
The charm of Malatang

author:Prince lyrical

Cold rain


In the long river of time, there is a food with its unique charm that has passed through time and space and has been passed down to this day. It is Malatang, a delicious blend of spicy and fragrant, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.

According to legend, Malatang originated in the Three Kingdoms period, Zhang Fei of Shu Han, he had a bold personality, liked to eat meat and drink a lot. He invented a way to cook various ingredients in a hot soup, which is spicy and fragrant, and it is unforgettable. Since then, Malatang has spread among the people and has become a favorite delicacy among people.

By the Qing Dynasty, Malatang had become a special snack in Sichuan. At that time, in the streets and alleys, it was common to see vendors carrying burdens and selling all kinds of ingredients and spices. People sit around the steaming pot, taste the spicy and fragrant food, and talk and laugh. This lively scene has become a unique scenery in Sichuan.

However, the real development of Malatang is in modern times. With the process of urbanization, people's pace of life has accelerated, and Malatang has gradually become the first choice for people's supper and fast food due to its convenient and fast characteristics. All kinds of spicy hot restaurants have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and they have become a popular delicacy all over the country.

Today, Malatang has become a part of Chinese food culture. It's not just a delicacy, it's an emotional sustenance. Whether it's a busy weekday or a leisurely weekend, people like to meet up with friends, taste a bowl of spicy tang, and talk about life. This cuisine has become deeply integrated into our lives and has become an integral part of our lives.

Malatang has a long history. From the bold eating method of the Three Kingdoms period, to the snack characteristics of the Qing Dynasty, and then to the popularity of fast food in modern times, it has undergone countless changes and evolutions along the way. Today, it has become a part of Chinese food culture and an indispensable delicacy in our lives. While tasting Malatang, we also felt the breadth and profundity of Chinese food culture.

Malatang originated in Sichuan, and after years of development, it has become a local specialty snack all over the country. Its spicy and fragrant taste not only satisfies our taste buds, but also shows the unique understanding of the Sichuan people about food. Behind this, it carries the folk customs and humanistic spirit of Sichuan.


In the night, the kitchen lights flicker, as if telling a story of food. Today, let's walk into the production process of this spicy tang and feel the unique aroma and warm taste.

First of all, prepare the required ingredients: fresh meat, vegetables, bean skin, etc., and then prepare an appropriate amount of bean paste, Sichuan pepper, dried chili, ginger and garlic and other seasonings. Next, wash and cut the meat, vegetables, etc., and cut the bean skin into thin strips to prepare for the next cooking. Next is the cooking process. First, heat the oil, add ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the bean paste and stir-fry until golden brown. Then, pour in an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil, add the cut ingredients, and slowly simmer over low heat. During this process, the ingredients need to be constantly turned to ensure that they are evenly heated. When the ingredients are tender and delicious, they are ready to be cooked. At this time, the aroma of Malatang has permeated the entire kitchen. Sprinkle with some chopped green onions and coriander, which instantly enhances the appearance and taste of this dish. At this point, you can taste this delicious spicy hot dish. The spicy flavor that jumps on the tip of the tongue is endless.

The process of making Malatang may seem simple, but it actually involves a lot of skills and experience. For example, the control of heat, the combination of seasonings, the combination of ingredients, etc., all need to be carefully considered. It's these seemingly tiny details that make this dish full of charm and seduction. The production process of Malatang is a seemingly simple, but in fact profound art. A variety of vegetables, soy products, meat and other ingredients are cooked in a pot, and then a special spicy base is added, and the aroma is full of mouthwatering after boiling. This is not just a delicacy, but also a way of life, a love and pursuit of life.


In this fast-paced era, Malatang has become a food symbol in the hearts of many people. It is not just a food, but also a cultural symbol, an emotional bond.

The origin of Malatang can be traced back to the ancient market life. At that time, in order to solve the problem of hunger, people began to try the combination of various ingredients, and after a long period of evolution, Malatang gradually formed a unique food culture. Today, it has become a beautiful scenery in the city, attracting the attention of countless people. The charm of Malatang lies in its taste and aroma. When you take a bite of Malatang, you will feel the spicy taste that stimulates the taste buds, as well as the wonderful taste of various ingredients mixed together. This taste is not only a taste enjoyment, but also an emotional sustenance. It reminds people of the taste of hometown, the people and things that have accompanied us to grow up.

The cultural connotation of Malatang is rich and diverse. It represents an inclusive and diverse society. In the world of Malatang, you can find a variety of ingredients to match, whether it is meat, vegetables or seafood, you can become an ingredient in Malatang. This inclusiveness makes Malatang a platform for people to communicate and share, and makes people feel the diversity and richness of culture.

Malatang also represents a kind of enthusiasm and affection. During the production of Malatang, the family sits around and works together to complete the dish. This kind of family atmosphere makes Malatang more warm and beautiful. It also makes people feel the strength and warmth of family and becomes an indispensable part of people's lives.

Malatang also represents a spirit of struggle and hard work. In the production process of Malatang, it needs to be boiled and seasoned for a long time to make the flavor of the ingredients rich and delicious. This spirit of struggle and hard work makes people feel the hardships and difficulties of life, and it has also become the driving force for people to keep moving forward. Malatang is a kind of food full of cultural connotations, it is not only a food, but also an emotional bond and a symbol of culture. In Sichuan, Malatang is not only a food, but also a cultural symbol. It represents the Sichuan people's enthusiasm for life and the pursuit of food, and also reflects the folk customs and humanistic spirit of the Sichuan region. The taste of Malatang not only attracts diners from all over the world, but also becomes a link of cultural exchanges between different regions.


Life is like a bowl of spicy hot, sweet and sour, with all five flavors. Everyone's life has their own Malatang, and I love that bowl of Malatang, not only because it is delicious, but also because it symbolizes an attitude towards life.

When it comes to Malatang, its taste can be described as complex and unique. Seasonings such as chili, Sichuan pepper, and sesame pepper tumble in the hot soup, perfectly blending the deliciousness and spicinessness of various ingredients. This is like our life, there are bitter and sweet, sour and spicy, but it always makes people have endless aftertaste. This bowl of spicy tang is the taste in my memory. When I was a child, whenever I came home from school, my mother would always cook me a bowl of spicy tang. At that time, I thought it was the most delicious food in the world. Now, when I taste this bowl of Malatang again, I no longer only pay attention to its taste, but also appreciate the enthusiasm and resilience of that life.

Malatang is not only a delicacy, it is also an attitude to life. The spirit of perseverance and courage in the face of difficulties is like a tenacious ingredient in spicy tang, which can withstand the baptism of boiling soup in order to exude a more attractive aroma. Everyone's life has its own challenges and difficulties, just like the various ingredients in Malatang, some are tough and some are soft. But it is these challenges and difficulties that make our lives more colorful. We need to maintain perseverance in the face of difficulties, just like the seasoning in Malatang, and interpret delicious dishes together with the ingredients.

Malatang is not only a delicacy, it is also an attitude to life. Whether you're looking for a hot bowl of Malatang on the streets of the city, or enjoying your mother's home-cooked food in the family's kitchenette, Malatang can bring you a warm feeling. It allows us to find a moment of peace and enjoyment in our busy lives.

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