
"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

author:Science on the past and the present
"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age
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"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

In June 2015, the Chunlan Cup World Professional Go Championship resounded with warm applause. Coulee successfully defended his title with a solid performance and was crowned the "Eight Crowns".

He clenched the trophy, but a trace of mixed emotions flashed in his eyes. Behind this brilliant achievement, there is a little-known past.

Eight years ago, Gu Li, who was on the rise in his career, suffered the biggest blow in his life. His father, Gu Jushan, died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage, leaving behind a 24-year-old son and wife.

This deep pain has become the driving force for Gu Li's unremitting progress, and it has also made him cherish every moment with his family even more. Today, standing at the pinnacle of the Go world, Gu Li is proud of his achievements and deeply misses his father who was unable to share this moment.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

On February 3, 1983, Chongqing ushered in an extraordinary life. Gu Li was born into an ordinary family, his father Gu Jushan was a geography teacher at the Shapingba Teacher Training School in Chongqing, and his mother Zhang Zhongxun worked in a local bank.

This seemingly ordinary family, but because of his father's love for Go, he gave birth to a bright star in the Chinese Go world.

When Gu Li was 6 years old, Gu Jushan, who loved Go, noticed his son's talent and resolutely decided to send him to Chongqing Chess Academy to study. Since then, the lives of father and son have changed dramatically.

Every morning, Gu Jushan would ride a bicycle and carry Xiao Guli through the streets of Chongqing, rain or shine, to the chess courtyard. In the evening, he would appear at the gate of the chess courtyard on time to pick up his son home.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

In the chess courtyard, little Guli often sat for 8 hours at a time, and his focused eyes and contemplative expression made it hard to believe that he was just a child. Zhang Zhongxun saw his son working so hard, and he was distressed and proud.

She always silently prepares all kinds of snacks and fruits, hoping to give her son some comfort and encouragement.

In 1994, Coulee's efforts finally paid off. At the age of 11, he made a splash at the World Junior Go Championships, winning the junior championship. This achievement not only allowed him to start receiving a stipend at the Chongqing Chess Academy, but also made the Go community begin to pay attention to this talented boy.

The pace of progress in the Coulee is phenomenal. In 1995, he was promoted to the first stage and was subsequently selected for the national junior Go team. In 1997, at the age of 14, Guli made another breakthrough and was promoted to the third dan.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

His talent caught the attention of Nie Weiping, a master in the Go world, and he had the honor of becoming Nie Weiping's disciple.

Under the careful guidance of Nie Weiping, Gu Li's chess skills have been strengthened. Since 2001, he has made a name for himself by winning consecutive championships in major tournaments such as the Tian Yuan Championship, the Ricoh Cup, the NEC Cup, and the Celebrity Battle.

The young Guli began to make his mark in the domestic chess scene, showing amazing strength and potential.

However, the path to genius has not been easy. Despite his domestication, he has suffered frequent setbacks on the international stage. This setback hit the young Gu Li hard, and it also made his father Gu Jushan feel heartache.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

But it was these setbacks that honed Gul's will and paved the way for his future glory on the international stage.

The growth of the young Guli has both the aura of talent and the watering of sweat. His story is not only the rise of a Go genius, but also a moving chapter of perseverance, hard work and family support.

Gu Li's rise in the domestic chess world is like a bamboo, but the international arena has become an insurmountable hurdle for him. Every time he stepped on the stage of the World Series, the invincible chess player in China seemed to be a different person, and he was often eliminated in the first or second round.

The media and chess fans began to label him as "the outer war bug" and "the ancient round", and these nicknames were like spikes that stung the young Guli deeply.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

During this period, Coulee was under tremendous psychological pressure. He began to question his own abilities and even quit. One day, a depressed Gul called his father, his voice full of frustration: "Dad, I'm afraid I won't be able to continue to persevere."

When Gu Jushan heard his son's words, his heart was like a knife. As an amateur Go player, he is well aware of the predicament his son faces. But as a father, he chose to give his son the strongest support.

Gu Jushan said earnestly: "Which Go player can be smooth sailing? Even your master, Nie Weiping, has experienced a low point. A good chess player is bound to be lonely inside, and he needs to fight against himself with tenacity and perseverance.

If playing Go is compared to climbing the peak, then you are now halfway up the mountain, and as long as you grit your teeth and persevere, you will definitely reach the top.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

His father's words gave Gu Li great encouragement. He was secretly determined to prove himself on the international stage. In order to support his son, Gu Jushan worked tirelessly to accompany Gu Li to participate in various competitions, and even spent all his savings.

Their efforts have finally paid off.

In 2006, the opportunity finally came. In the 10th LG Cup World Go Championship, Gu Li showed amazing strength and psychological quality, passed all the way, and finally won the championship.

It was his first World Title and marked his complete removal of the nickname "The Bug."

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

This victory seems to have opened the door to victory. In 2008, Guli won the Fujitsu Cup Go Tournament again, achieving the feat of "three consecutive championships". In 2009, he won the May Day Labor Medal for his outstanding performance.

By 2010, Guli had achieved "seven consecutive championships" and was known as "the first person in Chinese Go".

However, at the height of Coulee's career, fate played a cruel joke on him. In May 2007, 54-year-old Gu Jushan died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage.

This blow plunged Coulee into deep grief for a while. He lost his strongest backing and his closest friends.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

In the face of great loss, Coulee chose to be strong. He turned his longing for his father into motivation and worked harder on the chessboard. Every time he wins, he seems to be able to see his father's smile of relief.

The death of his father made Guli cherish life even more and cherish every moment with his family.

From "Alien War Bug" to World Champion, Coulee's growth path was full of hardships and tears. But it is these setbacks and tribulations that have shaped a true chess superstar.

His story teaches us that success never comes overnight, it requires perseverance, courage, and selfless support from loved ones.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

In September 2009, the scene of the second sports meeting in Shapingba District, Chongqing was filled with a cheerful atmosphere. As a sports star from his hometown, Gu Li was invited to be a guest of the Games.

It was on this ordinary day that fate arranged an unexpected encounter for him.

Also as a guest of honor is an elegant woman - Lu Yuanyang. Born on June 22, 1983, Lu Yuanyang is an outstanding rhythmic gymnast who won a silver medal for his country at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

The two met late and soon discovered that they had many languages in common.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

Although Coulee often travels between competitions and training, this has not stopped their relationship from heating up. On the contrary, the life of gathering less and leaving more makes them cherish every moment together even more.

The lingering love words on the phone and the tacit eye contact on the video call have made this relationship more and more deep.

In January 2013, just after the New Year's bell rang, Gu Li and Lu Yuanyang held a grand wedding in Chongqing. The combination of this talented and beautiful pair has attracted widespread attention, and even Coulee's old rival, the famous Korean chess player Lee Sedol, made a special trip to congratulate and witness this happy moment.

After marriage, the two still maintained a state of long-distance separation. Gu Li continued to serve at the Chinese Chess Academy, while Lu Yuanyang coached the Sichuan rhythmic gymnastics team. Although they don't have much time together, they cherish every opportunity to reunite and work hard to manage the relationship.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

In the winter of 2013, Lu Yuanyang successfully gave birth to a lovely daughter in Chongqing, adding new joy to this happy family. Gu Li, a first-time father, has tenderness in his eyes, as if he sees a new chapter in his life unfolding.

In order to better balance career and family, Lu Yuanyang made an adjustment in September 2015 and joined the School of Physical Education of Southwest University as a teacher. Two years later, Gu Li also made a major decision to bid farewell to the Chinese Chess Academy and return to Chongqing to serve as the coach and member of the Chongqing team of the Chinese Go League.

At this point, the lovers who were separated from the two places finally ended their life of gathering less and leaving more, and began to truly share joys and sorrows.

The love story of Gu Li and Lu Yuanyang is not only a combination of two outstanding athletes, but also a model of mutual understanding and support. They proved with their actions that even in the face of the test of long-distance separation, sincere feelings can withstand the baptism of time and finally achieve positive results.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

In 2017, Gu Li made a major decision: to bid farewell to the Chinese Chess Academy and return to his long-lost hometown of Chongqing. This decision not only means a change in geographical location, but also a change in the role of life.

He is no longer just a professional chess player, but also shoulders the heavy responsibility of coaching the Chongqing team of the Chinese Go League.

Back in Chongqing, Guli faced an unprecedented challenge: finding a balance between competition, coaching and family life. Every day, he constantly switches between these three roles, trying to be all-encompassing.

On the field, Coulee still showed amazing strength. In the 2018 National Go League, he made great contributions to the Chongqing team with an impressive record of 26 appearances and 11 victories.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

As a coach, he has passed on his years of experience and skills to nurture a new generation of players. Under his leadership, the strength of the Chongqing Go team has steadily improved, and it has gradually become a force to be reckoned with in the league.

Back at home, Gulee would take off the halo of the "Eight Crowns" and devote himself to the role of husband and father. He would accompany his daughter to practice rhythmic gymnastics and patiently teach her the basics of Go.

When he saw his daughter win the championship in the rhythmic gymnastics competition of the Chongqing Games, Gu Li's eyes flashed with tears of pride, as if he saw the shadow of himself and his wife.

At the same time, Lu Yuanyang also found his place in the School of Physical Education of Southwest University. She passes on her Olympic experience to her students, while also having more time to take care of her family.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

The couple supported each other and together created a warm and harmonious family atmosphere.

Despite their busy lives, Gu Li and Lu Yuanyang have never forgotten their filial piety to their mother Zhang Zhongxun. They often take their daughter to visit Zhang Zhongxun, so that she can feel the warmth of the family.

This harmonious picture of three generations living together has become the most cherished life wealth of Guli.

After returning to Chongqing, Gu Li showed a multi-faceted life. He is both a master chess player and a conscientious coach; both husband and loving father.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

Between career and family, he has found his own balance and is writing a new chapter in his life.

The death of his father Gu Jushan not only brought a huge blow to Gu Li, but also made him cherish every moment with his mother Zhang Zhongxun even more. Despite his busy career, Gu Li always puts his mother's happiness in his heart and interprets the ancient motto of "100 virtues and filial piety first" with practical actions.

Zhang Zhongxun insisted on living independently, but Gu Li and Lu Yuanyang never ignored her needs. Every holiday, Gul would bring his wife and daughter home for reunion, so that the mother could feel the joy of family.

They also often invite Zhang Zhongxun to travel together, so that she can relax and appreciate the beauty of life.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

Lu Yuanyang also showed great care in taking care of his mother-in-law. She often chooses gifts such as cosmetics, dresses and shoes for Zhang Zhongxun, and pays close attention to her mother-in-law's preferences.

This thoughtfulness made Zhang Zhongxun feel warm, as if he had another caring daughter.

Financially, although Zhang Zhongxun's pension is enough to maintain basic life, Guli still insists on giving additional financial support. He hopes that his mother can enjoy her old age in peace and not have to worry about the trivial things of life.

Every time he saw the satisfied smile on his mother's face, Gul felt a heartfelt happiness.

"Eight Champions of Go" Gu Li: His father died early, and he and his Olympic runner-up wife took care of his mother's old age

The filial piety of Gu Li and Lu Yuanyang deeply touched Zhang Zhongxun. She often sighed: "I am really fortunate to have such a son and daughter-in-law in my third life." Seeing his son's brilliant achievements in his career and being able to take care of his family, Zhang Zhongxun felt extremely gratified.

Now, it has been 15 years since Gu Jushan passed away. Under the careful care of his son and daughter-in-law, Zhang Zhongxun's later life was full of joy and warmth. Not only did she witness her son become an "eight-time champion of Go", but she also saw her granddaughter win the championship in rhythmic gymnastics.

This harmonious picture of three generations in the same house has become the most precious happy memory of Zhang Zhongxun in his later years.

With his own actions, Gu Li not only inherited the traditional virtues of respecting the old and loving the young, but also set an example for his daughter. Under his influence, this filial piety will continue to be passed on in the family and warm everyone's heart.

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