
Wu Shenghua went to Weining Autonomous County, Hezhang County and Qixingguan District to investigate the ecological and environmental protection work

author:Bijie release
Wu Shenghua went to Weining Autonomous County, Hezhang County and Qixingguan District to investigate the ecological and environmental protection work

On July 1, Wu Shenghua, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went deep into Weining Autonomous County, Hezhang County and Qixingguan District in the way of "four noes and two straights" to investigate the rectification of ecological environmental protection and feedback from environmental protection inspectors. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on Bijie's work, resolutely shoulder the political responsibility for ecological environmental protection, and do a good job in rectifying the feedback problems of environmental protection inspectors with a higher position, a wider vision and greater efforts, so as to provide strong support for the construction of a high-quality green development model area in Bijie.

Wu Shenghua went to Weining Autonomous County, Hezhang County and Qixingguan District to investigate the ecological and environmental protection work

In Magu Town, Hezhang County, he inspected and understood the implementation of ecological and environmental protection measures in Huangjiashan open-pit coal mine

City leaders Chen Zongjun, Li Xian, and Hu Jingbin respectively participated in the relevant activities.

Wu Shenghua went to Weining Autonomous County, Hezhang County and Qixingguan District to investigate the ecological and environmental protection work

Inspect the scene in the Wulongqiao area of Mayuan Street, Qixingguan District to understand the overflow of domestic sewage

Coming to Binhe Avenue in Weining County, Wu Shenghua had a detailed understanding of the remediation of construction waste, emphasizing the need to strengthen the standardized disposal of construction waste, severely crack down on illegal dumping, throwing, stacking construction waste and other illegal behaviors, do a good job in the whole process of supervision, and effectively eliminate risks and hidden dangers. In Liuqiao Street, Wu Shenghua inspected and understood the treatment of domestic sewage and livestock and poultry manure around Caohai, and emphasized that it is necessary to pay close attention to key areas of non-point source pollution such as rain and sewage mixed flow and livestock and poultry manure, prescribe the right medicine, implement precise policies, and do a solid job in exogenous control to ensure that the pollution problem is thoroughly rectified. In Magu Town, Hezhang County, Wu Shenghua inspected and learned about the implementation of ecological and environmental protection measures in Huangjiashan open-pit coal mine, emphasizing the need to implement relevant requirements for environmental protection, formulate scientific governance plans, and continue to promote the construction of green mines. In Lishu Town, Qixingguan District, Wulongqiao District, Mayuan Street, Wu Shenghua inspected and understood the overflow of domestic sewage on the spot, and asked relevant departments to systematically investigate, speed up the completion of sewage treatment infrastructure shortcomings, resolutely prevent the occurrence of sewage overflow, and effectively promote the high-quality development of ecological and environmental protection.

Wu Shenghua went to Weining Autonomous County, Hezhang County and Qixingguan District to investigate the ecological and environmental protection work

In Liuqiao Street, Weining County, we inspected and understood the treatment of domestic sewage and livestock and poultry manure around Caohai

During the investigation, Wu Shenghua emphasized that it is an important political responsibility to do a good job in rectifying the feedback problems of ecological and environmental protection inspectors, and it is an inevitable requirement to promote high-quality development and improve people's livelihood and well-being. All departments at all levels should improve their political positions, comprehensively check and fill in the gaps, pay close attention to rectification and upgrading, and promote the improvement of the city's ecological and environmental protection work level with problem rectification. It is necessary to insist on tackling the difficulties at every turn, making real changes, comparing the rectification task ledger, analyzing and judging one by one, scientifically formulating rectification plans, and ensuring that the changes are thorough and in place. It is necessary to adhere to the combination of "immediate reform" and "long-term establishment", establish and improve the closed-loop implementation mechanism of rectification, resolutely fight the battle of pollution prevention and control, and continue to polish the background color of Bijie's ecological civilization. It is necessary to resolutely shoulder the territorial responsibility, the main responsibility and the regulatory responsibility, and earnestly realize the responsibility in the heart, the responsibility in the body, and the performance of the responsibility, and promote the implementation of the work with strong responsibility.

Responsible comrades of relevant municipal departments participated.

Source: Bijie Daily Social Media Center Author: Han Lei Chen Xi Editor: Zou Jiarui Editor: Yang Tingting Director: Shi Feng

Bijie release submission email: [email protected]

Wu Shenghua went to Weining Autonomous County, Hezhang County and Qixingguan District to investigate the ecological and environmental protection work

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Wu Shenghua went to Weining Autonomous County, Hezhang County and Qixingguan District to investigate the ecological and environmental protection work

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