
Revelation! Why do rural swallows favor certain families? Two reasons


Friends who often go to the countryside will find that we can often see swallows busy under the eaves and by the window lattice. But have you noticed that in the same countryside, some people always have flocks of swallows and will fly back to build nests every year, while some people rarely have swallows to patronize? What is the reason for this?

1. Swallow's unique vision of choosing a home

Revelation! Why do rural swallows favor certain families? Two reasons

As migratory birds, swallows return to their familiar places on time every year to nest and breed. But you know what? Swallows have a sharper intuition and judgment than humans when it comes to choosing nesting sites. They carefully observe the environment of each home, considering everything from the structure of the house, the surrounding environment to human behavior.

2. What is the difference between the "home" that swallows prefer?

Revelation! Why do rural swallows favor certain families? Two reasons

Quiet environment: Swallows prefer a quiet environment, away from the hustle and bustle. Those who have children, pets, or frequent gatherings are often not the first choice for swallows.

Structurally suitable for the house: Swallows need stable support points to build their nests, so homes with wide eaves and sturdy window lattices are more likely to attract swallows.

Human friendliness: Most importantly, swallows can feel the friendliness and kindness of humans. Those who often feed and care for the swallows have naturally become the first choice for the swallows.

3. How to make swallows fall in love with your home?

Revelation! Why do rural swallows favor certain families? Two reasons

If you want to make swallows a regular in your home, here are a few tips to try:

Revelation! Why do rural swallows favor certain families? Two reasons

Keep the environment quiet: Reduce the noise and noise in your home and make your swallows feel like a peaceful home.

Provide nesting conditions: Place some materials suitable for swallows to nest, such as soil, straw, etc., under the eaves or by the window lattice.

Care for swallows: When swallows are nesting in your home, don't disturb them, let alone hurt them. At the same time, you can feed the swallows appropriately so that they feel your friendliness and love.

Revelation! Why do rural swallows favor certain families? Two reasons


Swallows choose nesting sites not only for reproduction, but also for trust and dependence on the environment and humans. Let's work together to protect these cute little creatures and make every corner of the countryside full of vitality and vitality!

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