
When the lonely old man rescued the swallow and was about to sell the house to save his wife, the girl said: Your son is at home

author:I love noodle fish

Our Gada, there is an old Zhao head, Zhao Dachuan is also. Lao Zhao Tou had no son in his early years, and the taste, tsk, was really more bitter than Coptis chinensis. His wife also left early, leaving him alone, guarding the old house, relying on the few acres of thin fields left by his ancestors, and the days went by like this. Although Lao Zhao Tou is not young, his body is still strong, but he is always panicked in his heart, thinking about his son who died early.

Old Zhao Tou has a habit of going to sit under the big willow tree at the head of the village every morning. That place was the place where his son loved to make noise when he was a child, and it was also the warmest place in Lao Zhaotou's heart. One day, Lao Zhao Tou was sitting there again, and suddenly, an injured little swallow, fluttering its wings, landed at his feet. This swallow still has blood on its wings, and you can tell at a glance that it is injured. Lao Zhao was kind-hearted, and hurriedly took the little swallow home, bandaged it carefully, and fed it food. This little swallow, as if he understands people's minds, has become more energetic in a few days. It revolves around Lao Zhaotou every day, chattering, as if thanking Lao Zhaotou for saving his life. Lao Zhao Tou was also happy to have a companion, and named Xiaoyanzi "Xiaoling".

The days passed like this, and Lao Zhaotou's life slowly changed. He is no longer so lonely, he is accompanied by Xiaoling every day, and there are more smiles on his face. But the good times didn't last long, and a sudden change broke the peace. Lao Zhaotou's wife is seriously ill and needs a lot of money to treat. Lao Zhao looked at his wife on the sickbed, and his heart was like a knife. He knew that his little family background was not enough to see a doctor. He borrowed money everywhere, but in these years, no one's life is having a good time, where can he borrow money? Lao Zhao was so anxious that he was like an ant on a hot pot, he thought about it again and again, and finally decided to sell the old house. This old mansion, but it was handed down by his ancestors, where can he give it. But in order to save his wife's life, he had to do it.

When the lonely old man rescued the swallow and was about to sell the house to save his wife, the girl said: Your son is at home

Just when Lao Zhao Tou was about to sell the house, a girl suddenly appeared in front of him. This girl has clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, and she is dressed in cloth, and she looks like a country girl. She said to Lao Zhao: "Old man, don't worry, your son is at home." When Lao Zhao heard this, he was stunned. His son? His son is already dead! What kind of nonsense is this girl talking about? Old Zhao Tou looked at the girl suspiciously, but the girl smiled slightly, and then said, "Old man, listen to me." Your son is gone, but his heart is still with you. He asked me to tell you that he has a way to get you through. Lao Zhao Tou looked at the girl suspiciously, and the girl took out a jade pendant from her arms and handed it to Lao Zhao. This jade pendant is crystal clear, and there is a dragon engraved on it. The girl said, "This is what your son left you, and he told you to take this jade pendant to the pawnshop in the town, and the owner of the pawnshop will give you a fair price." Zhao Laohan was holding the heavy jade pendant in his hand, and his heart was full of thoughts. He watched the girl's figure slowly walk away, and his heart felt like he had knocked over the five-flavor bottle. This jade pendant can really be left to him by his son? Can his son really help him through the difficulties? Zhao Laohan carried the jade pendant and went straight to the pawnshop in the town. When the pawnshop owner saw this jade pendant, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked Zhao Laohan where this treasure came from. Zhao Laohan told the boss everything about the girl's words. The boss pondered for a while before he spoke: "This jade pendant is really a treasure, I will give you a fair price." Zhao Laohan exchanged the jade pendant for money and cured his wife's illness. He was so grateful that he thought that this must be his son's spirit in heaven, and sent the girl to help him. From then on, Zhao Laohan was even more precious to Xiao Ling, and felt that this was the only thought left to him by his son.

Since Zhao Laohan exchanged the jade pendant for money and cured his wife's illness, this matter has spread in the town. Some people say that Zhao Laohan's son has appeared, some people say that the girl is a fairy in the sky, and some people say that the jade pendant is a family heirloom, which can attract blessings and avoid disasters. But Zhao Laohan knew in his heart that these were everyone's guesses, and he only knew that it was the jade pendant that saved his wife's life. After this incident, Zhao Laohan became even more precious to Xiaoling. Every day before dawn, he had to get up to feed Xiao Ling, change the water, and build a nest for Xiao Ling, for fear that he would freeze and starve. Sometimes, he would talk to Xiao Ling, tell stories about his youth, and tell interesting stories about his son. Xiao Ling seemed to understand, and always tilted his little head and listened carefully.

As the days passed, Zhao Laohan's wife gradually got better. She saw that Zhao Laohan was so good to Xiaoling, and her heart was warm. She said to Zhao Laohan: "Old man, look at you, you don't get tired of going around this little swallow all day long." Zhao Laohan smiled and said, "It's not tired, it's like our son, I'm happy when I look at it." In this way, the laughter of Zhao Laohan's family increased again. Xiao Ling has also become a little star in the town, and everyone likes to come to Zhao Laohan's house to see this little swallow. Some children will also bring some food to feed it, Xiaoling is not a picky eater, eats everything, and eats with a round stomach.

When the lonely old man rescued the swallow and was about to sell the house to save his wife, the girl said: Your son is at home

Until one day, the girl who saved Zhao Laohan came again. She stood in the courtyard of Zhao Laohan's house, watching Xiao Ling flying in the air, with a smile on her face. When Zhao Laohan saw her, he hurriedly greeted her and said, "Girl, you are here, please come in." The girl waved her hand and said, "No need, I'm just here to see Xiaoling." Zhao Laohan led the girl into the house and asked her to sit down. His wife also quickly poured a cup of tea and handed it to the girl. The girl took the tea, took a sip, then looked at Zhao Laohan and said, "Old man, I came today to say goodbye to you." Zhao Laohan was stunned for a moment and asked, "Farewell?" Girl, where are you going? The girl smiled and said, "I'm going back to heaven." As soon as Zhao Laohan heard this, he panicked like something, and he hurriedly asked: "Girl, are you, are you really a fairy from the sky?" The girl nodded lightly and said, "Yes, I am the swallow fairy of the sky." At that time, I saw that you had a good heart and saved Xiaoling, so I thought I had to help you. When Zhao Laohan heard this, he called it a mixed flavor in his heart. How did he think that this girl was actually a god in the sky. He hurriedly asked again: "Then, as soon as you leave, what will Xiao Ling do?" The girl said, "Don't worry, Xiaoling is a divine bird in the sky, and it shouldn't be here." When it grows a little bigger, I'll take it back to heaven. However, before I leave, I will teach him some skills so that he can take good care of you and your wife. Zhao Laohan listened, although he was a little reluctant in his heart, but he also understood that this was something that could not be helped. He looked at the girl gratefully and said, "Thank you, girl, thank you for saving us." The girl waved her hand and said, "No thanks, this is what I should do." ”

Soon after the girl left, Xiao Ling really grew up a lot. It learns to find food, build a nest, and shelter from the rain. It also often flew to Zhao Laohan and his wife, gently touching their faces with its mouth, as if to comfort them. One night, Zhao Laohan and his wife were sitting in the courtyard to enjoy the shade, and suddenly a big swallow flew in the sky, shining with golden light, which looked particularly magical. Zhao Laohan and his wife were stunned, watching the swallow slowly land in the yard. As soon as the swallow landed, she became the beautiful girl she had been here before, and she was the swallow fairy. She looked at Zhao Laohan and his wife, and said with a smile: "Old man, I'm here to take Xiaoling back." Although Zhao Laohan and his wife were reluctant, they also understood that this was Xiaoling's destination. They stood silently to the sidelines, watching the swallow fairy fly into the sky with the little spirit. The little spirit flew in the sky, making a cry of joy. It looked back at Zhao Laohan and his wife, and then disappeared into the night sky.

Zhao Laohan and his wife stood there and did not move for a long time. They knew that the little spirit had returned to where it was supposed to be. Since then, Zhao Laohan and his wife have lived a peaceful life. From time to time, they would think of Xiao Ling and Swallow Fairy, and their hearts would be full of gratitude and longing. The people in the town also knew this story, and they all said that Zhao Laohan was a blessed man because he met such a good little swallow and such a kind swallow fairy. That's the end of the story. We Northeast people often say that good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil, and when the time comes, nature will return. It is because of his kindness and love that Zhao Laohan has this wonderful fate. We also have to be like him, do more good deeds, do more good deeds, so that life can be better. Okay guys, we'll see you next time! Let's move on. Ever since the swallow fairy returned to the sky with Xiao Ling, Zhao Laohan's courtyard seemed empty and silent, and seemed to lack some vitality. His wife often stared at the sky and fell into deep thought, while Zhao Laohan sat silently in the courtyard, smoking dry smoke, and his eyes revealed a deep sense of longing. Seeing this scene, the residents of the town came to comfort Zhao Laohan. Some people brought fresh vegetables grown by their own families, some people brought eggs from their own chickens, and some people came directly to help Zhao Laohan do farm work. They all said: "Brother Zhao, don't be too sad, although Xiao Ling is gone, everyone in our town is your family." Hearing these words, Zhao Laohan felt warm in his heart. He looked at everyone gratefully and responded, "Thank you, I'm not alone with you." ”

When the lonely old man rescued the swallow and was about to sell the house to save his wife, the girl said: Your son is at home

With the passage of time, Zhao Laohan gradually recovered from the grief of losing Xiao Ling. He began to value the time he spent with the townspeople, often getting together with them to talk and drink tea. He also tidied up a vacant lot in the yard and planted all kinds of flowers and plants to give the yard a new lease of life.

One day, Zhao Laohan was watering flowers and plants in the yard when he suddenly heard a quick knock on the door. He put down the kettle in his hand and went to open the door, only to see a young girl standing outside the door. This girl has a delicate face and is dressed in simple cloth clothes, giving people a sense of intimacy. Zhao Laohan was stunned for a moment and asked, "Girl, who are you looking for?" The girl smiled and replied, "Uncle, I am here to find you." Zhao Laohan was even more puzzled and asked, "Looking for me?" Do we know each other? The girl shook her head and said, "No, we don't know each other." But I heard the story of you and Xiaoling, and I came to thank you. Hearing this, Zhao Laohan understood a lot in his heart. He hurriedly invited the girl into the house and asked his wife to pour her a cup of tea.

After the girl sat down, she chatted with Zhao Laohan. She introduced herself as Xiaolian, from a distant town, and after learning the story of Zhao Laohan and Xiaoling, she was deeply moved and decided to stay in this town to help those in need. After hearing this, Zhao Laohan was extremely happy in his heart. He said, "Xiaolian, you are such a kind girl. The people in our town are friendly and you will definitely be welcomed by everyone. Xiaolian nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, I have already felt everyone's enthusiasm. Uncle, I want to learn how to plant flowers with you, do you think it's okay? After hearing this, Zhao Laohan was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth and replied: "Of course you can, the flowers in my yard are all planted by me." Whatever you want to learn, I'm willing to teach you. So, Xiaolian became Zhao Laohan's apprentice, and followed him every day to learn to plant flowers, water, and fertilize.

When the lonely old man rescued the swallow and was about to sell the house to save his wife, the girl said: Your son is at home

Time passed, and Xiaolian gradually integrated into the life of this town. She not only helps Zhao Laohan take care of flowers and plants, but also often helps the lonely elderly and left-behind children in the town. Her kindness and enthusiasm have earned her love and respect.

That day, a big swallow suddenly came to the sky, and the swallow's body was shining with gold, and it was amazing to look at. Zhao Laohan and his wife and son, their eyes were straight, watching the swallow slowly land in their courtyard. As soon as the swallow landed, hey, it became a beautiful girl, and it was the swallow fairy. She looked at Zhao Laohan and his family, and said happily: "Uncle and aunt, I'll come to see you." The old man and the old man hurriedly stood up to greet the uninvited guest.

The swallow fairy glanced at the courtyard of Zhao Laohan's house and exclaimed: "This courtyard is really not bad, it is all the credit of your old man?" Zhao Laohan waved his hand and said, "Where is it, there is still Xiaolian's share." She not only helped me take care of the flowers and plants, but also helped the villagers in the town do a lot of good things. The swallow fairy listened and nodded in praise: "Xiaolian, this girl is really good, she has a good heart, and she will definitely have good rewards in the future." After saying that, she looked up at the sky and said, "It's not early, I have to go back." Zhao Laohan and the two men hurriedly said, "The fairy walks slowly." The swallow fairy smiled slightly, turned into a golden light, and disappeared into the night with a swish.

When the lonely old man rescued the swallow and was about to sell the house to save his wife, the girl said: Your son is at home

Since then, the life of Zhao Laohan and his wife has become more nourishing. Xiaolian, a good apprentice, is by their side every day, and the figure of the swallow fairy also crosses the sky from time to time. Everyone said that Zhao Laohan was blessed and met so many good people and magical things. Zhao Laohan himself understands in his heart that kindness and love are the most precious things in the world. As long as there is love and kindness in the heart, happiness and joy will come naturally.

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