
China is now facing a global problem: the demographic dividend is gone, and the people's consumption is weak!

author:Shakespeare's Playhouse

China is now in a big trouble, that is, the demographic dividend is gone, and everyone's shopping cart is also a lot lighter. This is not a trivial matter, because all along, we have relied on the strength of the number of people, and now that this advantage is gone, what about the economy? What about everyone's wallet?

In the past, China's economic growth was able to run fast mainly because of a large number of young people, who were the country's labor force. Back then, this group of young people crowded factories and offices, and you looked full of energy. But after a long time, the problem came, these young people gradually became grandparents, the young labor force began to decrease, and the once "more people are stronger" benefits are now gone.

I remember that in the past, many industries relied on cheap labor to expand their scale and reduce costs, from clothes to toys, from electronics to furniture, which was not made by a large number of hard-working Chinese workers? But now, the labor force is starting to shrink, and the factory can't find enough manpower, so it's difficult to maintain the original production scale, let alone expand. Production costs began to rise, and the price of previously cheap goods began to rise.

China is now facing a global problem: the demographic dividend is gone, and the people's consumption is weak!

And as the workforce decreases, so do job opportunities in the market. Many businesses are laying off employees or simply closing their doors because of rising costs and fewer orders. This is undoubtedly a blow to the average family, because unemployment means that there is no source of income, and life is naturally difficult. The more unemployed people are, the lower the consumer demand in the market, and the more difficult it is for businesses to do business.

On the other hand, the problem of aging is also becoming more serious. The increasing number of elderly people means that there is a need for more medical resources and elderly care services. The state and society have to spend more money to take care of this part of the population, and these expenses are also a large burden. And ordinary people's wallets are shrinking again, and everyone's spending power and willingness to spend are declining.

Now, walking down the street, you will find many shops with "selling" and "transferring" signs, and those once bustling shopping malls are beginning to desert. The rich can protect their wealth in various ways, but the average person has not so many options. Slow income growth and job instability have put pressure on many middle-class families who would otherwise be able to get by.

In such a situation, the government certainly cannot sit idly by. First, education and training have become a key investment target. In the face of a declining workforce, it is even more important to improve the skills and efficiency of each worker. The state has begun to increase the training of high-skilled talents, hoping that these people can play a greater role in high-tech and high-value-added industries.

China is now facing a global problem: the demographic dividend is gone, and the people's consumption is weak!

The readjustment of the industrial structure is also being actively promoted. Shifting from labor-intensive industries that rely on people to those that are technology- and knowledge-intensive requires an investment of time and money, but is also key to future competitiveness. For example, high-end fields such as the electronic information industry and the biotechnology industry are the objects of key government support.

The government is also working to improve the social security system, especially by investing more resources in employment, pensions and health care. The purpose is to alleviate people's worries and make everyone have a greater sense of security, so that they dare to consume and are willing to consume.

In order to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, the income distribution system is also being gradually adjusted. Raising the income level of low-income groups and increasing tax regulation for high-income groups are all aimed at making the distribution of wealth more equitable and allowing more people to feel the fruits of economic growth.

Finally, stimulating consumption potential is also a top priority. By increasing residents' income, optimizing the consumption environment, and innovating consumption patterns, the government hopes to stimulate everyone's desire to consume. For example, the development of e-commerce and online services has provided new platforms and ways for consumption, making shopping more convenient and attracting young people to participate.

Although there are many challenges, through these measures, we still have the opportunity to see the new force of China's economy. It is a process of transformation from quantity to quality, which is difficult but hopeful.

Hot comments from netizens:

Xiao Zhang said:

"It's sad to see so many shops on the street closed now. In the past, there were people everywhere on weekends, but now it's hard to see even a shadow. ”

Lao Li Tou:

China is now facing a global problem: the demographic dividend is gone, and the people's consumption is weak!

"My son had just graduated from college and had been looking for a job for months. The current job market is really not so easy to mix. ”


"The government should pay more attention to us ordinary people, especially those of us who just need it. Life is getting harder and harder, and I hope there are more policies to help us. ”

Program Ape Adong:

"If the industry wants to upgrade, we have to keep up, and it really can't be done without learning new technologies. Now you must not only be able to program, but also understand artificial intelligence and big data. It's a lot of pressure! ”

Retired Lao Huang:

"It's not easy for young people nowadays, and it's not easy for old people. We, retired old men and old ladies, have pensions rising slowly and have high medical expenses, and I hope the government will consider us more. ”


"I think we have to transform now, and we can't always think about using old methods to solve new problems. For example, e-commerce and online services have really brought convenience to us, at least I am becoming more and more dependent on online shopping. ”

China is now facing a global problem: the demographic dividend is gone, and the people's consumption is weak!

Min Min:

"Hopefully, the government will do more to promote equity and improve our income distribution. Now I feel that the social gap is getting bigger and bigger, you can see luxury cars in the community, and you can also see waste pickers, the gap between the two worlds is too obvious. ”

Great Uncle:

"I think the key is to raise everyone's income level, so that people's wallets can bulge, and consumption power can come up. Now that the purchasing power is declining, how can you be in the mood to consume. ”

Small Business Owner Week:

"It's getting harder and harder to do business, with heavy taxes, high rents, and hard to recruit employees. I hope the government can give us more support and convenience for these small businesses. ”

Literary and artistic youth Xiao Zhao:

"It's true that my generation is under a lot of pressure, but I feel that there are both opportunities and challenges. Now is a critical period of transformation, we must dare to try new things, and maybe we can open up a new world. ”

These comments reflect the real feelings and expectations of all sectors of society regarding the current economic and social situation. Whether it is an ordinary citizen, an entrepreneur, or a young person who has just entered the society, everyone is facing their own challenges and opportunities. The government's policy adjustment, the optimization of the industrial structure, and the improvement of the social security system are all the focus of everyone's attention. In this period of transition, everyone hopes to find a way to survive and develop that suits them, and at the same time, they also expect more support and guarantees from the state.

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