
likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

author:Poetic Literature Society
likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular
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likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

On a spring afternoon in Beijing, a small blue sheep shuttles through the bustling streets, attracting the attention of passers-by. The rider was none other than Chen Minghao, an actor who was nearly half a hundred years old.

He was rushing to the class reunion of the 96th class of the Central Academy of Drama to reunite with his former classmates.

The 48-year-old man, dressed in a plain blue denim jacket and a black baseball cap, is a stark contrast to his current on-screen popularity.

Chen Minghao's low-key way of traveling is as surprising as his acting career. From obscurity to popularity, what kind of turning point has his road to success experienced? What makes this low-key yet acclaimed actor? Let's unravel the mystery of Chen Minghao and explore his wonderful life from stage to screen.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

Chen Minghao spent his childhood in Manjing Village, Beijing. In this peaceful countryside, he lived a free life with his kind grandmother.

Every day, the little Chen Minghao has to complete a series of household chores: carrying water, lighting fires, and grazing. These seemingly daunting tasks are regarded by him as the joy of life.

When he's not working, his favorite thing to do is lie on the soft haystack and look up at the sky and watch the clouds roll up. This unpretentious rural life has accumulated rich materials and unique perspectives for Chen Minghao's future artistic creation.

During this period of adaptation, animation became a haven for Chen Minghao to escape from reality. Every day when he came home from school, he would stay in front of the TV and immerse himself in the fantasy adventures of the animated world.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

These imaginative stories inspired Chen Minghao's love for art and planted the seeds for his future theatrical creation.

In high school, Chen Minghao developed a strong interest in acting. However, in the face of the upcoming liberal arts and sciences division, his parents have already planned a life path for him. In anticipation of his family, he chose science and prepared to become a university professor like his father or a doctor like his mother.

Despite this, Chen Minghao's love for acting has never been extinguished.

The twist of fate came in the year of the college entrance examination. The Central Academy of Drama has implemented an unprecedented policy of "recruiting both arts and sciences". Chen Minghao seized this opportunity and mustered up the courage to apply for the acting major.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

With a deep and magnetic voice, as well as his enthusiasm for acting, he was successfully admitted to the 96-level star class of the Central Academy of Drama, where he studied with outstanding students such as Qin Hailu, Zhang Ziyi, and Liu Ye.

In school, Chen Minghao's acting talent was unanimously recognized by teachers and classmates. However, due to his mediocre appearance, his teacher tactfully advised him to focus on the theatrical stage rather than pursuing to become a screen star.

Although this suggestion made Chen Minghao a little disappointed at the time, it became an important motivation for him to focus on theatrical performances and continue to improve in the future.

In this way, Chen Minghao embarked on the artistic road from Manjing Village to the big screen, step by step, and proved his value with his strength.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

When he was in college, Chen Minghao experienced an unforgettable crush. The object is his classmate Mei Ting, a girl with an outstanding temperament. In the acting class, the two became tacit "homework partners".

In getting along day and night, Chen Minghao developed a deep love for Mei Ting.

However, Chen Minghao has an introverted personality and is not good at expressing his feelings. He hid this crush deep in his heart and only dared to express his heart in a unique way.

One day, he wrote a love letter to himself in Mei Ting's voice, pouring out the words he most longed to hear in his heart. This letter has become the most precious memory of Chen Minghao's youth, and it is also his most romantic interpretation of love.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

After graduating, Chen Minghao resolutely devoted himself to a career in theater. He was fortunate to meet the famous drama director Meng Jinghui, and the two hit it off and created a number of popular works together.

Among them, the creative process of "Opinions on the Life of Two Dogs" is particularly difficult, and it can best reflect Chen Minghao's dedication to art.

In order to find inspiration, Chen Minghao did not hesitate to go to the Northeast to watch the duo's performance, and studied the art of cross talk in Tianjin. He spent more than four months learning to play the drums and guitar just to get the best performance on stage.

The play took four years from its initial conception to its final premiere. Chen Minghao's efforts finally paid off, and "Two Dogs' Life Opinions" set a staggering record of 300 performances that year.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

However, just as "Two Dogs' Life Opinions" was about to take the stage, Chen Minghao's father suddenly fell ill. Faced with the high cost of surgery, Chen Minghao was in a dilemma.

He had to put his beloved drama on hold for a while and instead take on a TV series to raise money. This decision made Chen Minghao very tormented, but it also showed his sense of responsibility to his family and maturity in career choices.

Despite this, Chen Minghao has not given up his love for theater. While taking care of his father, he still insists on creating and performing. He not only starred in classic dramas such as "Teahouse" and "Secret Love in Peach Blossom Spring", but also directed and acted in the pioneering work "Romeo and Juliet by the Sea".

Breaking with tradition and taking place on the beach from 3 a.m. to sunset, this work showcases Chen's bold exploration and innovative spirit of art.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

Even when there is a setback, such as a performance that causes equipment to malfunction due to heavy rain, Chen Minghao can face it with a calm mind. He often said, "Life is full of regrets."

This attitude comes not only from his dedication to art, but also from his deep understanding of life.

Chen Minghao's story tells us that whether it is in relationship or career, self-perseverance and continuous exploration are the keys to success. He transformed his crush on Mei Ting into a love for art, and turned setbacks in life into motivation for creation, and this persistence and growth is the fundamental reason why he can gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Chen Minghao's achievements in the theater industry have long been obvious to all, but in the public eye, his name is little known. This situation took a turn for the better in 2018.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

Friend Mei Ting strongly recommended Chen Minghao to the "Sound Immersion" program team, giving him the opportunity to show his talent on a broader stage.

In the show, Chen Minghao and Mei Ting collaborated on the dubbing of the animated film "Zootopia". His deep and magnetic voice is perfectly combined with superb acting skills, injecting fresh life into the character.

This appearance not only showed Chen Minghao's talent in the field of dubbing, but also let more audiences know this low-key and powerful actor.

Subsequently, Chen Minghao began to emerge in TV series. In "Reboot: Listening to Thunder in the Extreme Sea", he formed an "iron triangle" with Zhu Yilong and other actors, and his affectionate and friendly performance moved the audience.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

The tacit understanding and friendship between the three people in the play seem to be the natural expression of Chen Minghao's years of stage experience. In between filming, he often shared interesting stories about his daughter with Zhu Yilong, showing the gentle side of being a father.

Immediately afterwards, in "The Long Season", Chen Minghao once again showed his strength. Although he is only a supporting role, his rivalry with actor Fan Wei and Qin Hao, who has been nominated for Best Actor in Cannes many times, is not inferior in any way.

Chen Minghao flexibly applied his stage experience accumulated over the years to screen performances, creating characters that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Chen's success is no accident. Over the years, his experience on the stage and his deep understanding of the role have laid a solid foundation for his outstanding performance in film and television productions.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

He brings all his passion to each role, and this professional attitude has earned him universal praise from industry insiders.

In February 2021, Chen Minghao ushered in another peak in his career. He co-serves as the artistic director of the Aranya Theater Festival with the famous director Meng Jinghui and the international actress Zhang Ziyi.

This important role is not only an affirmation of Chen Minghao's status in the theater industry, but also reflects the industry's recognition of his artistic vision and innovation ability.

Despite his thriving career, Chen Minghao still maintains a low-key attitude to life. When participating in the variety show "Longing for Life", he showed his superb cooking skills and made a commendable Henan stew.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

These small details in life show Chen Minghao's unpretentious attitude to life and love for life.

From the drama stage to the TV screen, Chen Minghao has proved with his own strength that real actors can shine on any stage. His path to success is the best interpretation of sticking to his dreams and keeping improving.

In the world full of glitz and hustle and bustle in the entertainment industry, 48-year-old Chen Minghao is undoubtedly a special existence. His success did not happen overnight, but stemmed from years of persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts in art.

From the genius student of the Central Academy of Drama, to the leader on the drama stage, to the powerful actor on the TV screen today, Chen Minghao has taken every step solidly and steadily.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

In his career, Chen Minghao has always regarded drama as his foundation and creative focus. Even though he has achieved good results in the field of movies and TV dramas, he still insists that only drama is his true creation.

This pure pursuit of art has allowed him to maintain a unique temperament and charm in the impetuous entertainment industry.

Chen Minghao in life is an ordinary person who attaches importance to his family. He habitually wears a bracelet, a seemingly ordinary accessory that is actually used to tie his daughter's hair.

This detail reflects his gentleness and thoughtfulness as a father. Although he has been famous for a long time, he still maintains a simple lifestyle, and the picture of riding a little sheep to a class reunion vividly interprets his peace and indifference.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

Chen Minghao's success is the perfect combination of artistic talent and attitude towards life. He shines on stage, but he can keep a low profile in life; He portrays various roles in front of the screen, but he never forgets his original intention.

This contradictory and harmonious quality makes the 48-year-old Chen Minghao look extraordinary.

His story teaches us that true success lies not in momentary glory, but in consistent perseverance. Whether it is the pursuit of art or the attitude towards life, Chen Minghao has interpreted in his own way what it means to "never forget the original intention, so that you can always be".

Chen Minghao's life trajectory is like a wonderful drama, from the innocent boy in Manjing Village, to the outstanding students of the Central Academy of Drama, and then to the powerful actors on the screen today.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

Along the way, he has always maintained his love for art and sincerity for life.

His success is not accidental, but stems from years of accumulation and precipitation. Whether it is the shyness when he has a crush on Mei Ting, or the responsibility when he runs around for his family, or the persistence when creating dramas, they all shape the Chen Minghao we see today.

These experiences not only enriched his life, but also injected deep emotions and life heritage into his performances.

At the age of 48, Chen Minghao still maintains his passion for art and love for life. He told us with practical actions that only by keeping our hearts and constantly improving can we find a path of our own in the complex entertainment industry.

likes Mei Ting and rides the tram to attend class reunions, and it is not an accident that 48-year-old Chen Minghao became popular

Chen Minghao's story is the best interpretation of the ancient adage of "don't forget your original intention, you have to always". His success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to all those who hold on to their dreams.

In this era of rapid change, Chen Minghao uses his persistence and calmness to interpret what is the true spirit of an artist.

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