
Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

author:Grape micro-reading
Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now
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Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

In 2023, the sci-fi masterpiece "The Three-Body Problem" will shock the world, in which Ye Wenjie played by Chen Jin impressed the audience. The 59-year-old actor has won widespread praise for his superb acting skills and elegant temperament.

However, what is less known is that Chen Jin and her brother Chen Zhun made a surprising decision many years ago: never marry and have no children.

Why did the siblings make such an extraordinary choice? How have their lives changed as a result? In the environment full of temptation and pressure in the entertainment industry, how does Chen Jin insist on herself and pursue art? Let's uncover the story behind this unique life choice.

In 1964, Chen Jin was born in a military family in Jinan, Shandong. Her parents were busy with military affairs, and she and her brother Chen Zhun often relied on each other, and this experience laid the foundation for their future intimacy.

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

In the special environment of the military compound, the siblings are both mischievous and unusually independent, which creates a subtle distance between them and their peers.

Chen Jin recalled: "At that time, my brother always took me on expeditions. We used to wander the streets and sometimes sneak out into the fields outside the city to play. That time is one of the most cherished memories of my childhood.

The siblings are different not only in their thinking, but also in the way they dress. Chen Jin is particularly fond of wearing patched clothes, and this unique taste has laid the groundwork for her future artistic career.

"Those patches give the clothes a story, as if each patch tells a unique story," she laughs.

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

In the process of growing up, Chen Jin and Chen Zhun gradually formed decisive and independent character traits. This trait is fully reflected in their choice of college entrance examination. Chen Jin was successfully admitted to the Drama Performance Department of Shandong University of the Arts with his own efforts, while his brother chose to major in photography.

Since then, the siblings have encouraged each other on their own life paths and moved forward together.

Chen Jin sighed: "My brother and I have had our own opinions since we were children. Although it can be a headache for parents at times, this ability to think independently has since become our most valuable asset.

This unique upbringing not only shaped Chen Jin's strong and independent character, but also planted important seeds for her future artistic career and life choices. She learned to stay true to herself in the crowd and not follow the crowd, a trait that played an important role in her later acting career.

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

"Our childhood may be different from others, but it is this difference that gives us the courage to make our own choices on the road of life, instead of blindly following the expectations of others," Chen said.

This experience also gave Chen Jin a deep understanding of the bonds between his family. The deep bond that formed between her and her brother laid the foundation for their later life commitments.

It is this mutual understanding and support that enables them to pursue excellence in their respective fields, while at the same time providing a solid backing for each other.

After stepping into the door of Shandong University of the Arts, Chen Jin immediately devoted himself to the study of theatrical performance. Her diligence and enthusiasm quickly made her stand out in her class.

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

"At that time, I often stayed up all night trying to figure out a role," Chen Jin recalled, "and only when I felt completely integrated into the role could I rest at ease."

This dedication and dedication laid a solid foundation for my future acting career.

After graduation, Chen Jin was assigned to work in the Air Force Repertory Troupe. With her outstanding acting skills and professionalism, she quickly became a core member of the team. Opportunities always favor those who are prepared, and Chen Jin ushered in her first important performance opportunity - the protagonist of the drama "Snow Peak Love".

This role requires one person to play the five corners, which is extremely difficult, but Chen Jin accepted the challenge without fear.

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

"At that time, many people thought I was not up to the task," Chen said, "but I believe that as long as I give my all, there is nothing I can't do." Her hard work paid off, and the success of "Snow Peak Love" made her famous in the theater world.

However, the road to success is never easy. When his career was just starting, Chen Jin suffered a major setback because of his figure. A director bluntly told her: "Your figure is too plump and your appearance is not outstanding, it is difficult to have a way out in this industry."

These words were like sharp knives, deeply piercing Chen Jin's heart.

Faced with such a blow, Chen Jin did not choose to give up. Instead, she began to reflect deeply on her career development. "It was a difficult time," Chen recalls, with a determined glint in her eyes, "but it made me realize that as an actress, acting is important, but image is also not to be overlooked."

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

I decided to change myself and not only improve my acting skills, but also to impress the audience in terms of image.

This experience became a turning point in Chen Jin's career. She began to look at herself more holistically, not only in terms of acting skills, but also in the shaping of her own image.

This all-round self-improvement laid the foundation for her future success in the film and television industry.

"Every setback is an opportunity for growth," Chen Jin concluded, "and it is these difficulties that have strengthened my love for acting and made me understand what it takes to establish myself in this industry."

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

This arduous starting experience not only honed Chen Jin's will, but also made her more aware of her strengths and weaknesses. It became the driving force for Chen Jin to keep moving forward, and planted the seeds for her brilliant achievements in the entertainment industry in the future.

After realizing the importance of image to his acting career, Chen Jin embarked on a difficult journey of self-transformation. She developed a rigorous plan that lasted for two decades.

At the heart of this program is a radical change in eating habits and lifestyles.

Chen Jin made up her mind to say goodbye to her favorite rice, and instead eat fruits and vegetables. "It was really painful at first, especially when I smelled the aroma of rice, and I couldn't help but swallow," she recalls.

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

But I told myself that for the sake of my dreams, this sacrifice was nothing.

In addition to diet control, Chen Jin also fell in love with yoga. She often conducts high-intensity training at home, in this way not only to shape her figure, but also to enhance the coordination of her body and mind.

In an interview, when asked why he prefers to eat peaches, Chen Jin humorously replied: "Isn't the monkey's posture exactly what we are after?" This sentence not only shows her wisdom, but also reflects her strict requirements for herself.

Through unremitting efforts, Chen Jin's figure has gradually undergone amazing changes. Her professionalism and perseverance have also been recognized by industry insiders. The famous director Zhang Yimou once commented: "If Chen Jin plays the role of Empress Gong Li, he may be able to show a new style."

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

Such praise is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of Chen Jin's efforts.

With the change of image, Chen Jin's acting career has also ushered in a breakthrough development. She has starred in many well-known works such as "The Devoured Woman", "The Mountain Does Not Turn Around", "Campus Pioneer", and won many authoritative awards such as Huabiao Award, Feitian Award, and Magnolia Award for her outstanding performance.

Looking back on this arduous journey, Chen Jin sighed: "Change is never easy, but when you see the results of hard work, everything is worth it.

Her experience not only shows an actor's dedication to art, but also reflects a person's strict requirements and unremitting pursuit of self.

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

Chen Jin's transformation journey not only shaped her perfect image, but also honed her indomitable will. This experience became the most valuable asset of her life and laid a solid foundation for her continued success in the entertainment industry.

Despite Chen Jin's great success in her acting career, her love life has always been the focus of public attention. Over the years, she has remained single, and the only scandal that has come out is a rumor with actor Wu Gang.

During the filming of the movie "17 Days of Life and Death", Chen Jin and the married Wu Gang had an ambiguous relationship. This news caused a lot of shock in the entertainment industry. What's even more surprising is that shortly after the filming ended, Wu Gang divorced his wife.

This series of events has sparked a lot of speculation from the outside world, and some people believe that Chen Jin may be the cause of Wu Gang's marriage breakdown.

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

In the face of disturbing rumors, Chen Jin remained silent. It wasn't until later that she confessed that she was a staunch unmarried. "Marriage is not a necessity in life," she said calmly, "I feel very happy in my life now, and I don't need to look for a partner to fill anything."

This choice stemmed from an agreement she made with her brother Chen Zhun many years ago. The two have shown independent personalities since they were children, and when they grew up, they chose an unusual life path.

Chen Zhun promised to take care of his sister for the rest of his life, which made Chen Jin feel relieved and down-to-earth.

"I know that choice may be questioned," Chen Jin said with a smile, "but I believe that everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle." My choice may not be understood by most people, but it makes me feel free and happy.

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

Chen Jin's decision reflects her deep understanding of self and her unique understanding of life. She chose to devote all her energy to her acting career and interpreted the meaning of happiness in her own way.

Although there are many speculations about her love life, Chen Jin always insists on her choice. Her story teaches us that the definition of happiness varies from person to person, and that the important thing is to be true to yourself and follow your inner voice.

Now, Chen Jin has entered the age of sixties, looking back on her life, her eyes are full of satisfaction and insight. In her acting career, she has achieved remarkable achievements; In the family relationship, she maintains a deep relationship with her brother Chen Zhun.

Although to outsiders, her life seems to have some regrets, but for Chen Jin, this is a rich and complete journey.

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

"The value of my existence lies in communicating with the audience through my role," Chen Jin once told of her life beliefs, "As long as people remember the roles I played, I will be satisfied."

These words express Chen Jin's dedication and love for art, and also reveal her unique life values.

Chen Jin's life choices may seem a little unusual to some people, but she has found her own happiness on this road. She gave up marriage and family in the eyes of the world, but gained precious freedom and self-realization.

"Everyone's definition of happiness is different," Chen Jin said with a smile, "The important thing is to be true to yourself and follow your inner voice." Her story teaches us that there is no standard answer to life, the key is to find a lifestyle that suits you.

Actor Chen Jin: I met my brother without marriage and infertility, and I had a scandal, how are I doing now

Today's Chen Jin is still active in the film and television industry, infecting every audience with her acting skills. Her life choices may have given us a new perspective on what true happiness is.

Chen Jin's experience teaches us that the meaning of life is not to meet the expectations of others, but to realize one's self-worth. She interprets success and happiness in her own way, showing a unique and charming attitude towards life.

In this world full of choices, Chen Jin's story undoubtedly gives us some inspiration: if you have the courage to make different choices and adhere to your own beliefs, you may be able to find your own unique happiness.

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