
Chen Yanxi is 41 years old and 5 cm shorter than 36-year-old Gao Ye, who is more beautiful? The same frame photo sparked heated discussions

author:Constant Entertainment

The entertainment industry is frying again! No, as soon as the framed photos of Chen Yanxi and Gao Ye came out, netizens made a lot of noise. Some people say that Chen Yanxi is "round and short", and she is not worthy of the title of a big beauty; There are also people who stand up to Gao Ye, saying that she is the real goddess.

First of all, we have to figure out a question: what is true beauty?

Chen Yanxi is 41 years old and 5 cm shorter than 36-year-old Gao Ye, who is more beautiful? The same frame photo sparked heated discussions

As far as the eye can see, Chen Yanxi and Gao Ye stand together, which is simply a representative of two different styles. Chen Yanxi is dressed in a red dress, with a sweet smile, and she is like a girl next door; Gao Ye is dressed in black, full of aura, and a proper workplace queen. This reminds me of the old saying: turnip greens, each has his own love.

Speaking of Chen Yanxi, I have to mention her age. At the age of 41, I can still maintain such a state, which is simply beating time! Some netizens ridiculed: "Did Chen Yanxi secretly drink the elixir? "Haha, if there really is this medicine, I'll be the first to grab it!

Chen Yanxi is 41 years old and 5 cm shorter than 36-year-old Gao Ye, who is more beautiful? The same frame photo sparked heated discussions

However, don't think that Chen Yanxi's beauty only depends on natural beauty. It is said that she usually pays great attention to maintenance. Drinking water, exercising, going to bed early and waking up early are seemingly simple habits, but they are the secret of her beauty. It seems that if you want to be beautiful, you have to work your own!

Let's talk about Gao Ye, this "rising star" is a fan of his strength. Her performance in "Mountains and Seas" made the audience call "explosive acting". Moreover, Gao Ye's temperament is really special, that kind of maturity and stability with a hint of coldness, which makes people can't take their eyes off.

Chen Yanxi is 41 years old and 5 cm shorter than 36-year-old Gao Ye, who is more beautiful? The same frame photo sparked heated discussions

Interestingly, although Gao Ye looks more mature, she is actually 5 years younger than Chen Yanxi! This has to make people sigh: age is really just a number!

Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered an interesting phenomenon. Why do we always like to compare female celebrities together? Isn't that interesting? However, everyone has their own characteristics and charms, and it would be too one-sided to insist on comparison?

Chen Yanxi is 41 years old and 5 cm shorter than 36-year-old Gao Ye, who is more beautiful? The same frame photo sparked heated discussions

I think instead of dwelling on who is more beautiful, let's talk about their work. Doesn't Chen Yanxi have a new drama "Dear Enemy" to be broadcast recently? I heard that the plot is quite interesting, it is about the love and hatred between girlfriends. Gao Ye has also been receiving new film and television dramas, and it seems that both of them are working hard in their careers!

In the final analysis, whether it is beautiful or not, the audience has the final say. is like what some netizens said: "What's the use of being beautiful, acting is the last word!" "

Chen Yanxi is 41 years old and 5 cm shorter than 36-year-old Gao Ye, who is more beautiful? The same frame photo sparked heated discussions

But having said that, Chen Yanxi and Gao Ye are in the same frame this time, which really provides a hot topic for everyone. Who do you think is more beautiful? Is it Chen Yanxi's sweetness and loveliness, or Gao Ye's cold and noble nature?

Actually, I think beauty doesn't matter if you're tall, short, fat or thin, the key is temperament. Although Chen Yanxi is not tall, she is so smart that she can't help but want to take a second look. Although Gao Ye looks cold, the charm of a mature woman is also very attractive.

Chen Yanxi is 41 years old and 5 cm shorter than 36-year-old Gao Ye, who is more beautiful? The same frame photo sparked heated discussions

In closing, I would like to say that beauty is really diverse. Whether it is sweet and cute, or cold and noble, as long as you are confident, you are the most beautiful. So, don't worry about who is more beautiful, appreciating everyone's unique charm is the right way to open!

Well, that's all for today's melon. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's talk together!

Chen Yanxi is 41 years old and 5 cm shorter than 36-year-old Gao Ye, who is more beautiful? The same frame photo sparked heated discussions

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