
Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

author:Wang Da Fugui

Since giving birth to a baby on April 26, Chen Meng only appeared on the day of the child's full moon. It is reported that she and Zhu Xiaowei took their children back to the city to live.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

Maybe it's because Brother Dayi's house is full of people every day, in addition to fans visiting the house, there are also many neighbors who come to the house to shoot videos live, and the environment is messy, so Chen Meng doesn't like to be at home.

Moreover, the environment in the city is better, there are not so many bacteria, and the children live in such an environment is more hygienic and healthy.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

I don't know if you have noticed? As Chen Meng's mother-in-law and Zhu Fashun's grandmother, why has the coat sister-in-law been busy at home and has not taken care of the eldest grandson?

Chen Mengniang's family came to the city to take care of the children

Everyone knows that Brother Dayi often has performances, sometimes for several days when he goes out, and during the time he goes out, Sister-in-law Dayi is home alone.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

It stands to reason that as a farmer, Sister-in-law Dayi does not have any serious work, nor does she have to take care of the elderly, and she has a lot of spare time to take care of the children.

But in the shots of Brother Dayi's many neighbors, Dayi's sister-in-law is at home every day, except for a few days of busy harvesting wheat some time ago, her life can be said to be very nourishing, she doesn't have to take care of her in-laws, she doesn't have to worry about her children, and she is carefree.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

Some netizens revealed that the reason why the coat sister-in-law did not go to the city to help her daughter-in-law take care of the children was because Chen Meng did not need the help of her mother-in-law.

Although she is a novice mother and does not understand many places, she has the help of her mother. After Chen Meng was out of confinement, she invited her mother-in-law to her home to help her take care of the children.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

The reason why the mother-in-law is not asked to take care of the child

There is a reason why Chen Meng asked her mother to take care of her children. On the one hand, it is because my mother-in-law has free time, and there is nothing to do at home, so she can take care of her own grandchildren.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

In addition, Chen Meng and her mother have a close relationship, if it is her mother to take care of herself, no matter what happens, there will be no "embarrassing" situation.

If it is taken care of by her mother-in-law, Chen Meng does not get along with her mother-in-law after all, and she has only been married to Zhu Xiaowei for more than a year, so the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is naturally not so good.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

On the other hand, Chen Meng is thinking about her in-laws. Because Brother Dayi goes out to work, he is very tired every time he comes back, especially now that the weather is hot, people will become more haggard.

Chen Meng believes that Brother Dayi can't eat and sleep well in the field, and when he gets home, Sister-in-law Dayi can prepare delicious meals for him as soon as possible, wash his clothes, etc., so that Brother Dayi can feel the warmth of home.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

If Brother Dayi comes home and finds that there is no one, and he has to cook by himself after a few busy days, wouldn't it be too hard?

It is precisely because of this that Chen Meng invited his mother to the city to watch the child, and I have to say that this daughter-in-law is simply too thoughtful.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is good or not

Some people say that Chen Meng has been living in the city since she got married and rarely goes home. Even if I go home, I won't stay, and I'll go back soon, don't you like my mother-in-law?

In fact, Chen Meng is a very filial child, Brother Dayi once said that the new daughter-in-law is relatively low-key, sensible and polite, and it is Xiaowei's blessing to be with Xiaowei.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

And her relationship with her sister-in-law is not what we imagined. It is said that Chen Meng often buys clothes for his sister-in-law and regards his sister-in-law as his own mother, although the two don't see each other much, Chen Meng often gives his sister-in-law videos and always thinks about her mother-in-law.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

is also because she is relatively low-key, so many people don't know her. In terms of the fact that she gave birth to the eldest grandson of the old Zhu family more than a year after she got married, she is much stronger than Chen Yanan.

Chen Meng asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the baby, without considering the feelings of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was intriguing

Even if there is a huge gap with Zhu Xiaowei in terms of appearance and education, she does not dislike it at all, but takes care of this small family in an orderly manner, which is enough, no wonder Brother Dayi is so satisfied with her. What do you think?

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