
Outrageous! Because of the impact on the appearance of sanitation workers rubbing zebra crossings under the scorching sun Cleaning company: requirements of the Urban Management Bureau

author:A big cow who loves to share

Dalian, a beautiful city surrounded by mountains and seas, has recently sparked heated discussions because of a video of sanitation workers wiping zebra crossings. In the video, sanitation workers are hunched over and over and over again in the 30-degree heat, holding rags, and wiping zebra crossings over and over again. This picture makes people wonder: Is this really reasonable?

This is simply an absurd drama! In the modern city, the "primitive" way of cleaning the zebra crossing with their hands under the scorching sun makes people wonder if this is a return to the last century. This picture is even more magical than "Big Mom's Square Dance"!

Outrageous! Because of the impact on the appearance of sanitation workers rubbing zebra crossings under the scorching sun Cleaning company: requirements of the Urban Management Bureau

What's even more infuriating is that the urban management bureau and relevant departments have imposed this strange cleaning method on sanitation workers on the grounds of "affecting aesthetics". Beautiful? Is it only a brand new zebra crossing that is beautiful? Isn't the hard work and sweat of those sanitation workers who sweat and work hard under the scorching sun part of the beauty of the city?

Netizens have expressed their dissatisfaction, some feel sorry for the sanitation workers, some question the decision-making of the urban management bureau, and some sarcastically ridicule this behavior is the real "impact on beauty". Netizens are right, this is simply a burlesque of city management!

Outrageous! Because of the impact on the appearance of sanitation workers rubbing zebra crossings under the scorching sun Cleaning company: requirements of the Urban Management Bureau

In fact, the current technology has developed enough, and it is completely possible to adopt a more scientific and reasonable cleaning method. For example, use special cleaning equipment or apply dirt- and abrasion-resistant paints. Why do you have to let the sanitation workers wipe it with their hands under the scorching sun? Could it be that the money from the city management is being used elsewhere?

Outrageous! Because of the impact on the appearance of sanitation workers rubbing zebra crossings under the scorching sun Cleaning company: requirements of the Urban Management Bureau

This is not only a disrespect for sanitation workers, but also a mockery of urban management. The beauty of the city should not be built on the hard work and sweat of sanitation workers. They should also enjoy the convenience and comfort brought by scientific and technological progress.

What's even more infuriating is that the urban management bureau's reply is even more infuriating. They went so far as to say that it was only a "special treatment" and that "the roads are treated with high-pressure water cannons of water trucks, and they will not let the sanitation workers wipe them with their hands". This is simply talking nonsense with open eyes! In the video, it is clearly filmed, and the sanitation workers are obviously wiping the zebra crossing with their hands!

Outrageous! Because of the impact on the appearance of sanitation workers rubbing zebra crossings under the scorching sun Cleaning company: requirements of the Urban Management Bureau

This is a typical "bureaucratic" style! They only care about saving face, but they ignore the suffering and safety of the people. Could it be that in their eyes, there is only "beauty" and no "human affection"?

This absurd drama allows us to see the various problems of urban management. We should reflect on how to make urban management more scientific, rational and humane. How can we truly show care and respect for sanitation workers?

Outrageous! Because of the impact on the appearance of sanitation workers rubbing zebra crossings under the scorching sun Cleaning company: requirements of the Urban Management Bureau

We hope that the relevant departments can listen carefully to the opinions of netizens and improve the way of urban management as soon as possible, so that sanitation workers can work in a safer and more comfortable environment and contribute to the beauty of the city.

Finally, I would like to say that the beauty of the city is not only the glamorous appearance, but also a kind of humanistic care. Only by respecting the labor and dignity of each individual can we create a truly beautiful city.

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