
Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

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Recently, this TV drama circle has been really lively.

The female-themed dramas are one after another, and they are dazzling to watch.

But to be honest, there are only a handful of works that can really make people shine and praise.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

Let's just talk about the "Ode to Joy" series, the big production of the noon sun, I thought it could continue the glory of the previous work, but the result? The plot is staggering, the character settings are also illogical, and the audience's reaction is generally to shake their heads and sigh, and word of mouth can be said to have plummeted.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

Costume drama? It is also a hard-hit area.

Like "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", the drama of the big heroine, it should seem quite enjoyable, right? But in fact, the heroine is like a hanger, easily achieving her goal, without even sweating.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

This kind of fabulous power setting, the audience has long seen through it, where will they pay attention to the female theme? .

However, there is finally good news for everyone.

That is "Dear Enemy" starring Gao Ye, this drama is really long-awaited.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong co-starring, this lineup is simply starry.

The plot, which is also quite attractive, is adapted from the work of the same name, and delves into the fierce competition and confrontation between the two protagonists, which is based on friendship and trust.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

It is a good illustration of the complex interpersonal and psychological challenges that modern women face growing up, which is really interesting to see.

The two protagonists in the play, Roman and Chen Kaixi, when it comes to the two of them, they really have a fight.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

Once close friends when they were students, they reunited many years later, only to find that their life trajectories were very different.

Roman, with his own efforts, has made great achievements in the workplace; And Chen Kaixi, who entered a wealthy family through marriage, seems glamorous on the surface.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

This change not only caused a lot of distance psychologically, but also made the audience watch it with relish.

This difference made Roman feel a deep injustice.

Although she continues to work hard, it is always difficult to compare with Chen Kaixi's glamorous material life.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

And Chen Kaixi, although the scenery is infinite on the surface, but the heart is full of contradictions and struggles.

These two protagonists, although they maintain a friendly relationship on the surface, their inner contradictions and jealousy gradually turn them from former best friends into rivals of each other.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

The trailer of the plot also revealed a lot of information.

The two protagonists may eventually join forces to deal with the crisis in Casey Chen's married life.

This twist not only adds to the tension of the plot, but also shows the audience a deep exploration of complex human nature and emotions.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

It's really exciting.

As the plot develops, the drama "Dear Enemy" delicately depicts the dynamic changes between the two protagonists, Roman and Chen Kaixi.

In the face of common difficulties and challenges, their relationship also shows potential transformation.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

Not only does this likely to strengthen their bonds, but it also reflects their different attitudes towards friendship and personal growth.

This complex interpersonal interaction also resonates with a large number of female audiences.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

Gao Ye's performance in the play is also particularly eye-catching.

Her role as Roman not only shows a resilient female figure, but every look and movement deeply expresses the character's determination and independence.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

It's amazing.

In addition, although her performance in "Hurricane" is not the heroine, the role of Chen Shuting played by Gao Ye is also beautiful and domineering, showing her outstanding talent among many actors.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

Gao Ye's career is also gradually recognized by the industry and the audience for his talent and unremitting efforts.

It's amazing.

Chen Yanxi also performed eye-catching in the play, she really played the role of Chen Kaixi alive.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

Behind the seemingly perfect life on the surface, there is actually inner dissatisfaction and emptiness, and this complex emotion is vividly interpreted by Chen Yanxi.

Especially in the face of marital crisis and personal trust betrayal, her in-depth interpretation has won wide sympathy from the audience, and this role is really three-dimensional and fascinating for her.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

Of course, the male role should not be overlooked.

Yuan Hong, this charismatic actor, has successfully created an unforgettable image.

His sven scum temperament is simply irresistible.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

And Wan Peng also challenged a complex and changeable role, fully demonstrating the depth of his acting skills.

The addition of these two actors has undoubtedly added a lot of highlights to the drama "Dear Enemy".

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

The drama "Dear Enemy" is not only about the discussion of women's complex emotions and social status, but also deeply explores the process of modern women's self-recognition and pursuit of liberation through carefully woven interpersonal relationships and conflicts.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

Each character in the play shows different understandings and reactions to life through their personal experiences and interactions, and this drama is really interesting to watch and can't stop.

It's not just a product of entertainment, it's a work of art worth pondering.

Gao Ye's big heroine's new drama is coming, with Chen Yanxi and Yuan Hong as the match, the lineup is strong, and the ratings are about to explode

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