
Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

author:Lobster says entertainment

In 1975, in an ordinary village in Tangshan, Hebei Province, Li Kangyu fell to the ground. As the only son in the family, he was much loved. The parents gave all the good things to this old man first, looking forward to his healthy and happy growth.

However, fate seems to have played a cruel joke on him. On July 27, 1976, the Tangshan earthquake shocked the world. Although Li Kangyu's family was lucky to avoid this disaster, bad luck did not spare this young life.

Soon after the earthquake, young Lee Kang-woo began to have a recurrent high fever. Although his parents took him to seek medical treatment, he could not find the cause. As time went on, Lee Kang-woo's physical condition deteriorated.

His development was slower than his peers and he was barely able to stand until he was 3 years old. When he was 6 years old, his family finally waited for the diagnosis - Lee Kang-woo suffered from rheumatoid. The doctor told them that due to the delay for too long, the child's condition could not be cured, and in the future, he might not be able to stand due to atrophy of his lower leg and eventually become paralyzed in bed.

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

This cruel reality cast a shadow over Lee Kang-woo's young mind. He became reticent, did not like to laugh, and did not want to communicate with people. The parents were distressed and tried their best to help their son.

They saved money and bought an old television set, hoping to open a window to the outside world for their son. Meanwhile, in faraway Malaysia, Ngan Shuying, born in 1978, lives a very different life.

She was born into a wealthy family in Kuala Lumpur City, where she had an older brother and two younger sisters. As the second child in the family, Yan Shuying has been cared for as a pearl in her palm since she was a child.

Yan Shuying not only has a superior family background, but also is smart and beautiful. In school, she was always at the top of her grades and was recognized by everyone as a goddess. The elders in the neighborhood also often boasted about her as "someone else's child".

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

This sunny girl's life seems to be plated with a layer of gold, and the future is bright. Two very different lives, one struggling in the haze of illness, the other bathed in the sunshine of life.

The gears of fate are quietly turning, and their life trajectories are about to meet in the most unexpected places, composing a touching transnational love song. In 2011, the magic of the Internet allowed two souls who were thousands of miles apart to meet on QQ.

Li Kangyu, a young man from rural China who had never traveled far before, was exposed to the outside world for the first time. And Yan Shuying, a Malaysian girl with a successful career, also has a strong interest in this Chinese boy she has never met.

At first, the two simply greeted and chatted. But as the exchange deepened, Lee Kang-woo plucked up the courage to tell Yan Shuying his story. He recounted his experience, both apprehensive and afraid, for fear that he would scare away this sunny and warm girl.

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

However, unexpectedly, instead of flinching, Yan Shuying was deeply moved by Lee Kang-woo's optimistic and strong attitude towards life. As a person who has been smooth sailing since childhood, Yan Shuying realized for the first time that there are still people in the world who have to go through such a difficult life.

She began to chat with Lee Kang-woo frequently, listen to his stories, and share her life. The more the two talked, the more speculative they became, and the distance between their hearts unconsciously narrowed. On Yan Shuying's birthday, Lee Kang-woo carefully prepared a surprise.

Although it was across the screen, he bought Yan Shuying's favorite lilies and cream cakes. When they opened the video, Yan Shuying was touched by this heart. "Happy birthday, Yan Shuying! I know you can't eat it, but I still want to buy it.

Lee Kang-woo said sincerely. Yan Shuying's eyes flashed with tears, and she responded: "Thank you, I like it very much!" This is the most meaningful and memorable birthday I have ever had, and I am really happy.

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

This birthday has become an important moment for the relationship between the two to heat up. They all like each other silently, but they don't dare to confess rashly. Until one day, Yan Shuying encountered a thrilling car accident on the way to work.

Although it was only a slight bruise, this experience made her deeply aware of the fragility and preciousness of life. That night, Yan Shuying plucked up the courage and said to Li Kangyu what she had hidden in her heart for a long time: "I like you, let's be together!" Okay, hurry up and give me an accurate word! This sudden confession stunned Lee Kang-woo.

He struggled inwardly, on the one hand, he liked Yan Shuying, and on the other hand, he felt inferior to his own condition. In this way, the seeds of love quietly sprouted in the two hearts, although they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, but the hearts were getting closer and closer.

This relationship, which began on the Internet, brought them into a sincere love that crossed borders. In November 2011, Yan Shuying made a decision that surprised everyone.

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

She hid from her family and flew to China alone. When she sent a message to tell Li Kangyu, "I'm in China, I'm lost, you can pick me up", Li Kangyu was stunned. He immediately arranged for someone to pick her up at the airport, feeling both excited and apprehensive.

Yan Shuying's sudden visit made Lee Kang-woo feel an unprecedented happiness and warmth. When Yan Shuying really appeared in front of him, the two of them didn't feel any strangeness, but became closer.

During the two weeks at Li Kangyu's house, Yan Shuying took care of him meticulously without a trace of dislike. Her sincerity and courage completely touched Lee Kang-woo, and he finally mustered up the courage to accept Yan Shuying's feelings.

However, reality soon hit the two in the face. After returning to Malaysia, Yan Shuying confessed to her parents that she wanted to marry a paralyzed boy from China. The news was like a bolt from the blue, Yan Shuying's parents resolutely opposed it, and even confiscated her mobile phone and locked her at home to ask her to reflect.

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

But love gave Yan Shuying endless courage. She went on hunger strikes, quarrels, and tried every means to convince her parents. However, both sides have fallen into exhaustion and stalemate. In the end, Yan Shuying decided to calm down with her parents and have a good talk.

She pleaded, "Mom and Dad, my decision to marry Lee Kang-woo was made after careful consideration. I know you're afraid I'm going to have a bad time, but he's really good. Can you come with me to meet him and then draw conclusions? After a long period of communication, Yan's parents finally agreed to let her brother and sister go to China to meet Lee Kang-woo first.

After meeting Lee Kang-woo, they returned to China to report the situation to their parents. Surprisingly, they never spoke against it again. Yan Shuying's parents finally relented. They said to their daughter, "You have thought about it, this road is too difficult, and once you have decided on it, you really can't go back."

Yan Shuying replied firmly: "It's really decided." The parents said helplessly: "We all bless you, and we only hope that you can live happily and happily!" With the blessing of her family, the last stone in Yan Shuying's heart finally landed.

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

In 2013, she once again embarked on the journey from Malaysia to Tangshan, China, and this time, she will start a new chapter in her life. On August 8, 2013, a special wedding was held in a small village in Tangshan, Hebei Province.

the bride, Yan Shuying, a wealthy girl from Malaysia; The groom, Li Kangyu, a rural Chinese guy who has been paralyzed for 31 years. Although this wedding was simple, it touched countless people.

At the wedding, Lee Kang-woo was carried in. When he saw Yan Shuying in a white wedding dress, tears of happiness flashed in his eyes. Yan Shuying gently held Lee Kang-woo's hand, her eyes full of firmness and love.

Relatives, friends and villagers present were all moved, and the lovers who crossed the border finally came to fruition. The story of the two quickly spread and attracted widespread attention from the society.

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

Major media came to interview, and netizens were deeply moved by their love story. The report of "Malaysian girl chasing after Chinese paralyzed man for thousands of miles" spread quickly on the Internet, sparking heated discussions.

People sent their best wishes to the couple, and at the same time, they were infected by their courage and perseverance. After marriage, Lee Kang-woo and Yan Shuying's lives took on a new meaning. Lee Kang-woo began a national motivational speech, inspiring others with his own experience.

His positive and optimistic attitude towards life has touched many people and he has become a "national inspirational star". At the same time, netizens spontaneously organized a love donation activity.

Lee Kang-woo and his wife were deeply moved and decided to use the money to do something meaningful. They set up a foundation for the disabled, hoping to help more disabled people like Lee Kang-woo.

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

This decision has been widely praised by all sectors of society and further spreads positive energy. This wedding, which spans thousands of mountains and rivers, is not only a victory for Lee Kang-woo and Yan Shuying's love, but also a glorious victory for human nature.

It shows the world that the power of love can transcend borders, physical limitations, and worldly prejudices. The story of Lee Kang-woo and Yan Shu-young has become a love legend of an era, inspiring countless people to bravely pursue their own happiness.

In 2016, the sunshine of life was suddenly overshadowed by haze. Lee Kang-woo's condition has deteriorated severely, and his physical condition has deteriorated sharply. Although doctors recommend surgery, the condition after surgery is worse than before surgery.

Lee Kang-woo's body was tormented by illness and pain, and every day was spent in torment. Li Kangyu, who was on the sickbed, looked at Yan Shuying, who took care of him day and night, and his heart was full of guilt and reluctance.

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

He knew that his time was running out, but he couldn't bear to leave Yan Shuying alone. Yan Shuying stayed by Li Kangyu's side every step of the way, even if she was tired, she still had a gentle smile on her face, giving her husband the greatest comfort and support.

In January 2017, 42-year-old Lee Kang-woo finally passed away. At the last moment of his life, he held Yan Shuying's hand, his eyes full of reluctance and gratitude. Yan Shuying held back her tears and told him softly: "I love you forever, you can leave with confidence."

At this moment, time seems to stand still, and two hearts in love silently tell eternal vows. During this difficult period, everyone is persuading Yan Shuying to remarry and return to Malaysia to start a new life.

But she chose to stay in China, guarding their small home and small shop full of memories. Yan Shuying used her actions to interpret what true love is, and her persistence and courage once again touched everyone around her.

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

Although life is impermanent, the power of love is eternal. The story of Lee Kang-woo and Yan Shu-young shows the deepest and most touching side of love in the last journey.

After losing her husband, although Yan Shuying's life lost its color, she was not crushed by grief. Many people advised her to start over and return to Malaysia. However, Yan Shuying chose to stay in China and continue to run her and Lee Kangyu's small shop, guarding every bit of her relationship with her husband.

In order to realize Lee Kang-woo's unfinished dream, Yan Shuying began a national lecture tour. She tells the story of herself and Lee Kang-woo to more people, and uses their love story to inspire those who are struggling with difficulties.

Yan Shuying hopes to convey hope and courage and make more people believe in the power of love. Yan Shuying's strength and perseverance have touched many people. The story of her and Lee Kang-woo attracted the attention of the film industry, and was eventually adapted into the movie "Kuala Lumpur Falls in Love with Tangshan".

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

As soon as this movie was released, it sparked heated discussions on the whole network, allowing more people to understand this sincere love that crosses borders and spreading the seeds of love and hope. Now, Lee Kang-woo has been dead for 6 years.

Yan Shuying is still staying in their former shop, reminiscing about the moments of falling in love and getting married. Her life is calm and warm, although there is no vigorous love, but it is full of thoughts for her lover and love for life.

Yan Shuying used her own actions to interpret the true meaning of "love across the mountains and seas, mountains and seas can be flat". Her story teaches us that the power of love can transcend borders, transcend life, and live forever in our hearts.

Although Lee Kang-woo is gone, their love story will forever inspire future generations and pass on the power of love.

Malaysian girl married Chinese paralyzed guy, after her husband died, what happened to the woman

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