leadership training, which is to make himself an all-round development talent.

Losing the draft, Choi Yong-hee made a showdown, the official decision was announced, Guo Shiqiang was surprised, and Hu Mingxuan was blessed

Also, Choi Yong-hee's strength to study basketball tactics is also gone. He spends his days in the video studio, discussing with coaches and analysts, just to be a little more prescient on the field. Sometimes, he also puts his innovative ideas into practice in training, which not only makes his skills more complete, but also highlights his qualities as a thinking athlete.

Losing the draft, Choi Yong-hee made a showdown, the official decision was announced, Guo Shiqiang was surprised, and Hu Mingxuan was blessed

Don't look at Choi Yong-hee's youth, he has already begun to think about how to give back to society. Participating in youth basketball training and motivating more children to achieve self-worth through sports are all things he is doing. This not only won him a good public image, but also gave him a full sense of achievement.

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