
Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

author:Entertain with reason

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Entertainment is reasonable

Editing|Entertainment is reasonable


Do you dare to think that Yin Tao, who is known as the "peach in the world", is rumored to have intervened in Li Xiaoran's relationship?

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

In addition, she is known as a goddess of thousands of young men and women, and she actually had a marriage.

But at the same time that this news broke into everyone's eyes, it also brought another "explosive news".

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

Unexpectedly, Yin Tao's ex-husband was also involved in a "bribery case".

In this regard, I have to say that the exclusive route designed by Cupid, the goddess of love, for Yin Tao is really eighteen bends of the mountain road.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

But what happened to Yin Tao, who had a bumpy road in love?

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

A series of accidents

In the previous paragraph, Li Xiaoran's TV series "Celebrating More Than Years Season 2" came to a perfect end.

And she also amazed everyone again with her performance in the play.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

After all, Li Xiaoran's beauty is beyond doubt.

But the most fundamental reason is actually playing dumb riddles with everyone.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

In addition, she accurately grasped the role and interpreted the character vividly, which made countless audiences impressed by her.

However, when it comes to Li Xiaoran, it is inevitably reminiscent of Yin Tao.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

In the end, it is because both of them are called extremely rare "human stunners" in the entertainment industry by netizens.

But the relationship between Yin Tao and Li Xiaoran is not as calm as it seems.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

At the beginning, Yin Tao and Sun Donghai, who was known as the mainland's "Xiang Huaqiang", were more reluctant than Jin Jian.

However, as we all know, the private lives of actors are quite hidden.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

The same is true for Yin Tao.

But she didn't.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

It is reported that Yin Tao and Sun Donghai attended an event held in public together.

thought that Yin Tao would always defend love by doing this, but the result was much beyond her expectations.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

However, you may be curious when you see this, after all, Yin Tao at this time is the real "master of the main palace".

And how did she become the person who "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's love affair in the mouth of netizens?

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

All this has to start with the "past and present lives" of Li Xiaoran and Sun Donghai.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

In fact, Li Xiaoran was Sun Donghai's ex-girlfriend.

And they had an unforgettable love affair at the beginning.

It's a pity that there is no banquet in the world.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

In the end, Li Xiaoran and Sun Donghai parted ways for some reason.

So Sun Donghai was able to meet Yin Tao and fall in love with her.

But reality always likes to collide with accidents.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

According to netizens, Sun Donghai has always been obsessed with his ex-girlfriend Li Xiaoran.

But these are just speculations from netizens.

However, it wasn't until Yan Po's unexpected appearance that the relationship between Yin Tao and Sun Donghai was pushed to another climax.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

At that time, Yan Po was suddenly injured, and the perpetrators were basically Sun Donghai's friends.

In addition, at that time, there was also news that Yan Po and Li Xiaoran were in an underground relationship.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

This can't help but cause netizens to speculate that all this may be inseparable from Sun Donghai's "unforgettable old love".

What's more, he even guessed that it was Yin Tao's "involvement" that caused Sun Donghai and Li Xiaoran to break up.

But rumors are rumors after all, and their veracity needs to be investigated.

Unexpectedly, in the face of all kinds of doubts from the outside world, Yin Tao directly cut through the chaos.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

After that, there was almost no news about Yin Tao and Sun Donghai, and it was rumored that the two might be opposites.

In this regard, some netizens sighed, isn't this the realistic version of "backstabbing".

But Yin Tao, who never wanted to die in love, also suffered a heavy blow in her career.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

Here comes the truth

"I didn't expect the judges of this year to be so discerning."

This is what Yin Tao said at the Magnolia Awards Ceremony.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

You must know that the status of the Magnolia Award must not need to be said, everyone is already like a mirror.

But Yin Tao dared to be so "unscathed".

However, under the deep digging, it was found that Yin Tao could say this for no reason.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

As long as the drama "Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky" is mentioned, the audience's response must be applause.

However, the feedback received by its heroine Yin Tao was greatly reduced from what she imagined.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

In another Golden Eagle Award selection, Di Lieba successfully won the best actress with "Beautiful Li Huizhen".

And this means that Yin Tao, who holds the strength of the drama, missed the award.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

In this regard, some netizens said that Di Lieba "robbed" Yin Tao of the heroine.

As soon as this incident came out, there was an uproar.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

In addition, Yin Tao later won the position of Golden Eagle Award heroine with "The World", which triggered a war of words among netizens.

In addition, some people called Yin Tao a move, killing a horse pistol.

But the truth of the matter is otherwise.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

It is rumored that Yin Tao did not "satirize" Di Lieba winning the award.

And Yin Tao's words such as "the judges have vision" were also said at the Magnolia Awards, not the Golden Eagle Award.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

And it was not Di Lieba who "squeezed out" Yin Tao to win the award, but another drama.

After all, the two of them are not on the same track, so how can they compete.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

All this is just netizens with ulterior motives taking it out of context.

The so-called misunderstanding is good to explain clearly, but how can the "mistakes" on Yin Tao's body be nothing more.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

At the beginning, when she was on the rise in her career, it was suddenly reported that her husband Shen Juncheng was "taking bribes".

This couldn't help but make everyone's jaws drop.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

Isn't it, when did Yin Tao get married, and her husband still has bad deeds?

Although the most important thing for an actor is to have excellent acting skills, their private life is just as important to them.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

And this blockbuster news is tantamount to adding insult to injury to Yin Tao's career.

Fortunately, under the deep digging of netizens, the truth gradually surfaced.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

It turned out that before Shen Juncheng's case, he and Yin Tao had already agreed to divorce.

At the same time, this news also shows that this matter has nothing to do with Yin Tao.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

And marriage is a normal love process for everyone, and this is everyone's freedom, and actors are no exception.

Sure enough, Yin Tao lived up to the audience's love for her.

But she has been frustrated in both her love and career, can she still "turn over as a serf and sing"?

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

Just yesterday, the Hundred Flowers Award announced the list of nominees.

As we all know, Yin Tao's previous movie "Ten Thousand Miles Home" was deeply liked by the audience as soon as it was released.

Can Yin Tao still live up to expectations and be on the list this time?

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

Congratulations, you got it right!

Indeed, Yin Tao was successfully nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award this time.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

This is undoubtedly a new step for her in the road of actressing.

Although Yin Tao's previous love and marriage were not smooth, and she was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, but now she has not lived a new realm in life?

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

And being alone and concentrating on her career may become her new synonym.

Her ex-husband was imprisoned and was rumored to have "intervened" in Li Xiaoran's relationship, how is she doing at the age of 44 now?

What do you think differently about Yin Tao?

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