
Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

author:Möngke talks about health

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In modern society, many people are facing huge work pressure and accelerated pace of life, which not only affects our psychological state, but also may bring some physical problems. Heart problems are one of them.

Heart disease does not develop in a day or two, it may be the result of long-term accumulation, such as long-term irregular diet, high-fat and high-calorie food intake, etc., which may be potential triggers.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

For example, durian, known as the "king of fruits", is indeed very nutritious, rich in various vitamins and minerals, and rich in trace elements such as potassium and magnesium, which are necessary to maintain heart health.

Potassium helps regulate electrolyte balance in the body and maintain normal heart function and blood pressure levels, while magnesium effectively controls the heart's electrical activity and prevents arrhythmias. However, having said that, durian is not low in calories and fat either.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

In general, a medium-sized durian has about 1,000 calories, and most of it comes from its rich sugar and fat. If a person with heart problems consumes durian without moderation, it is simply adding a burden to their heart.

Foods high in sugar and fat can lead to an increase in blood sugar and blood lipid levels, which is a challenge to the heart and may exacerbate the symptoms of heart disease. So, what to do? Don't eat it at all? It doesn't have to be so extreme. In fact, the key is "the right amount".

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

For example, it is perfectly acceptable for the average person to eat a small piece of durian once or twice a week. In this way, you can enjoy the delicious taste of durian without putting too much pressure on your heart.

However, if you already have a heart condition, you need to be more careful and it is best to make dietary changes with the advice of your doctor. Also, don't neglect other daily dietary and lifestyle adjustments.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

A balanced diet, moderate exercise, and adequate rest are seemingly simple common sense, but they all have a direct and important impact on heart health. Remember, it is far easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle than to address health problems that have already arisen.

So, if you're a food lover, especially if you're a fan of high-calorie, high-fat foods, my advice is to enjoy your food while also being aware of the health effects it may have.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

Especially for those who don't have a good heart, they must know how to find a suitable balance between deliciousness and health. We can see that there is a strong link between food and heart health. While enjoying the pleasure of food, don't forget to take responsibility for your own body.

Health always requires a little effort and a lot of wisdom. By enjoying those foods that can affect heart health in moderation, we can better protect our hearts and thus enjoy a better and healthier life.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

In terms of heart disease management and prevention, in addition to controlling those foods that cannot be eaten too much, such as durian, there are also some foods that heart disease patients really need to strictly avoid.

Let's talk about these not very heart-friendly foods, which may not only aggravate heart conditions, but even increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is no small matter. First and foremost are high-salt foods. This food is the enemy of people with heart disease.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

Why? This is because too much sodium in table salt can lead to increased water retention in the body. This may not sound like much, but in reality, it puts more strain on your heart because it requires more force to pump more blood.

Not to mention, a long-term high-salt diet can also lead to a spike in blood pressure, which is undoubtedly worse for an already diseased heart. Therefore, people with heart disease should try to stay away from processed foods, pickled foods, and fast food, choose fresh vegetables and unprocessed meats, and use herbs and spices to add flavor and use less or no salt when cooking.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

Then, there are those foods that are high in fat, especially those that are high in saturated fats and trans fats. These bad fats are "good friends" of bad cholesterol, which will help your blood increase bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL), which directly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Where are these fats found? Most of them are found in fried foods, fast food, baked goods, and certain meat products. Therefore, heart disease patients should be especially careful when choosing food, try to use low-fat cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, roasting or stewing, and stay away from frying and frying.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

At the same time, you should also choose healthy foods that are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as fish, nuts and vegetable oils, which can help improve cardiovascular health.

When talking about heart health, in addition to the dietary adjustments we often mention, some behaviors and habits in life are also important factors that cannot be ignored. These subtle adjustments to daily activities play a vital role in maintaining the health of the heart, improving the overall quality of life and prolonging life.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

Let's start by talking about physical activity. You may wonder if people with heart disease should move as little as possible. In fact, moderate exercise is a great thing for the heart.

Moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, for 150 minutes per week, can significantly improve heart function, improve blood circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

Also, light strength training, such as using lightweight dumbbells or some machine-free muscle training, can also be beneficial for heart maintenance. These activities strengthen the heart muscle and improve the heart's ability to resist stress.

Let's talk about rest and stress management. We all know that prolonged mental stress and anxiety are extremely bad for the heart. These negative emotions can lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

Therefore, learning relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, yoga, or meditation, will not only help you relieve stress but also relax your mind. Getting 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep each night is also essential for heart health.

Finally, regular heart health check-ups are also a must. Through regular check-ups, you can not only detect the early signs of heart disease in time, but also intervene in time to adjust the treatment plan.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

People with heart disease should stay in close contact with their doctor and have regular checks for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and other related indicators, which are all indispensable steps to keep the heart healthy.

Through these comprehensive lifestyle changes, we can not only make the necessary adjustments in our diet, but also comprehensively optimize all aspects of our lives. In this way, you can not only effectively manage your heart health, but also fundamentally improve your quality of life and move towards a healthier, longer life.

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

Therefore, friends, heart health management is not only a process of treatment, but also a lifestyle innovation and adjustment, let us start from now, start small, and truly be responsible for heart health.


What are your thoughts on heart health? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Liu Ke. Predictive value of global longitudinal strain on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for left ventricular remodeling after acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a prospective study of 403 cases. PLA Medical College, 2024-06-28

Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things
Can't eat durian with a bad heart? Doctor: If you want your heart to be normal, don't talk about these 3 things

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