
Brother Dayi held a full moon banquet for his grandson, Chen Yanan mopped the floor in the store and posted: I am unwilling to cry

author:Social Awa onions

Brother Dayi's grandson's full moon banquet, but Chen Yanan mopped the floor in his store and posted that he wanted to cry. Why did Brother Dayi's grandson's full moon banquet make the village envious, but Chen Yanan was extremely low at this time?

Brother Dayi held a full moon banquet for his grandson, Chen Yanan mopped the floor in the store and posted: I am unwilling to cry

On June 4, in a small village in Henan, the courtyard of Brother Dayi's house was brightly lit and lively, and he was holding a full moon banquet for his grandson who had just been born with a full moon. This is not an ordinary family gathering, Brother Dayi took out a bottle of 8699 Moutai to entertain the guests, especially the in-laws, and treated them as distinguished guests.

Brother Dayi held a full moon banquet for his grandson, Chen Yanan mopped the floor in the store and posted: I am unwilling to cry

Brother Dayi's daughter is married to a good family, and it looks like the whole family is stained. Especially Brother Dayi, he loves his grandson to the extreme. He installed sunscreen in the yard before his daughter-in-law's confinement center returned, and always paid attention to the safety and comfort of his grandson. Brother Dayi's love for his grandson is to the extent that he holds it in his mouth.

Brother Dayi held a full moon banquet for his grandson, Chen Yanan mopped the floor in the store and posted: I am unwilling to cry

And Brother Dayi's son, although he has no education and has a relatively weak personality, Brother Dayi is very discerning when choosing a daughter-in-law. He found a woman who was both literate and assertive, and ensured that there were no problems with the education and growth of the next generation. Brother Dayi's family has added a lot of book aroma because of this, and his grandson is also expected to fall in love with reading and continue the glory of the family.

Brother Dayi held a full moon banquet for his grandson, Chen Yanan mopped the floor in the store and posted: I am unwilling to cry

At the same time as Brother Dayi's house celebrating the full moon banquet, Chen Yanan's life was completely different. Her marriage to Zhu Xiaowei has ended, and although she was once a member of the Zhu family, she now works alone in her own clothing store. Chen Yanan's figure mopping the floor made everyone feel sad. She even revealed her unwillingness and sadness in her heart, she said that she "hasn't cried for a long time, and I'm afraid that my unwillingness will be seen through by others." ”

Brother Dayi held a full moon banquet for his grandson, Chen Yanan mopped the floor in the store and posted: I am unwilling to cry

Chen Yanan divorced because she felt that Zhu Xiaowei could not give her the security and security she needed. She had been affectionately involved in this marriage, but chose to leave. After the divorce, she once wanted to become an Internet celebrity and use her popularity and influence to make a living, but soon found that she had nothing without the support of Brother Dayi's family. Her live broadcast was unattended, her goods were not bought, and her original millions of fans were fleeting.

Brother Dayi held a full moon banquet for his grandson, Chen Yanan mopped the floor in the store and posted: I am unwilling to cry

Zhu Xiaowei did not stop after divorcing Chen Yanan, and he soon met Chen Meng through a blind date and got married. Chen Meng and Chen Yanan are completely different, she has high emotional intelligence and knows how to navigate this kind of family relationship very well. She never proves herself, but always supports Zhu Xiaowei behind her back, appreciating his diligence and sense of family responsibility. Such attitudes and behaviors made Zhu Xiaowei's image gradually positive in the village, and also made their marriage look more stable and happy.

Brother Dayi held a full moon banquet for his grandson, Chen Yanan mopped the floor in the store and posted: I am unwilling to cry

Chen Meng's cleverness lies in the fact that she knows how to use and cherish the resources at hand. Although Brother Dayi's family has enough influence to make her an Internet celebrity, she chose to devote herself wholeheartedly to family life and not get involved in this. This choice may seem like a lack of good use of resources, but it actually shows her wisdom and foresight, allowing her to occupy a place in the Dayi family.

Brother Dayi held a full moon banquet for his grandson, Chen Yanan mopped the floor in the store and posted: I am unwilling to cry

Chen Yanan's life trajectory is in contrast to Chen Meng. Chen Yanan may have dreamed of becoming an independent Internet celebrity through her own efforts, but found that she was helpless without the support of a background like the Zhu family. Now she has to face the reality and run a small clothing store with her mother to live an ordinary and hard life.

Brother Dayi held a full moon banquet for his grandson, Chen Yanan mopped the floor in the store and posted: I am unwilling to cry

This change in life made Chen Yanan feel unwilling and sad. She updated online, revealing that she regrets and loses some of her past choices and current life circumstances. She also shows an open-mindedness, being brave enough to face up to her choices, even if it means giving up conveniences and benefits that might have come their way.

Brother Dayi held a full moon banquet for his grandson, Chen Yanan mopped the floor in the store and posted: I am unwilling to cry

On the same day of Brother Dayi's grandson's full moon banquet, Chen Yanan's post and her current situation gave everyone thoughts about life choices and consequences. Although her life is full of challenges now, she still wants to face it with a positive attitude and find her own world.

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