
Is it that delicious? The woman was complained about buying durian, and her husband: I only earn more than 200 a day by delivering takeaways

author:Five-year love said

In a rented house in Dongguan, Guangdong, a young couple lives. The husband goes out early and returns late every day, and works hard as a delivery person, earning about 7,000-8,000 yuan a month. And the wife takes care of the children full-time at home, takes care of the housework, and life seems to be peaceful, but there are always some waves.

Is it that delicious? The woman was complained about buying durian, and her husband: I only earn more than 200 a day by delivering takeaways

One night, the husband dragged his tired body home, the children were already asleep, and the wife was alone in the living room eating durian with relish. When she saw her husband enter the door, she smiled and beckoned him to wash his hands and come over to eat durian together. The happy appearance of the wife made the husband feel mixed feelings. Durian is a luxury, and a small durian costs about 150 yuan in Dongguan, which makes him feel distressed.

Last week, my wife bought a durian and spent more than 160 yuan. Now that he is buying it again, this makes the husband feel that no matter how hard he tries to earn money, he can't keep up with his wife's expenses. He couldn't help but ask his wife: "Is durian that delicious?" Can you eat less and save some money? ”

Is it that delicious? The woman was complained about buying durian, and her husband: I only earn more than 200 a day by delivering takeaways

The wife replied disapprenously: "I just like to eat durian, can't you satisfy this hobby?" ”

When the husband heard this, his heart almost collapsed. He didn't know whether to blame himself for not earning enough money or his wife for not knowing how to save. The husband is the only one in the family who works outside the home, and he runs around every day to deliver food, and his income is only enough to make ends meet. His own food expenses are only 500-600 yuan per month, and he is reluctant to buy even drinks. Even so, the wife still spent all the money and always complained that she didn't spend it indiscriminately.

Is it that delicious? The woman was complained about buying durian, and her husband: I only earn more than 200 a day by delivering takeaways

He calculated in his heart that a durian costs 150 yuan, and he needs to deliver 50 takeaways to earn it back, and sending 50 orders means crossing countless red lights and risking his life to make money. He once persuaded his wife to save a little, and his wife agreed at that time, but in a blink of an eye, she forgot her promise and continued to buy durian.

Is it that delicious? The woman was complained about buying durian, and her husband: I only earn more than 200 a day by delivering takeaways

"When a man gets married and has children, he is a money-making machine." The husband is depressed in his heart, but he is powerless to change the status quo.

Many netizens expressed sympathy for their husband's experience, believing that wives should know how to be more thrifty. Someone said: "I have a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, and I am reluctant to buy durian." It's not that money can't be spent, it's that it's spent where it matters most. Another person said: "A family needs to understand each other in order to live well." Men work hard to earn money, and women should also be considerate and not blindly consume. ”

Is it that delicious? The woman was complained about buying durian, and her husband: I only earn more than 200 a day by delivering takeaways

Netizens have different opinions, but the common point of view is: life must be tempered, and the family must have consensus. The wife's hobbies are right, and the husband's efforts are not wrong, but the two need to find a balance and face the pressures of life together.

In summary, living a life is about understanding each other and helping each other. It is not easy to make money, and it is necessary to spend it in moderation. Only when two people think in one place and work hard in one place, can the days get better and better.

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