
Songjiang District held a special meeting on the rectification of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, and Wang Jing attended and spoke

author:Shanghai Songjiang
Songjiang District held a special meeting on the rectification of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, and Wang Jing attended and spoke

On the afternoon of July 2, Songjiang District held a special meeting on the rectification of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, and Wang Jing, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, attended the meeting and emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, further improve the political position, and do a good job in the "second half of the article" of the rectification of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, so as to ensure that the items are implemented, each piece has an echo, and everything is effective, and constantly improve the people's sense of gain and satisfaction.

Songjiang District held a special meeting on the rectification of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, and Wang Jing attended and spoke

Wang Jing pointed out that the central ecological and environmental protection inspection is a major and serious political task, which is a comprehensive physical examination and pulse diagnosis of Songjiang's ecological and environmental protection work. It is necessary to take a high degree of ideological consciousness and action consciousness to take the rectification of environmental protection inspectors seriously, consolidate responsibilities step by step, conduct pressure layer by layer, further clarify the division of work responsibilities, coordinate and linkage, cooperate closely, and resolutely implement relevant tasks, so that the responsibility is assigned to the person and the task is to the post, so as to ensure that the rectification is continuous, not delayed, and not in arrears.

Wang Jing pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the goal orientation and promote the comprehensive and thorough rectification of feedback problems. All units, towns, economic development zones, and resorts should focus on the typical cases reported by the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors and the letters and visits assigned by them, and work with relevant departments to carefully study and identify the crux of the problem, strengthen communication and coordination, and make changes as soon as they are known.

Wang Jing pointed out that it is necessary to highlight both the symptoms and the root causes, and use the normal long-term mechanism to consolidate and deepen the effectiveness of rectification. It is necessary to combine the promotion of problem rectification with the establishment of a long-term mechanism, take the opportunity of the rectification of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, continuously strengthen the construction of ecological and environmental protection governance capacity, promote the continuous improvement of the quality of the ecological environment in the whole region, effectively solve the environmental problems around the masses, and continuously improve the people's sense of gain and satisfaction.

Deputy District Mayor Gong Kankan presided over the meeting. At the meeting, the District Ecological Environment Bureau reported on the work of the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate in Songjiang District and the handling of letters and visits, and the District Transportation Committee, Yongfeng Street, New Development Group, China Railway Second Bureau, and the Municipal Embankment Center made exchange speeches.

Songjiang District held a special meeting on the rectification of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, and Wang Jing attended and spoke

Before the meeting, Wang Jing and his entourage inspected the implementation of the rectification of typical cases involving Songjiang reported by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate.

Text: Peng Lu

Photo: Cai Bin

Editor: Zhou Jiayao

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