
Big S posted new photos, cut his hair short, and wore bright lipstick, and was suspected of having a mental problem

author:Joy Clock

Recently, Da S posted a new photo of herself, only to see her short hair, big red lips, and lipstick, while wearing lipstick, she did not forget to introduce this luxury jewelry lipstick - the queen's scepter!

Big S posted new photos, cut his hair short, and wore bright lipstick, and was suspected of having a mental problem

Big S

This lipstick is difficult to buy with money, and the Hermes in the lipstick must be booked in advance to be able to buy it.

The moment I saw the photo, I couldn't help but deeply doubt, isn't this her sister Xiao S? This angle looks too similar.

Big S posted new photos, cut his hair short, and wore bright lipstick, and was suspected of having a mental problem

Big S

Some netizens can't help but wonder if Big S has a mental problem, after all, a few days ago, it was rumored that the braised eggs ran back to South Korea.

Big S posted new photos, cut his hair short, and wore bright lipstick, and was suspected of having a mental problem

It's really quiet, quietly, waving your sleeves, not taking away a cloud.

I don't know if the boiled egg ran back to South Korea to stimulate Big S, there was an unusual smell everywhere, I think she was really stimulated.

Seeing that Wang Xiaofei opened more than a dozen Malatang after leaving him, and had a bumper harvest in career and love, he no longer remembered that he still had his ex.

The ex-mother-in-law took the current hand out from time to time, and she never enjoyed this kind of treatment.

For this, it is really difficult not to doubt whether Big S is Wang Xiaofei's nemesis, as soon as he leaves him, his career will be booming, it seems that Big S is really unlucky with whom.

Wang Xiaofei is relieved, but it is the boiled egg that suffers, it has only been a long time, and she can't stand it and runs back to South Korea, and she doesn't know when their relationship will be a head.

However, hateful people must have pity, Da S can really be said to be a betrayal of relatives, his ex-husband ignores him, his current one doesn't love him, and his sister has to step on it.

In the show, it was revealed that Da S had to repay the mortgage of 220,000 yuan every month, and after saying that, she laughed very unkindly, I really don't understand, her sister is not doing well, what is so ridiculous.

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