
Zhang Kaili: I made a MV as early as 1994, and like Chen Minglin Yilun, I am the "94 New Generation"

author:Xiaojin Entertainment


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[Xiaojin Entertainment] is exclusively released on the whole network for "Today's Headlines", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint


[This article was originally written by Xiaojin Entertainment, welcome to pay attention and take you to grow knowledge together! ] 】

Performance artist Zhang Kaili actually made a MV in 1994!

Zhang Kaili: I made a MV as early as 1994, and like Chen Minglin Yilun, I am the "94 New Generation"

At 19:51 p.m. on July 1, 2024, the famous performing artist Zhang Kaili posted on her personal short video social platform:

Oh my god, MTV's "Distant Little Fishing Village" filmed in 1994 has actually been found! Thirty years! Everything seems to be still in front of you, but things are already different!

Zhang Kaili: I made a MV as early as 1994, and like Chen Minglin Yilun, I am the "94 New Generation"

At the same time, Zhang Kaili also released a short video with a duration of 00:37 seconds, which is Zhang Kaili's previous singing of "Distant Little Fishing Village" MV, let's take a look at what are the highlights worth paying attention to:

Zhang Kaili: I made a MV as early as 1994, and like Chen Minglin Yilun, I am the "94 New Generation"

In 1990, Zhang Kaili became popular for playing Liu Huifang

In 1990, because of her role as Liu Huifang, the female number one in the TV series "Desire", Zhang Kaili became a star, even if Zhang Kaili also made a lot of film and television dramas one after another, but almost no film and television drama can have such a great influence as "Desire", in the hearts of the majority of TV audiences, Liu Huifang is the embodiment of kindness, it can be said that "Desire" has achieved Liu Huifang.

Zhang Kaili: I made a MV as early as 1994, and like Chen Minglin Yilun, I am the "94 New Generation"

The TV series "Desire" became popular in 1990, and the song "Distant Little Fishing Village" was filmed in 1994, which means that this song MV is a big move by Zhang Kaili after filming the TV series "Desire", perhaps because everyone still did not come out of Liu Huifang's play at that time, so that many viewers and friends did not know that Zhang Kaili began to sing and shoot MVs as early as 1994.

Zhang Kaili: I made a MV as early as 1994, and like Chen Minglin Yilun, I am the "94 New Generation"

Zhang Kaili was still very beautiful when she was young

Zhang Kaili: I made a MV as early as 1994, and like Chen Minglin Yilun, I am the "94 New Generation"

It turned out that in 1994, Zhang Kaili made a MV

"Distant Little Fishing Village, echoing with the songs of childhood, Grandpa's long oar shook the sunset red, Grandma's fishing net pulled out the starry sky, far away, a distant fishing village, chasing the wind lantern of the years......" There are two points in the MV of the song "Distant Little Fishing Village" that are very noteworthy:

Zhang Kaili: I made a MV as early as 1994, and like Chen Minglin Yilun, I am the "94 New Generation"

The first is Zhang Kaili's singing skills, it can be said that Zhang Kaili's song "Distant Little Fishing Village" sung in 1994 is very good, and in 2021, Zhang Kaili released a new single "Yellow Photo", in addition, at major parties on CCTV screens, Zhang Kaili also often covers songs, maybe Zhang Kaili is older now, if you compare horizontally, the song "Distant Little Fishing Village" sung in 1994 is very beautiful, and it can be said that it is not inferior to professional singers.

Zhang Kaili: I made a MV as early as 1994, and like Chen Minglin Yilun, I am the "94 New Generation"

The second is that the MV of the song "Distant Little Fishing Village" is very good, in the MV, there are both the fishergirl played by Zhang Kaili, and Zhang Kaili wearing trendy women's clothes, and there are several shots that are very classic, like this one picture, which is very similar to the MV painting style of female singer Sun Yue's "I Wish You Peace". The MV of "Distant Little Fishing Village" was filmed in 1994, which means that Zhang Kaili is the same as Chen Ming, Mao Ning, Li Chunbo, Lin Yilun, Gan Ping, and Huang Gexuan.

Zhang Kaili: I made a MV as early as 1994, and like Chen Minglin Yilun, I am the "94 New Generation"

Finally, we also look forward to Zhang Kaili being able to sing a song "Distant Little Fishing Village" live at the theatrical evening held by CCTV in the next time.

Zhang Kaili: I made a MV as early as 1994, and like Chen Minglin Yilun, I am the "94 New Generation"

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Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

[Xiaojin Entertainment] is exclusively released on the whole network for "Today's Headlines", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint


[This article was originally written by Xiaojin Entertainment, welcome to pay attention and take you to grow knowledge together! ] 】

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