
Steel Moutai, housing prices, beef, everything is plummeting, and our people are surprised, happy and confused

author:Small cakes

Steel Moutai, housing prices, beef, everything is plummeting, and our people are surprised, happy and confused

Oh mom, why did this world become like this? Steel, Moutai, housing prices, beef, everything is plummeting, making our people surprised, happy and confused. Happily, things are cheaper, and we can finally eat meat, drink wine, and live in a new house; Surprisingly, this fell too hard, could it be that something is wrong with the economy? Confused, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Let's wonder, what's wrong with this world? Is it progressing or regressing? Why don't we take care of this together?

Steel Moutai, housing prices, beef, everything is plummeting, and our people are surprised, happy and confused

Looking at the current situation, it makes people call "hell"! The price of steel fell faster than cabbage, Moutai fell from the sky to the ground, the house price fell so much that the developer cried and called his mother, and even the price of beef, which has always been as stable as Mount Tai, began to plunge. In this meeting, our people are both happy and worried.

I'm glad that I finally have the opportunity to taste the good things that I could only see but couldn't buy before. The price of Moutai has fallen, and we ordinary people can occasionally have a drink and feel the charm of "national liquor". House prices have fallen, and the dream of young people to buy a house seems less out of reach. Even beef, which is usually reluctant to eat more, can now often appear on the table. Isn't that a good thing?

Steel Moutai, housing prices, beef, everything is plummeting, and our people are surprised, happy and confused

But when I thought about it, I felt hairy in my heart. That's too hard, isn't it? Could it be that something is wrong with the economy? We ordinary people don't understand those lofty economic theories, but we also know that a sharp drop in prices often means that there is insufficient demand. What does a lack of demand mean? It means that everyone has no money to spend! Think about it, if you can't even sell a luxury like Moutai, how grim is the economic situation?

Let's talk about steel. Steel is the blood of industry, if the price of steel plummets, doesn't that mean that factory orders will decrease and production will shrink? If factory production shrinks, will our jobs be lost? Thinking of this, do you feel a cold sweat on your back?

Steel Moutai, housing prices, beef, everything is plummeting, and our people are surprised, happy and confused

The collapse in housing prices sounds like a good thing, but when you think about it, you feel that something is wrong. The house is the lifeblood of our Chinese! How many people's savings have been smashed in the house, and when the house price falls, isn't that equivalent to the shrinkage of our wealth? Not to mention those local tyrants who made a fortune by speculating in real estate, I am afraid that they will cry and faint in the toilet now.

The plummeting price of beef sounds like a good thing at first glance, but when you think about it, it feels wrong. Raising cattle is a time-consuming and laborious job, and if the price falls too hard, what can those hard-working farmers do? They lost money, who wants to raise cattle in the future? Will there be problems with our beef supply in the long run?

Steel Moutai, housing prices, beef, everything is plummeting, and our people are surprised, happy and confused

Thinking about it this way, we ordinary people will have a hard time. Should I be happy or worried? Should I take the opportunity to buy and buy, or should I hold my wallet tightly?

Actually, it's really hard to say. The economy is just like the human body, sometimes the fever is actually fighting the virus, and sometimes the health is actually looking healthy, but in fact, there is a big problem inside. The current situation of a full-blown collapse may be due to the fact that the market is self-regulating and driving back the previously inflated prices. But it may also be that something really goes wrong with the economy, and we need to be very vigilant.

Steel Moutai, housing prices, beef, everything is plummeting, and our people are surprised, happy and confused

But then again, we ordinary people don't have to worry too much. The state has national considerations, and experts have the wisdom of experts. As for us, we should take a long-term view. Instead of staring at these price ups and downs all day long, it is better to think about how to improve your ability and how to gain a foothold in this changing world.

After all, no matter how the world changes, hard work and wisdom will always be the most reliable wealth. There are not many good things about pies falling from the sky, and I really have to wait for the house price to fall to the price of cabbage, and I am afraid that I will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey. Instead of staring at these numbers all day long, you should think about how to make more money and how to make your life more qualitative.

Steel Moutai, housing prices, beef, everything is plummeting, and our people are surprised, happy and confused

Besides, the world is changing fast. If it falls today, it may rise back tomorrow. Instead of worrying about the sky, we should focus on real things. Do your job well, take care of your family, and treat yourself once in a while, that's the right thing to do, isn't it?

Steel Moutai, housing prices, beef, everything is plummeting, and our people are surprised, happy and confused

So in the end, I would like to ask: in this world where prices have plummeted, do you choose to "buy the bottom" in time or continue to wait and see? What do you think about this?

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