
The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

author:Kitten Sports

The national football team encountered a "death schedule", and the Asian qualifiers fought against strong opponents!

The 2024 Asian World Cup qualifiers are in full swing, and the schedule of our national football team is really sweaty! As soon as he came up, he was thrown into a "group of death", this luck, it's simple!

The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

To be honest, this schedule is a headache to look at. The national football team has to face hard in the group stage first, and play against Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Australia. This is not a joke, which of these three teams is not a ruthless character in Asian football?

Think about it, the first game of the national football team has to go to Japan to challenge away, and the pressure is not ordinary. This is not only a competition of footwork and tactics, but also a great test of the psychological quality of the players. To be honest, I sweated for them!

But then again, challenges are also opportunities! If the national football team can fight its way out of this "group of death", the gold content will be high. Therefore, the national football players have to work harder, and our fans are waiting for your good news!

Netizens said: The schedule of the national football team is shocking to watch. However, there are challenges to be seen! I hope that the national football team can take this opportunity to play its own style and let the world see the power of Chinese football!

Another netizen said: Hmph, the national football team has entered the "Group of Death" again? Isn't that the norm? Every time I want to get a good sign, the result is not the same? Don't get your hopes up too much, lest you be disappointed even more.

The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

The schedule of the national football team is indeed scary, but this is the charm of football. Let's look forward to the performance of the national football team in the qualifiers, and hope that they can create miracles and win glory for the country!

The national football team encountered the "devil's schedule", and there were many tests against strong opponents

The Japanese team, with its technology and rhythm, is like the leader of Asian football, and it is in the limelight. But our national football team will have to fight them hard next, and there is no one else in this luck.

Don't think you're done with Japan, Saudi Arabia and Australia are still waiting for you. Saudi Arabia, that defense, like an iron bucket, counterattacked quickly and ruthlessly. Australia? The physical fitness of those people is like driving an excavator, and if you don't peel off the skin, I will lose.

To be honest, this schedule is simply a "devil's schedule" for the national football team. It's three tough battles as soon as it comes up, who can withstand this? If it were me, I would have to weigh my mental capacity.

The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

The ideal schedule? That should be to pinch a few soft persimmons first, accumulate some confidence and experience, and then slowly challenge stronger opponents. But now this arrangement is like throwing the national football team directly into the pressure cooker, and he doesn't even let his breath breathe.

This kind of schedule, on the morale of the team, it is simply a heavy punch. Self-assurance? If you don't get it right, you'll have to be beaten back to its original shape. But then again, there are challenges to grow, the national football team has to work harder, and our fans also have a lot of support to get through this difficulty together!

A netizen said: The schedule of the national football team is tired to watch. As soon as it came up, there were three vicious battles, which is not a clear bully. If you want me to say, the Football Association has to think hard about how to create more favorable conditions for the national football team.

Another netizen ridiculed: Haha, the national football team can be regarded as encountering "hard stubble" now. Don't say that the schedule is unfavorable, if you really have the strength, are you still afraid of these? I think this schedule is very good, just to test the "real gold content" of the national football team. Don't make excuses and say you lost because the schedule was too tight.

The national football team is facing heavy pressure in the group stage, and a three-game winless streak will affect the qualifying situation

The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

If the national football team can't make a name for itself in the first three games, then it will have to endure it later. When the time comes, the performance and strategy of the entire team will be greatly impacted.

This psychological pressure is really not covered. You have to have a big heart to straighten your back in the next competition.

Even if our national football team does not coax against Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, and even shows off some skills, the next schedule will not be easy.

It stands to reason that when encountering relatively weak opponents such as Indonesia and Bahrain, the national football team must seize the opportunity to win. This is directly related to the fate of the group rankings, do you understand?

This kind of duel, to be honest, also makes people sweat. A small negligence on the court can mean a complete loss.

The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

Therefore, the national football team must prepare in an all-round way, and the technology, tactics, and psychology must be excellent in order to survive this devil's schedule.

Netizens said: The national football team has really made people love and hate over the years, and every time they feel that they can make a breakthrough, but the result is always so bad. This group stage is even more crucial, and I hope to see them perform differently.

Another netizen said: Don't get your hopes up, the national football team wants to take advantage every time, and when it encounters a weak team, it thinks it can be easily won, but the result is often a slap in the face. In this group stage, I look at the suspense.

The national football team has risen to the challenge, and the challenges and opportunities of the qualifiers coexist

The qualifiers are rekindled, and the national football players are about to embark on a journey again. This time, they faced not only the opponents on the court, but also the double test of psychology and strategy.

The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

Want to win the game? It's not just about running around the field and kicking a ball. The intelligence of the coaching staff, the form of the players, and the mental preparation before the game are the keys to victory or defeat.

To be honest, this qualifier is really difficult for the national football team. But then again, isn't this a great opportunity for them to show off their skills and prove themselves?

Only by playing with the masters can you grow faster. This qualifier is a stage for the national football team to improve its strength and win respect. Every game is a contest of technique and spirit.

Don't forget, the 2024 World Cup Asian qualifiers are no joke. Later in the group stage, we also have to play Indonesia and Bahrain, and although they are "weak teams", we should not take it lightly.

Netizens said: The national football team is really sweating in this qualifier, the opponents are so strong, but I believe they can withstand the pressure and play their own style!

The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

Another netizen said: The national football team? Don't be funny, it's a disappointment every time. I don't think there will be much drama in this qualifier, so don't get your hopes up too much.

Fighters of the national football team, it's time to show your true strength, shut up the mockers, and make the supporters proud! Come on, national football!

The national football team ushered in a "hard bone", and Indonesian Bahrain is not idle

The national football team has encountered a "hard bone" this time, Indonesia and Bahrain, don't think that they are easy to bully if they are low ranked.

These two teams have been making steady progress in recent years. If the national football team wants to win, it is not enough to rely on technology and physical strength alone, you have to use your brains and play tactics.

The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

Don't underestimate these two teams, our national football team has to show real skills, organize the attack well, and defend closely in order to win the game steadily and improve the group ranking.

However, having said that, the national football team has to face not only these seemingly "weak" opponents, but also psychological pressure is the biggest test. After playing against a strong team, the players may be a little tired psychologically, and their self-confidence may also be hit.

At this time, the role of the coach is very crucial. They have to be like a psychologist to cheer the players up and rebuild their confidence and morale. You have to give the players the best shape for every game and overcome those little psychological obstacles.

The "battle" of the national football team is not easy to fight, but we still have to expect them to show their best performance and win glory for the country!

Netizens said: The national football team has really encountered challenges this time, Indonesia and Bahrain have made a lot of progress over the years, and we can't underestimate the enemy. The coaching team has to adjust the mentality of the players, play to our strengths and try to win the game!

The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

Another netizen said: The national football team always disappoints us, and this time in the face of Indonesia and Bahrain, it is estimated that it will be more than lucky. Don't say any psychological pressure, I think it's just that the strength is not good, what's the use of making so many excuses? Winning is the last word!

The national football team encounters the "devil's schedule", which is both a challenge and an opportunity!

In this Asian qualifiers, the schedule of the national football team is really sweaty! One tough battle after another, as if to test whether our national football team is real gold and not afraid of fire.

To be honest, this schedule is so tight and difficult, and it must be more than just football. Television broadcasting, marketing, and inexplicable geopolitical factors are all involved.

Do you think it's fair? Some people may say that there is no absolute fairness in this world. This time, the Chinese team felt the pressure from all directions, but then again, there is pressure to be motivated!

The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

Such a schedule is actually a rare opportunity for the national football team. Think about it, under the siege of so many strong teams, if the national football team can fight its way out of the encirclement, it will not only be able to straighten its waist in Asian football, but also impress people on the international stage.

Of course, if you want to achieve results, you need to have skills and tactics alone. It depends on whether our team members can twist into a rope and give full play to the team spirit. Psychological quality and team cohesion are the keys to winning or losing.

The national football team has encountered unprecedented challenges this time, but then again, challenges and opportunities always coexist. Lads of the national football team, it's time to show your strength and determination!

A netizen said: The national football team's schedule this time is too cheating, and it is obviously put on the table. However, it's also a good thing to see if they can burst out stronger under the pressure. Don't let me down!

Another netizen said: The national football team always makes all kinds of excuses, what's wrong with the difficult schedule? A truly strong team is not afraid of any challenge. Don't always complain about external factors, first raise your technical level and team spirit!

The schedule hides 2 shady scenes, targeting the Chinese team to escort Bahrain and Indonesia to the AFC to suppress the national football team!

The national football team is facing the big test, and the world preliminaries are full of challenges

In the 2024 World Preliminaries, the national football team is facing unprecedented challenges. The schedule is quite unfavorable, and we have to show real skills to qualify.

Truth be told, it's not just about playing a few games. This is a big test for Chinese football from top to bottom, from the coach to the players, to the support team behind it, all have to be tested.

Every game is not just a chance to win, it is a good time to show the spirit and strength of our Chinese football. It's time for the world to see that Chinese football can also be played!

If the national football team can break through in this qualifier, it will not only be in Asia, but also on the global football stage. Every minute and every second, every scramble, is related to the future and direction of the national football team.

This game is not just about the players, it touches the hearts of every Chinese fan. We are all looking forward to the national football team to have good results and give our Chinese football a long face!

Netizens said: The national football team is really sweating in this world preliminaries, the schedule is so unfavorable, you have to do everything you can to advance. However, this is also an opportunity for the national football team to shine on the world stage!

Another netizen said: Hmph, the national football team wants to take the limelight every time, but what is the result? Don't always shout slogans that are loud and disappointing. This World Preliminaries, I'm looking at the suspense!

Don't rush to conclusions, the game has to be played one game at a time, and the boys of the national football team have to fight point by point. Let's wait and see if the national football team can surprise us this time!

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