
Outrageous! On hot days, sanitation workers kneel and wipe zebra crossings, and the urban management bureau and the cleaning company have different tones

author:More than kites


Before the accident, the sanitation is good, and everyone has the credit.

Something happens, and no one wants to be held responsible.

The sanitation company shirked its responsibility, and the urban management department shirked its responsibility completely, and the only poor people were the sanitation workers who should have retired, but had to wipe the road in the scorching heat.

Seeing the "sanitation workers mopping the floor" incident in Dalian is really chilling!

Outrageous! On hot days, sanitation workers kneel and wipe zebra crossings, and the urban management bureau and the cleaning company have different tones

On June 28, 2024, on the streets of Dalian, there was a distressing scene.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, it was the hottest time, and the temperature outside was as high as 30 degrees Celsius, but a group of sanitation workers had to wipe the zebra crossing little by little with a rag.

Although the sanitation workers wear sunhats, the small sunhats do not serve any purpose at all, and you don't need to look at them to know that their clothes are all wet.

Outrageous! On hot days, sanitation workers kneel and wipe zebra crossings, and the urban management bureau and the cleaning company have different tones

Sweat was dripping down, but in order to survive, they had to carry a small rag and a small bucket to wipe the zebra crossing on the street little by little.

Some people are squatting in order to wipe cleanly. Some of them knelt directly on the ground and wiped the zebra crossing vigorously, trying to wipe the zebra crossing to the point where it was as white as new.

There was also an overseer standing beside them, directing them, as if to say that you can't wipe it clean?

Outrageous! On hot days, sanitation workers kneel and wipe zebra crossings, and the urban management bureau and the cleaning company have different tones

With so many sanitation workers wiping the streets, can it be said that those people from the urban management department and the sanitation company can't see it? But no one came to stop them, but let them wipe the streets.

Are zebra crossings that dirty? Need to wipe it with your hands? Even the hygiene of the home may not have reached the point of wiping it with your hands!

The incident caused a huge controversy, and many people accused the sanitation company of not being so harsh on workers. didn't expect that after the incident became big, a dramatic scene would happen.

Outrageous! On hot days, sanitation workers kneel and wipe zebra crossings, and the urban management bureau and the cleaning company have different tones

The sanitation company said that they had no choice, and they had received a request from the urban management department, so they asked the workers to wipe the ground. They also know that it is very hard, but if there are requirements at the top, they have to implement them below. Regarding this issue, netizens are also intolerant and feel that the sanitation company does not care about the workers at all.

If you really cared about the workers, you wouldn't have let them work under such a scorching sun, couldn't it be in the morning? Can't you stay night? You have to work when it's so hot, what if you get heat stroke?

What's more, wiping the floor with a rag is too time-consuming, can't the company be equipped with some cleaning tools? For example, long brushes, or high-pressure washing guns, why do you need to be so labor-intensive.

Outrageous! On hot days, sanitation workers kneel and wipe zebra crossings, and the urban management bureau and the cleaning company have different tones

So how did the urban management bureau respond? In the past day, the urban management bureau finally came forward to give an interview, saying that the department did not have such a request, let alone let workers mop the floor on a hot day.

The urban management department said that the work of cleaning the ground has always been a high-pressure gun. However, the urban management department still needs to understand the situation with the regional person in charge to know who gave the order.

Outrageous! On hot days, sanitation workers kneel and wipe zebra crossings, and the urban management bureau and the cleaning company have different tones

Before the controversy, these workers wiped the ground for so long, and no one from the urban management department came forward to stop them, and they immediately shirked their responsibilities when something went wrong, which is really ridiculous!

Could it be that no one in the urban management department goes to work? Come and go, can't you see what these workers are doing? Even if it is not an order issued by someone from the urban management department, should you intervene when you encounter such a thing?

All the goals of the sanitation company are from the planning made by the urban management department, and if you want to shirk responsibility in this matter, I am afraid it is a remedy.

Outrageous! On hot days, sanitation workers kneel and wipe zebra crossings, and the urban management bureau and the cleaning company have different tones

The complaints of netizens are really poignant. Some people say that the life of the people at the bottom is the hardest and most tiring, and they use all their strength just to survive.

There are also people who complain that it is a bit too much to wipe the streets like this! How many people's homes have not been wiped so carefully, what does the sanitation department want to do?

Is someone coming here to go to court? Or is there some big guy to inspect?

Outrageous! On hot days, sanitation workers kneel and wipe zebra crossings, and the urban management bureau and the cleaning company have different tones

Those who sit in the air conditioner may not have experienced the scorching heat, but are just thinking about how to make the city a little cleaner.

As everyone knows, their words can make the workers below suffer a lot. I used to see the water gun washing the ground, I thought it was too much, isn't the road just for walking? The wash was so clean, I didn't dare to get down.

Nowadays, seeing the sanitation workers scrubbing the ground with their hands is really hard to live.

Outrageous! On hot days, sanitation workers kneel and wipe zebra crossings, and the urban management bureau and the cleaning company have different tones


What is the truth of the matter, the relevant departments are still investigating, and I think I will give you a reply soon. In fact, this news also lacks a certain neutrality, sanitation workers do not work like this every day, if they encounter special things, it is not unacceptable to clean them once in a while.

However, this method is still a little difficult to recognize, and it can also achieve a certain effect with sweepers and high-pressure water guns, and it is not necessary to use manual cleaning to do so.

Outrageous! On hot days, sanitation workers kneel and wipe zebra crossings, and the urban management bureau and the cleaning company have different tones

In the high temperature, torturing the bottom employees is not only a challenge to everyone's bottom line, but also a challenge to the dignity of the society to the bottom people. Perhaps, the relevant departments should pay attention to the hardest sanitation workers, whether they can get the corresponding subsidies in summer and winter, and whether the pay can be proportional to the harvest.

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